The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Maximus set them both down and then turned to notice Drew and Cynthia. He immediately froze out of pure instinct due to the fact that most demons knew about his bounty and criminal record in hell. It took him a while to get back the courage to fight and tapping T, the insect still perched on his shoulder, it lifted its tail launching a small spike from its abdomen at each. These spikes were filled with a type of poison that would first cause hallucinations and then begin to rot the brain. 
(oh okay)
James noticed the figures before them and somehow got the impression they were the enemy, he rose a hand to his face,"Come..Dragon." He murmured to himself as the specter of his dragon formed around him, becoming his armor and helmet, his sword materializing from dragon flames as he readied for combat. His tail flicked about behind like a scorpion's, and eye sockets burned with fire.
Yet, Drew and Cynthia dodge it easily as they approach Yoi and Maximus. "Alala, there comes their rescuers." They chuckle together as black smokes start to spread around them. Yoi blinks, then groans as she lets her nature magic skills come out, with some twisted sharp ended plants come aiming toward them. "Oh come on..Where is Blanco?" She asks.
Maximus was worried but unimpressed by everything happening around him. Their energy was not what he was worried about it was something much worse that scared him. He sighed and leaning on his cane pulled out his giant pocket watch swinging it around with enough speed that it became a golden blur of a circle in front of his face. "You aren't a worrisome pair Yoi it would be easiest to just continue on your own and let us handle them."
Emilio sat on the ground watching them fight. He had a full bottle of Jack and he planned to finish it. Besides a rescue mission for Reito and Blanco? Did these people forget that those two hated him?
The knight rose his sword as it ignited with dragon flames,"Alright, you two, either stand aside, or I won't be responsible for what becomes of you." To prove his point, the aura of his dragon self formed behind him, glaring down at them.
(by the way just a heads up tomorrow I leave for a trip so my posts will be coming from my phone so they may have spelling errors and typos just be patient with me for a week haha)
(moo moo)

Yoi looks back at them, "Alright, two of you. Deal with them. Emilio, come on." Yoi walks to Emilio as she slaps his cheek. "Wake the hell up, I can't go there alone."
Maximus smiled and looked over to James "I got the man you get the chic!" With that he swung the pocketwatch at the man the force of the continuis spinning kept the watch going in a circle as it got closer to the mans face allowing for it to come at him full speed while still a circular blur. "Better watch out this isn't just a blunt weapon!" The truth of the matter was that his pocket watch was surrated and only careful handling kept him from cutting himself on it.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Emilio sat on the ground watching them fight. He had a full bottle of Jack and he planned to finish it. Besides a rescue mission for Reito and Blanco? Did these people forget that those two hated him?
Tiara felt completely better from being unconscious and her side wasn't hurting as much. She walked out the nursery and walked around to find Emilio sitting on the ground and she sat next to him not saying a word.
"Your name is Taria, right?" Yoi sighs, sitting beside her then. "Aren't you two close? Can you please wake him up from his..Um..Drunkiness?" She smiles.
SilverBlack said:
"Your name is Taria, right?" Yoi sighs, sitting beside her then. "Aren't you two close? Can you please wake him up from his..Um..Drunkiness?" She smiles.
Tiara looks up to see a kid she hasn't met before. "Yes I'm Tiara..." She looks at Emilio. "Id say we're kind of close. What do you mean wake him up? Is he okay?" Tiara looks at Emilio closer.
His father chuckled, backing up. "She'll become like you. Half angel, but yet, half shifter. Her powers will differ from any we've ever seen. Now, son, I injected her blood into you the night I traded you off. You'll be exactly the same, and once the process begins, which will be in a few days, you'll both come to me for help." He grinned, backing into the shadows. "See you, Son." He disappeared with that.

Rei blinked, her mind still swaying and her eyes darting all over the room. she felt like she was trapped inside a dead body that refused to do what she wanted. She glanced up, looking at Blanco, but in reality her eyes stayed stony and empty. Come on! Move!
Blanco frowns at his father's words, still unable to understand. And hell no, he wants Reito to stay as a complete shape shifter. She's beautiful that way. And...He has her blood? No, goddamn it. Silently, he turns back to watch Reito. It takes a moment before he sets his mind back and carries her up bridal style out of this building, letting her rest against his chest. "Drew, Cynthia, we are done talking. Now get your asses back to your toilet home?" He smiles charmingly at them before looking over at Maximus. "Thanks for dealing with Yoi, I believe the town's people impression of you will change since they saw you chasing a naked girl with her clothes." Glancing over at James, he smiles lightly. He finally rests his eyes back to Reito, and sighs.

Yoi smiles pleasantly at Tiara, "Oh yes, your lover's drunk." She chuckles slightly then notice Blanco coming back. Her worries cease and relief swarms over her.
Maximus noticing that the fight was over let his pocketwatch stop the head of it embedding into the ground with a great amount of force before he placed the giant thing back into his pocket. "The energy is gone, did you kill them?" He was unable to sense why but the energy had disappeared from the building. He was still on his guard in case he was attacked but he was slightly more relaxed. "I hope you don't mind I had to improvise different clothing for her." He bowed removing his hat quickly. "Is it over then?"
Tiaras wide eyes look at Emilio. "Hes not my... lover." She looks back at Yoi. "I dont think I caught your name?"
In her head she was snapping at Blanco, trying to make him let her go, but in reality, all she was doing was laying her head against his chest, looking like a small little rag doll instead of herself. She tried to move, but her body was still numb, dead.
Blanco smiles quite sadly, "I'm sorry to say that no, we did not kill the enemy. He disappeared." He sighs again. "By the way, apologizing to me won't do any good to her. And I don't care whatever or not she's naked or her clothing. As long as she's safe that's good enough."

Yoi chuckles, "You two look like some really good pair though. My name's Yoi Sasaki, the SDC chairman." She extends her hand. 
Blanco looks down at Reito and he furrows hid eyebrows slightly in worries, "You alright yet?" He asks with a light smile.
She felt her finger twitch. Alright, there's one finger. Soon she lifted her arm, only able to move it slightly and rest it against her stomach. Stupid frigging morphine. What the hell is going on?
Maximus nodded and sighed looking around. "Well what do we do now?" He put his hat back on and leaned against his cane. "Do we return to the academy or what?" Suddenly he turned to Yoi. "And I know I promised to pay for you next time you wanted to go to the bar if you stopped running around but please do not decide to go back tonight."
Tiara looked a new person nearby Yoki, Maximus. "Nice to meet you Yoki." She turned to Emilio. She already met one new person today and didnt know if she can handle meeting another. Meeting people is so odd to her... Tiara snaps her finger on front of Emilios face. "I- Yoki? I dont know how to get him undrunk? Any ideas?"
"It's Yoi, and nice to meet you indeed. Seeing Reito in that situation...Yes, we can't go to the bar tonght, sadly." She sighs.

"Great, you can move you arm slightly now. Right now rest, sweetie. You will be fine soon." Blanco is starting to enjoy this, it's as if he's talking to a newborn baby. "Shall we go back to the dorm then?" He looks to Maximus.
She wanted to hit him so bad when he called her sweetie, she felt annoyance sear through her and tried to make her face go angry, but it stayed slack and empty. She barely managed to move her shoulder, and she tried to move her neck. Are you kidding me right now? Since when was I weak enough to give in to morphine! What the hell did he use? An elephant tranquilizer? If he gave me morphine why aren't I asleep!?

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