The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"I am the SDC chairman, you should say that to Blanco," Yoi smiles lightly. "Don't worry, at first he is seeking for new members, but now since he has enough members he won't use force all that much unless that person interests him all that much." She replies to James.
" The Asazi don't turn against a superior...even if its a deserter. We have more respect for those who are a part of our small group. Someone who outranked me would have to give the order to go against me. The first person attacked was in animal form. So I'm guessing they're close to here and it was a simple hunting mistake. The other attacks were most likely because he launched a counterattack fearing retaliation against himself and the rest of the Asazi"
"Interesting all very interesting so do you think this will be the end of it?" Maximus was purely curious as usual and really had no need for any information. "Oh how rude of me would anybody else like a cup of tea?" He conjured up a cup for everyone in the room and set them on the table before sipping from his own cup.
"it maybe...if we released him. The Asazi don't leave a man behind... You can be sure within a day of keeping him...they WILL be here. Not to worry though, they are civilized and will attempt to work things out peacefully...if that fails, they'll just kill what's necessary to free him...and if pushed, fight till the last person is dead" Emilio seemed to be reminiscing. "keep him for a day...I want to talk to him. I'll handle the Asazi when they come"
"If you have somewhere else to be, go. I'm doing things my way." She frowned, rubbing her temple and sighing.
Maximus was listening to almost everything being said simply because it interested him. "Sounds like an interesting group of people you are a part of." he was still drinking his cup of tea when a centipede like bug with only six legs all beneath the head came crawling out of the skulls eye on his cane and perched on his shoulder. Seeming to not notice he simply continued to drink his tea.
"I am NOT a part of them...that was a long time ago." Emilio folded his arms and looked back out the window with a wistful look on his face.
"I apologize I did not mean to offend you." Maximus bowed his head and removed his hat in his own strange way of saying sorry. The insect seemed to mimic his movements until he began to drink his tea again. "So what shall we all do while we wait?"
"...I'm going to talk to him alone...I'll let you know if anything interesting is said" Emilio pushed off the wall and walked out of the SDC room.
Maximus shrugged and sat down back on the table only able to wait for him to return. Realizing that nobody was really watching he nudged the insect on his shoulder and it ran down his arm onto the desk and over to the arrow. Once it reached the arrow it sucked up one of the drops still on the arrow tip and then returned to his shoulder. "Guess I just have to wait here for something exciting to happen."
"What a free man," Yoi chuckles lightly at Maximus. "So much unlike Emilio or Blanco," she turns her gaze toward James. "It depends on his own action, he is in a hotel with a girl named Reito right now. I cannot predict which action he will choose, come here or go with that girl."

Blanco leans against the wall, sighing. "Eh~That reply sounds so cold~" He sighs with a smile. "Ever heard of Asazi? According to Yoi it's part of what Emilio was in," Blanco used the past tense. "He was the one to attack the school, and Emilio said it might be a hunting mistake because the first person attacked was in animal form. Do you believe so?" He tilts his head slightly as he looks at Reito.
Emilio walked to where the attacker was being held. "so...what are you doing here...father. You almost killed a friend of mine. What are the Asazi up to?"
Maximus chuckled and gave his little insect a pet on the head before sighing slightly. "Do you know of anything fun to do around here? I haven't been around long enough to find anything really so I get bored quite often with only my conjurations." He held his cup out so that the teapot could pour him some more before drinking. "I can't break the rules to have fun either because then you'd be after me." He was thinking out loud by this point and not really paying attention to his own words.
"Hm~? How about join the hunting club and go kill all the monsters inside the forest?" Yoi suggests.
"Oh? We have a hunting club? How interesting." He smiled the idea of hunting was something he enjoyed. "Where can I find their president?" He was very much interested in this club and it would definitely help him waste time until he could meet Blanco.
"Just saying, the hunting club members are also the murderers that caused the huge massacre in the town 5 years ago," Yoi grins.
The man spoke in a guttural whisper that could not be heard by the others in the room. "So they're closer than I thought...well no matter. We'll just let you go when they get here...but I'll not be going with you...I have chosen my own path." Emilio's habit of leaning against walls kicked in. "there is nothing for me in the Asazi anymore."
"Go find Blanco? I feel like I really need him in the school now." Considering the fact that people want him and there's information that he might want to have and all the new problems that's coming up, Yoi needs him as she looks toward James. "It's in the Golden Heaven Hotel, right behind the information center. I believe the information center is surrounded with all the 'Do not go near' fences right now because a small massacre happened there a few days ago, so it might be easy to find." Yoi suggests again.
"Well that changes things I think I will not join the hunting club." Maximus was a little disappointed he had been interested until he found out that little fact. The thing he hated more than anything in the world were people who harmed those that couldn't fight back. When it came to monsters in the woods they weren't exactly helpless but to massacre townspeople was different. "How were they punished?" 
"And did you mention a massacre a few days ago?" Maximus despised murderers and would like nothing more than to hunt them down.
James nodded and stood up,"You can count on us, Yoi." He turned and headed off to find the information center. Something told him big things were happening and he was gonna be in the midst of it all.

...Please note that he added "us" and not just "me"...hmm...
"The hunting class kills people who deserves to die because of different reasons," Yoi calmfuly explains. "And they keep their identity as a hunting class member a secret, and the fact that they caused that massacre is a secret of the club as well. But, it is shared among the academy, one of the 'open' secrets shared but not given to any other people besides the students in this academy. Plus, they only know that the hunting class members did it, they don't know who the hunting members are. As for the other massacre that happened a few days ago," Yoi smirks mysteriously. "It is a massacre caused by a secret of a secret, and yes, this secret is not to be shared to normal students."

She then turns to look at James as he left the room. "Thank you~" She grins slightly. "Oh, he said 'us' didn't he?"
Maximus gave her a blank expression as most of that went over his head. "So nobody but the hunting class members know who the hunting class members are, and the massacre they caused was for good reason?" he shook his head for a moment before continuing. "I still don't want to be involved with anybody who is known for a massacre in any shape or form." He sighed and began to float again. "Indeed he did I wonder why, anyway now I need to think of some other way to pass the time without breaking the rules." He thought for a moment before shaking his head again. "Thinking of ways to have fun without breaking the rules is hard, the only thing I can come up with that doesn't break a rule is walking around the town but then I might not be here when Blanco arrives."
James followed Yoi's instructions and made his way to where he thought he would find

Bianco. He just hoped the fella wasn't as bad or tough as people were making him out

to be..but if they did..him and his partner would set the fella straight.

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