The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

James nodded in understanding before taking a seat,"So, who are the other members of this

"Student Council" you keep mentioning, Miss Suzume? Or would you rather just be called

Yoi?" He asked politely.
"It's not against the rule~" Yoi smiles. "Call me whatever you like. Ah, there are many student council members, but the most recognizable ones are Blanco, the president, Reito, Soul, Tavia, Q, and Vera. Sadly, Soul, Q, and Vera are not really participating anymore (becuz they no participate it rp anymore QAQ)." She explains to James.
Maximus returned to the room with a smile. "A lot of people are going to be confused about cake in their dorm rooms." He chuckled and sat on the table a little to the left of the cake he had left behind and cracked his neck. "I hate this human form but it isn't safe enough for me to just walk around campus in my regular form." He began to mess with the cd player his pocket watch had turned into sticking one bud into his ear to listen to some music while also listening to everyone else.
"Is that so?" Yoi let out a small laugh. "It's okay if you don't stay in your human form as long as you don't cause much troubles."

"New members? Like you?" Yoi winks at James slightly.
At the sight of her wink, James tried not to blush and turned his head,"Well..I don't know. I'd need

to learn more before I considered..besides, you mentioned something about "catching their interest" as well."
Maximus shrugged and figured that was a good enough reason for him to stay in demon form. The first thing to change was his clothing but his hair and skin quickly followed as his cane materialized the cd player transformed into his giant pocket watch. Smiling and glad to be in his more comfortable form he began to float again calmly laying back on the air. "So what do we do about the captured criminal how do you go about interrogation?" He was curious to know these things simply because it interested him.
Emilio stood up after a while. He made his way into the SDC room and silently walked by the others and looked Yoi in the eyes. "....I would like to formally join the SDC" Emilio quietly said
"Ah, but you kind of species is rare. Blanco is interest in a lot of stuffs, he's a really open-minded person." Yoi smiles at James. 
Yoi chuckles when she sees Maximus transforming. "The student council president might want to meet him," she explains. 
Glancing over at Emilio, Yoi's smile hardened. "Of course you are welcome to join as long as I stay as the president..."
"I see well then I would like to be there when that happens if that is possible, might be a good opportunity to meet him." He held his hand out as a cake similar to the ones he had left in almost everyone's dorms and on the desk in this office materialized into his hand along with a small fork. He began to eat it slowly as he floated around the room investigating everything.
Emilio looked at her, his eyes clouded with an indescribable emotion. "...It is not yet the time for me to take that title from if you're suggesting that in order for me to be a part of the SDC, I can never oppose you for the position...then I must respectfully retract my previous statement. Without any goal to strive for...I might as wellbe dead..." Emilio looked out of the window, his mind on the attacker...he had seen something that gave him insight as to who the attacker was...but he wasn't willing to share it without a need....and he knew that the attacker wouldn't say a thing to them.
James had to ask,"So..just out of curiosity, but what exactly would one have to do to be offered

a place on the council? Pass some sort of test?"
She checked her watch again. 8:35pm. "At 9pm." She sighed and laid back on the bed, curling in a tight ball.
Yoi chuckles at Emilio's words, "Don't be depressed, young man. I'm sure you will have a goal to strive for, such as who the attacker is...Consider the fact you seem to know some thing about it already." She pauses for a second before checking her new message. "Blanco's in a hotel now, Maximus. But I don't think he wants to meet anyone at this time period, and he said he doesn't know how long he will be there."

Exhaling a sigh, she finally turns to James. "There's no thing as a 'test'. Blanco uses his instinct in pulling people into the council. And if that person doesn't want to join," Yoi shows an apologetic look. "He uses force. Anyway, if a person wants to join, Blanco will see if he or her is interesting enough or helpful enough. And though he doesn't appear so, he is actually very strict about that person's abilities...Something like that."

Blanco glances over at Reito slightly and sighs, "How about starting it earlier? Seem like we're just wasting time, you know?"
Maximus sighed and continued with his little cake. "In the time being may I have permision to veiw the arrow again something about it was familiar, I fully understand if it is not permited for me to see it again." He wasn't bluffing though something abotut the arrow was familiar he couldn't tell what it was with such a short time but it might have been the make. "If we can't talk to the man himself why not see what his weapons have to say."
Yoi sighs slightly, "Alright." She takes out the arrow then, putting it on her desk instead of directly handing it to Maximus.
Maximus took this as a sign he wasn't supposed to actually touch the arrow and so he simply began to look it over hovering above it. "Well the make is if I am not correct meant for non lethal attacks commonly used by hunters who want to incapacitate a target not kill them. Also if I am not incorrect this liquid on the tip," He pointed to a few drops of a light brownish color still on the tip, "may be something called nightmare oil I'd have to ataste it to be sure but it is a powerful hallucinogenic used to cause horrifying visions in the target another non lethal capture technique. I'd have to guess he wanted to take someone with him not kill anyone."
"the arrow is part of my....part of the Asazi tribe. They aren't well known. Most of the time they hire themselves out, kill their target, then the ones who hired them. They never stay in one place for more than an hour. They will never talk even under the most harrowing of interrogations...unless to a superior." Emilio stated before leaning against the wall 
"you're close." Emilio said to Maximus. "it doesn't cause hallucinating, it makes the person perceive that they're hallucinating. They use it to get close enough for the kill...If you were to hit a group of guards with those arrows, you could walk right by and they would ignore you THINKING you were nothing but a hallucination."
Maximus looked at Emilio with a smile. "You learn something new everyday don't you. So it would appear it was a kill attempt but why is the best question." He shook his head and sighed. "You wouldn't by chance be a superior to this guy would you? Or know where to find one?" He had finished his cake and held out his tea cup so that the flying pot could pour him a cup.
Yoi messages Blanco everything Emilio said as she replies, "Interesting, isn't it? I'm curious about what the attacker will say himself." She chuckles lightly. 
"There may be a reason 'why'." Yoi hears Maximus words and she cuts in, "But it deals with students' secrets."
" mean he'll actually use force to get people to join the student council?" James asked, a little

surprised and angry, his eyes turning briefly reptilian to show his displeasure.
".....I was...the best of the Asazi assassins...and when it came to base abilities I was the top fighter..." Emilio reluctantly said
"Yes, but eventually that person will agree with it." Yoi smiles. 
Yoi slightly frowns at Emilio's words. "So, are you saying that that attacker is part of your fault?" Her voice is serious and cold all of a sudden.
Maximus sighed and shook his head. "So the why isn't something we can know." He then turned to look at Emilio sipping his tea. "This is an interesting predicament we are in though not a boring moment eh?" He smiled again before conjuring up two sugar cubes and dropping them in his tea.
James blinked and tilted at her as if asking if she was serious,"Yes well..don't take this wrong way but,

if I were to join this council of yours..I would like to do it of my own free will, not because somebody

used force to get me in."

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