The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Frowning, she started getting agitated that other people from the school were in the same building. She waltzed over to the door and shut it, putting her back to it and watching everyone in the room. The half-fae turned to look at them while pouring himself a drink. "Can we help you with something?" The old demon lady laughed, pointing to the bloodied body. "Like we need to help them with anything. They killed our body guards! We should just eat them and be on our way." "Now now Cynthia, it seems like the people we've been looking for, just saved us a day of trouble." The old one chuckled, standing up and extending his hand to Blanco. "I'm Drew Cunning, and this is my wife, Cynthia. It's a pleasure to meet you two at last."
Maximus sighed and picked up Yoi's clothing again looking at Emilio and shaking his head. "Just keep her there or even better go back to the school with her trapped in your shirt that way she will be in a safe place to be drunk." He looked at the insect on his shoulder and sighed. "If only I could give her something to make her sleep but he said not a scratch so we just have to protect her."
"Nice to meet you too," Blanco smiles but has no intention to hold his hand. "So there is a b**ch who wants to eat us in here, I see. How fun, you guys are very, very interesting indeed." His smile is pleasant and calm, though those words just come flying out of his mouth. "Mind telling us why the hell are you guys here?" 
Yoi snuggles in her mouse form against Emilio's stomach.
Cynthia stood, growling. Just as she stood, Rei walked closer, growling. Her eyes flashed bright red, and he canines extended. "Woah, woah there puppy." The half-fae walked closer to her, holding his hand up. She snapped her teeth at him and he pulled his hand back. "Feisty, aren't you?" He grinned. "I'm Max." He looked her up and down. She felt like a bug under a microscope and wanted nothing more than to rip him to shreds at that moment. Drew smiled. "We're here for you, actually." Reito glanced at him. "Cut the crap, demon."
"Anywayyyyyyyyy, mind getting to the point real fast, son of a b**ch?" Blanco sighs lightly, playing with his hair while he leans against the wall, watching Max cautiously.
Cynthia grinned. "Let me kill this one Drew, just this one. It's the girl he really wants." She clapped her hands together, excitement fueling her. Drew tapped his foot. "No, he wants them both." He looked over at Max and nodded. Max grinned, grabbing Reito by the arm. "Hold on tight sweetie." She snarled, her claws digging into his flesh. Within a moments notice, they were gone. Drew smiled at Blanco. "Your turn, except, we're not that fast, so we'll get there a bit later. Come come." He wiggled his finger as he and Cynthia walked out of the room.
Maximus had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach he had felt that transport and it had felt like a punch in the gut. On pure instinct he went to the room where he had felt it come from looking back to Emilio for a moment. "Don't let Yoi get hurt or we are both in trouble." Once he reached the room he kept from opening or breaking the door down but simply stated. "I felt that somebody get taken out of here?" After saying that though he also had a bad feeling about Emilio and Yoi and quickly ran back grabbing Yoi out of his shirt. "Sorry about the feel up."
Blanco's eyes widen a bit when Reito disappeared within a second. When Drew notices him to follow him, his eyebrow slightly raises. "How about tell me where that dude brought Reito to?" He's smile disappears and his voice is cold.

Yoi squeaks angrily and bites Maximus's hand...
Maximus kept his grip and stuck her in one of his vest pockets giving her a sugar cube. "Just snack on that and please stay in there I have a bad feeling about the current situation so I really really really am begging you to stay there. How about this if you don't run away from me next time you go to the bar drinks are on me?" He was desperate to keep her on him at this point the feeling of everything that was happening was hitting him hard. One thing that sucked about being a demon was being able to feel large discharges of power and it was not fun.
Drew smiled. "Don't worry, friend, We're taking you there." He walked out, looking at Maximus as he passed him. He walked with his wife outside and to the alley in the back of the bar. You could still see bloodstains from when Reito and Blanco had killed those people there. Cynthia clapped her hands, and you heard a distance flutter of wings. After a few seconds a cluster of bats flew around them. "Come on, kid, if you ever want to see her again, step in the circle of bats."

