The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Sighing, she begins trying to move her body. It took her at least twenty minutes to sit up, in which her upper body was completely working. Her legs refused to work with her though. She frowned, looking at her hands. This sucks.
Blanco lets the water run down his hair and his body, feeling some light pains when the hot water goes through his scars. All of a sudden he remembers that he has never told Reito about the scars and his past before. That somehow unfairness between knowing her past and she not knowing his makes him frown. Should he tell her? Shutting the water down, he blinks slightly. Not the right time anyway, with that, he puts on a loose shirt and is too lazy to tie his hair up as he walks out of the bathroom. "How great, you are able to move more now." Drying his hair he smiles at her.

Yoi is just cleaning the shelves when she turns around and notice the cake. With that, she smiles, starting to eat it. "Why is each years student more complicated than before?" While eating, she complains to herself sighing.
Maximus sighed and fell down onto his bed just having dried himself off he shook his head as he starred at the cieling. "This place is just too much fun for me to leave so easily." Still allowing his mind to race he slowly fell asleep on top of his covers his hate on a rack nearby and his cane directly next to him.
She nodded. "My legs are being stubborn little b*tches though." She frowned, looking at her feet angrily.
Blanco laughs then, sitting onto the bed beside her. "It's alright. You can stay over tonight if you want, it's fun seeing you can't be able to move and stuff. Fun, actually." He teases, looking side way at her.
Frowning, she laid back down, putting a pillow over her face. "Whatever. I don't see how this is fun." She sulked, not really minding being there though.
(Awww I wish I could do something but maximus has no reason to wake up at the moment I was gonna wait til you too had decided to make it the next day)
Yoi gets drunk again.....With a bottle of wine in her shelf when she's deep in thought with something......
(Or maybe there is a reason haha) Maximus was unable to sleep soundly tossing and turning through the night it was easybto tell which dorm was his by the sounds of his mutterings deep inside his nightmares. He was still laying on top of the now tossed around covers never having gotten into them.
Yoi turns into a mouse and gets out of her clothes as she slips into Maximus's room and snuggles his neck.
Maximus was a light enough sleeper that the sudden feeling of something on his neck woke him. He turned his head to the side to try and find who it was and noticing it was a mouse assumed it was Yoi. "Yoi are you drunk again" He was whispering out of habit but was already pretty sure she was drunk if she was in mouse form in his dorm room.
Yoi snuggles some more and turns into her human form and hugs him as she snuggles again. "Squeak squeak~~~"
"Yoi, Yoi you are naked again." Though he had already seen her naked before having her sleeping next to him naked was not only only a little embarrasing but might look bad. "Yoi I'm not complaining but aren't you gonna regret this when you wake up?" He was trying to be nice and kept whispering but his cheeks were flushed red at this point.
"Sqeakkkk it's normal to sleep with guyyyyyysss I'm far more mature than you think hehe~~~~" Yoi simply replies, drunk as she leans closer hugging his arm.
Maximus was not only extremley red at this point but quite tired and defeated. "Very well Yoi sleep where you want just don't be mad at me in the morning." At that point he tried to sleep with no success the company of a drunk Yoi keeping him awake and thinking. This place was most definetely interesting and he did not want to leave it behind like the others. "&36 Yoi? How long have you been chairman?"
Maximus was getting drowzy and as such began to rant about things he normally wouldn't say. "You know I'm more mature than you think Yoi. Having to run from place to place in order to keep people I become friends with from dying just forced me to be so light hearted. I was once feared by many and probably still am for the crimes I commited against hell. If I were to be caught I would be executed in the slowest way possible its a thought that keeps me up most nights. What happens if they find me here what would they do to the school to..." He had fallen asleep before finishing his sentence peacefully slumbering due to the company. 
(Well now that Maximus is asleep again I should follow night)
Reito sighed, rolling on her side, facing away from him. It was pretty hard to do since her legs were numb, but she managed. She slipped under his blankets wanting to sleep. "Of course you do."

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