The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

She looked back at him, annoyed. "And you do know I can take care of it, right?" She frowned, looking back at the guy. " I-Its just an old couple." He stammered. " Old couple my ass, I can smell a demon from a mile away." She thought back to Zero, his scent was strong, but not that strong. "What are they doing here, cause it sure as hell aint staying the night."
"I just hope that you are going to Blanco Yoi because I do not want to chase you down and then have to go another direction to find him!" He was having a hard time keeping up on his feet so he decided that it was time for a different method. He allowed himself to float ever so slightly making sure to make running motions so that it at least looked like he was still on his feet. He was able to move about twice as fast when he flew though he doubted he could catch her he would at least keep up.
Blanco sighs at her coldness. "Alright, alright. You do seem as if you want to do this alone." He turns around, going to leave.

Just then a mouse flies toward his head but he catches it with his hand. "Ah, Yoi...What's wrong?"
Maximus came in not long after panting with her clothing in his arms. "You are so fast when you are a mouse Yoi!" At that moment he was able to wipe enough sweat out of his eyes to make out the situations. "Uhm hello, I am Maximus and I uh I would guess you are Blanco." He bowed and removed his hat. "Yoi is a bit drunk so I was trying to return her to the school but she got away." He held out her clothes towards him. "These are hers."
She frowned. " Do me a favor and check that room." She refused to say that she couldn't do it alone, and hoped that simple phrase would let him understand.
Blanco frowns then smiles, "Thanks, Maximus. I am Blanco Blondo, the student council president." He says simply, putting Yoi into his pocket and takes the clothes, then smirks up at Reito. "You need me," he laughs as he walks back.
Maximus smiled a little bit and bowed again. "Glad to finally meet you I can see you are busy but after you finish I would like to talk with you about joining the student council myself." He couldn't help but be a little nervous in the situation though he could feel other demons in the area, and unfortunately for him he was not much liked by his own kind. Finally deciding it would be the best idea to take a step back so that they wouldn't find him he moved back a little bit towards the door. "I'll just uhm stay back and let you work."
James finally took notice of the fact the others took off and decided to follow them, he followed, hoping

he wasn't too far behind.
Frowning, she looked over to Maximus. She smelled him as soon as he walked in and she didn't know whether he was good or not yet. She kicked the boy in the stomach, causing him to grunt. "What are they doing here." He whimpered, then started laughing. "You're pretty dense, If I were you I wouldn't go in there~" He wiggled his finger in Blanco's direction. She grabbed the dagger, pressing his finger against it enough to draw blood. "You want to lose that finger, kid?"

He laughed again, then his body began to morph, and he turned to smoke, slipping through her fingers and around her. "Oh, my sweet girl. The master will be so pleased to see I've caught you." He tightened himself around her, making it hard for her to breathe. She snapped, her canines extending and her claws growing, She slipped out of the mist, backing into Blanco. "Check, the room." She turned the dagger in her hand, backing away and watching the mist coil around itself and move towards her.
(Maximus xD Oh and the boy she kicked in the stomach was the one she was holding the dagger to.)
That second Yoi turns back into human using her long wavy blue hair to block her chest as she hugs the guy at the desk. "Moooo~~~Kiss~~~~" She forgets that she's naked, really. She doesn't even know what's really happening.

Blanco frowns, then smiles. "Okay okay princess~" He turns to Maximus, "Student Council huh...How about defend her for me while I'm gone? If you let her has one scratch you might end up in the school jail." He says it with the most charming smile ever as he disappears to check the room.

(brb eating)
Maximus nodded and quickly threw her clothes back on her before raising his cane with a inhumanly wide smile. "Guess I get to go psycho huh?" His smile just kept getting wider until it literally reached from ear to ear. Once there his skin turned black and his eyes became a glowing white. Although it was a terrifying transformation it really did nothing for him aside from frightening those weak of heart. "Yoi I need you to stay close to me."
Frowning, she walked past him. "Oh hell no, I'm going in with you." She looked back at the desk guy, who was staring, embarrassed by the naked girl on him. "What the- get off of me!" He tried to push her off, but ended up planting his hand on her breast and pushing on her. His face filled with color and he lowered his hands to her waist, pushing her like that. "Get off!"
Emilio walked into the hotel. He had consumed 4 bottles of Jack, and was working on his 5th. " this is where you went Blanco..."
Maximus turned towards the man who had pushed Yoi and jumped at him. He swung the cane he always kept at his side so hard across his face that two of his teeth flew from his mouth and his jaw shattered. He then kicked the man to the ground and broke both his shoulders by quickly shoving his cane into both shoulders. "You heard the man not a single scratch you idiot."
Rei frowned, watching him beat up the guy at the desk. Ew. More people, just what I need. She rolled her eyes and backed up, heading to the door and sniffing it. Yep, two demons, and a half-fae, it smells like. Odds are they know we're here.
Yoi starts to snuggle Maxiumus then completely naked and forgets about her clothes existence. "Squeeaaaakkk~! Emilio~~~~" With that, he jumps onto Emilio and starts to snuggle him instead.

"Alright, a plan first, or just bust open the door?" Blanco's smile is rather creepy yet eager to do something.
Maximus sighed and grabbed her clothing picking her up and dressing her by force. "You know Yoi normally I would not be force dressing a woman but you have made me do this." He suddenly seemed to notice that Emilio was here. "Oh hey Emilio can you just forget you saw Yoi naked by chance?" He was still in his nightmare form and once he had finished he kept a tight grip on Yoi.
Rei looked back at Yoi. "Interesting girl there." She pressed her hand against the door, grinning at Blanco. "Since when do I make plans?" She lifted her foot, kicking the door in and waltzing right in. There were about five men in the room, along with the two demons and half-fae. Two of the guys got up, and she pulled her dagger out, slitting one of their throats and stabbing the other in the stomach. The other three got up and started running at her.
"Alright, alright, peaceful." Blanco sighs, letting some wires tie all three up with his magic without letting the wires go. He also turned the wires into iron wires and add it with another sort of magic so they couldn't transform into other stuff to escape. "Anyway, let's start with information should we?" He smiles.

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