The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Maximus laughed a little before speaking. "I don't know if either group would appreciate my personality." He shook his head a bit. "I don't think they would appreciate the fact that chaos seems to follow in my wake, though the student council at this school does sound different from others. What exactly is it I need to do to be noticed by the student council or the SDC both groups sound interesting, if they could handle me." He laughed before cracking his knuckles again obviously uncomfortable in his current form.
The young man nodded,"Yes, like, why was it built? Or how long has it existed? I'll

be honest.." He pulled out the invite he got in the mail,"The invite you sent out didn't

exactly have alot of info on it..Miss Chairman."
"Blanco will love to have you in the student council, he loves chaos," Yoi laughs. "I sent out an invitation? That is the job of the school chairman, for I am only the SDC chairman. But yes, this academy is quite interesting." She grins.
"Well then maybe I should meet this Blanco person where can I go to see them?" he was also a bit curious about the academy but he had a strong belief that if he stayed long enough and got to know people he might have his questions answered, and get to stay somewhere very fun. He smiled and cracked his shoulders before asking his next question. "One more question, what are the rules on dorms and redecorating?"
"Huh..I see," James put away the invite,"Well, I suppose it's called Academy of Secrets

for a reason..guess this is the kind of place one needs to experience for themself." He

took a gander at the place.
Emilio kept hearing her say that she was the SDC chairman but his face never changed. It had an unusual calm about it. He merely flicked his wrists and the knives scattered around the forest flew back into his pockets."...I didn't get to use the scythe...." He sounded a bit sad but shrugged and kept looking at Yoi. "Ah! You're that girl I met by the river."
"...Blanco is quite a busy person, and is rather unpredictable so I probably don't know, my apologies. You are allowed to redecorate the rooms all you want and stuff. The dorm rules are simple as well, since there is a boy dorm and a girl dorm, you probably know what that is. And, you are not allowed to go out past midnight." Blanco broke every rules on that, she thought and sighs, turning to James and chuckles, "This Academy is filled with species of all sorts who hides all kinds of secrets. This academy keeps the secrets and sometimes help those who's secretly in need of an assistance. But, the Student Council handles most of that. Yes, the rest you need to explore yourself." 
"Yes, I am that girl you met at the river, and?" Yoi turns her attention toward Emilio, keeping her polite smile.
"In that case I hope there isn't a rule against this, and if there is Madam my sincere apologies." With that he began to randomly disappear and reaper around the campus asking every person he met as he did so "have you seen Blanco?" He wasn't planning on stopping until he had found Blanco but he wasn't having much luck with people who had seen him recently.
James stopped looking long enough to ask Yoi,"Excuse me? Do you happen to know where I go to get signed in?"
"I see...and you are the SDC Chairman...nice to put a face with the title" Emilio sat on the ground and stared at the sky. He was happy that he defeated the attacker, and that Tiara was going to be ok...but he was in a deep depression over the fact that he couldn't protect Tiara.
Zerxes watched Yoi talk to all the other guys and started to become a little jealous. He watched her as she turned into a mouse and then looked at the three guys that were there. He was quite disappointed that he hadn't gotten her into the water with him yet. He then stood beside Yoi in her mouse form and looked down at her smiling "Your kinda short aren't you." he laughed and looked at the man they caught.
Frowning, Reito eyed him, shutting the door behind her. "Why would I have to deal with that? If anyone prys on my background though, I'll do something about it." She muttered, sitting down on the other side of the bed and thinking.
(Meow I'm in human form right now anonymous92)

Yoi smiles brightly as she sees Zerxes, "By the way, this is Zerxes..." She starts introducing and pauses. "The sign-in sheet? Zero just throws it at me, follow me then~" Yoi happily trots away from Emilio as she calls back, "Emilio~! If you're gonna stay depressed then bye bye for you~"

Blanco sticks over to Reito, "I don't know. The attacker was in the school jail now and he had an arrow that yeah probably represent something~So, if you help me deal with Emilio~" Hint hint, he smiles.
Frowning, she looked at him again. "What do I have to deal with Emilio for? Can't I just kill the attacker and be done with it?" She propped her head on her hand, looking at her wrist watch. It was almost 8:30pm, at 9pm she'd start searching the hotel.
Maximus was getting kind of tired of looking so he ended up decided to go back to Yoi. When he appeared in front of her he was panting from all the running he had done and wiped some sweat from his forehead before speaking. "Blanco is not easy to find is there any way to contact him other than running around the entire academy looking for him?" he finally regained his composure before looking at Zerxes with a tilted head. "I believe we haven't met yet I am Maximus may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"
Emilio waved her off. He couldn't have moved his legs if he wanted to. He had moved to the point of being faster than the light 4 times today. His leg muscles were pretty much torn at this point.
Yoi smiles at Maximus, "Blanco's not even in the academy right now, I believe he's somewhere off in the town with a girl." With that, she walks to her SDC room, which is a clean room with a bunch of stuff under a table, and goes around to her own desk where the sign in sheet lies on top of it. "You sign in here, for now." She grins at James.

Blanco chuckles, "What if the attacker happens to have some information? And I am tired of dealing with Emilio, that's all." He sighs a little, "Where are you going to start for the research in this hotel anyway?"
"Ahhh a night out at the town it is." He had absentmindedly begun floating again and was now doing figure eights around the room while he watched her. "Is this Blanco a lady killer by chance?" he broke out laughing before continuing. "Then again at this school calling somebody a lady killer is probably a bad idea." he eventually stopped floating and sat down at the edge of the table. "Where would one wait for this Blanco to return and when is he expected back? I would like to meet him sooner than later as I have nothing else to do with my time as of current."
James nodded and went to the sign up sheet, he picked up the pen and wrote down his name,"Well..I guess that's pretty much it. Gotta say, I didn't expect my arrival to be so..eventful," He shrugged,"But, I guess life has a way of surprising you, in the most unexpected ways."
"This Blanco is not a lady killer," Yoi politely replies back as she checks James' sign-up sheet. "This academy is very eventful, from a villain kidnapping student to monsters eating students." She chuckles a little at her own words and smiles back at Maximus. "Blanco appears anywhere at anytime, if it's after school then he will most likely be in the student council room though. But if it's nighttime, he's either in town wandering or in a girl name Reito's dorm room."
"Ah I see how interesting it would appear I am going to have to wait a bit to meet him then." He sighed and started fumbling with his cd player. "Is he the only person I can talk to about joining the student council?" He had begun to swing his legs off the end of the table when he seemed to suddenly have an idea. "That might be fun, but I wonder if it breaks any rules."
"Nope, he is in charge of it. And what do you have in mind?" Yoi watches Maximus with curiosity.
He chuckled a bit before speaking. "Well is there a rule against leaving food in dorms??" He smiled almost certain it was against the rules. "If so I apologize for what I am about to do." With that he disappeared only to pop up in almost every empty dorm leaving behind a small cake with a red top hat frosted on the top. Where he had been sitting before a similar cake appeared with a note reading "Sorry about the rules XOXOXO Hatty P.S. I promise none of the cakes are poisoned."

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