She exhaled, feeling as if her body had been torn in a million different ways. She looked up at Max, who was smiling. "It's okay, that happens the first time you travel by the way of the fae." He extended her hand to her, and she snarled. "Where the hell am I?" She looked around. She was in some sort of office building, and it seemed like no one had been there for awhile. "You're in the initiation room." He smiled, and pulled out a whip. "Now you're going to do as I say, we wouldn't want to see that pretty face all mangled, now would we?" She spat at his feet, her canines fully extended. "Go f*k yourself." He cracked the whip.
"How about, I want to see her now?" Blanco smiles lightly. "Bring me to her first, and I will listen to you all you want." His smile gets cold.

Yoi squeaks as she turns back into her human form. "Alright, no more playing. But this is Blanco's business. Interfering with it might means going deeper into his secrets, and Reito's too." She lets her hair falls onto her chest. "Which is against the school rules." Yoi is not drunk now, or to say she already was not drunk when she hid into Emilio's clothes. Oh, she has no intention to wear her clothes by the way.
Maximus shook his head. "Very well I will stay out of his business but, I may need some help getting back to the school now that you are sober." With that he fell to leaning on his cane. "There was too much energy in one place I accidentally absorbed some and it is not doing me good." He was able to keep upright with the help of his cane but it was obvious he wasn't going to be walking all the way back without help. "Also what should we do with the guy at the desk I kind of broke a lot of his bones, and do you plan on getting dressed?"
"No," Yoi simply states as she walks back to the guy at the desk. "Just leave him here, and, go back to the bar." With that, she sets off without waiting a response from Maximus. Back of the bar, she remembers.
Drew smiled. "That's where we're taking you." He gestured to the circle, the bats still fluttering about. Cynthia clung to his shoulder, giggling. "Well we could always just leave you here, then you'd never see her again." She grinned.

Rei frowned, after tearing that fae apart from whipping her, she felt much better. She stood up, wiping her own blood from her face and wincing. Little bastard hits hard. Soon, a man stepped from the door on her right. She crouched down, her eyes staring at him. He grinned, clapping over and over. "Bravo, you're just the beautiful, vicious little girl I saw that night." She froze, her eyes wide, horror shocking through her.
Maximus sighed and followed Yoi back to the bar he was obviously slower and seemed to be having a hard time moving for a bit. This slowly subsided as his body released the energy it had absorbed and let him return to normal. "Why are we heading back to the bar haven't you had enough for one night or were all the drunken things you did purely fun, and when are you going to get dressed again!?" he ran after her with her clothes in hand. "You can't go to a bar naked!"
"Just hold the clothes longer," With that, Yoi slips to the back of the bar to sneak a look at all of the thing that's going on.
Emilio followed them. His drunken state had him reverting to his Asazi assassin mentality. He stayed hidden and made no noise while tailing Yoi and Maximus.
Drew grinned, clapping his hands together. As soon as he did that, the bats closed in on them for a moment, then flew away, leaving them in the room where Reito was slumped against the wall, staring at the floor and zoned out completely. She wasn't moving, and she looked as if she had seen a ghost. Cynthia looked over at the mangled body of the fae. "Ah, she got to him."
Yoi shows a tired smile at Emilio, "Hey, how about bringing him to his dear home first?" Meaning the dorm, she points at Emilio, noticing him already. 
Blanco furrows his eyebrows as he walks over to Reito, standing in front of her and facing the man that caused her to zone out. He brings a smile to his face, his coldest and yet saddest smile ever. "Long time no see, father." His emotions are hidden under the layer of his emotionless eyes. 
(Sorry if you don't like the twist >.<)
"I would miss but I sort of got a bit drained when that thing teleported out of the hotel. I do this trick where when anybody unleashes a large amount of energy I absorb some allowing me to get a reading on their power and if I get enough doses create a small immunity to their specific energy other than conjuration and hell hopping I can't do anything else but that energy was so much that I dispelled some of my own energy just to contain it. Long story short I can't do Jack right now aside from walk. But Emilio can you make it back to your dorm on your own? You don't seem to be staggering just seem a bit sinister."
Emilio stayed hidden in the trees, his senses heightened, his presence nothing more than a slight whisper, almost as though a butterfly was fluttering by, and halfway drunk.
Yoi punches Emilio in the stomach so he faints and throws him to Maximus. "Dorm~Dorm~" She tiredly says.

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