The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Yoi blinks at the heart and chuckles, "Interesting~!" She returns it back to Z. "Well then it's okay, but next time if I'm in danger you need to save me," She sticks out her tongue slightly before turning her attention to Emilio. "You know, just keep waiting and then failing to shoot your knives and stuff really don't work? Ever thought of having some strategies?" Yoi smiles.
Maximus suddenly turned a corner directly into the center of the chaos. He had been humming and swinging his cane when suddenly he stopped directly in front of Emilio and pulled out a pocket watch about the size of his head from behind his back. "Oh it's tea time!" He chuckled and watched as a black teapot with bat wings flew in overhead and hovered by him. Pulling out a similar tea cup Maximus looked around him as the pot poured him a cup. "Why hello there does anybody else want a cup of tea? I brew it fresh every tea time." He looked to his left just in time to knock an arrow headed for him out of the way with his cane. "Any takers?"
James found himself walking through the forest, alone, or so he thought. Just as he stopped to

take a breather next to the tree, he looked up at the chaos before him,"What the.." Just than,

an arrow flew by and splintered part of the tree he was near,"Dang it!" He ducked behind

cover as he glanced out,"Arrows? Who.."

He growled as he focused,"Whoever's causing this chaos will pay.." The silhouette of a dragon

formed around him, giving the man his armor, he pulled the helm down over his face as he

pulled out his sword for combat.
Emilio didn't answer her. He kept scanning the area. Every time his eyes moved faster and faster. Emilio threw to knives in what seemed like a random direction. The figure appeared and both knives hit him in the arm before he could disappear. Emilio's bloodlust spiked when he hit. The figure disappeared once it was hit.
Maximus smiled at Yoi and whistled a second cup flying into her hand as the pot began to pour her a cup. "Hello madam allow me to introduce myself, I am Maximus but right now," he quickly removed his top hat to bow before continuing "please call me Hatty." He smiled and sipped his tea looking at the chaos around him. "What seems to be happening here I am very upset that so many people are upset and I had nothing to do with it!"
Yoi sighs, "They drive their minds crazy without actually thinking of a strategy," Yoi sips the cup of tea and glances through the woods at James, "Another one who's easily provoked~! And he seems to be a new student as well." She chuckles.
James began to breathe flames through the vents of his mask as he looked around. He spotted

Yoi and gave a quick burst of flame to destroy some arrows,"Excuse me? Do you happen to know

who's attacking us,Miss?" He asked politely despite the tense situation.
Maximus smiled and chuckled leaning on his cane as he sipped his tea. "From what I can see they are all going crazy over a few arrows and just running at whatever the enemy is, why haven't any of them thought to get behind the enemy?" He sighed and sipped his tea again the pot still flapping its wings to stay in flight next to him. "I can't even sneak into rooms at night and scare people because of all that'a happening now it's just such a bother trying to have fun now." He fixed his hat on his head and adjusted his vest a bit before standing up straight again. "I sometimes even bore of being a student here."
Emilio smirked and waited. He was getting close. His strategy was already in play. He had a telekinetic link with all of his weapons and now knew the location of the enemy. He jumped towards the spot just as the figure appeared and grabbed the figure by the neck. Emilio's knives shot past the figure and hit the same tree before the piano wire started to intertwine "Constrictica" The figure kicked Emilio away and disappeared before the wire could kill him, though not without receiving a nice amount of damage.
"Because we don't know the enemy's position," Yoi calmly replies. "The enemy can vanish or appear at any places whenever he or she wants, we can't even sneak behind him." She blinks and turns her attention to James, "My apologies, I don't know yet as well." She smiles. 
Yoi claps her hands, "Hey, that dude actually got a strategy. Can't judge a guy that easily, huh." She chuckles again.
Maximus chuckled and clapped as well before turning around and tilting his head slightly. "That's not right I wonder." He slowly walked up to a tree and hit it with his staff causing a thin long bug to climb out of a neaby hole and into the eye of the skull on the end of his staff. "Thought I was missing something!" he smiled and chuckled petting the skull on the end before turning back to Yoi. "The enemy has the ability to move faster than we can track and appear wherever they want yes? Then why not make every place they could step somewhere they don't want to go?"
Yoi laughs lightly, "A good idea, but if we do that it will cause inconvenience to other students. Which means, we have to find a weakness that the enemy has that only works best on him and doesn't bother the other innocents." She looks at Emilio quietly, "But he seems to have his own plan in mind."
"...he only appears in trees...higher vantage point and Emilio threw his knives in every direction. The piano wire covered every space between the trees had. Emilio waited again. The next time...he would kill the bastard. "he only appears in trees...better vantage point and more cover."
He sighed and shook his head. "Yes I can see that he has a plan but I don't know how well it will work there is always the possibility what we are fighting doesn't even need to touch ground. This guy is a real inconvenience but why is he even attacking us, what does he serve to gain from killing anybody here?" Maximus shook his head and quickly fixed his top hat before it fell off. "This school wasn't nearly this exciting when I got here so what changed." He shrugged and pulled a small bar of chocolate out of his vest pocket offering half to Yoi.
Tiara is gasping for breath and trying not to look at the blood that coming out of her side. She looks around for Emilio. "Emilio! EMILIO!" Tiara starts to try to get up and screams in pain again. "God DARN IT! The boys going to kill himself!" Tiara starts to get up ignoring her pain and ignoring the nurse. "I dont care! My life isnt important!" Tiara moves the nurse out of her way with all the strength she has and automatically falls to the floor. She gasps for more air and looks at her hands. The world seems to be moving around her. "STOP SPINNING! JUST STOP!" Tiara felt her mind give up and she crashed on the floor.
Yoi sighs, "Maybe there's a reason, we just don't know yet." (By the way, it is night time right now) She takes the chocolate and eats it, "And if he's plan doesn't work there's always my way." Talking about Emilio, she turns her thoughts to the cause of this. Maybe it got something to do with Blanco and....That Reito? Maybe it got something with both of them....? Her minds are working fast. "Emilio, how about you stop and go check on Tiara," she advised. She needs more time on stuff, such as informing Blanco about this all.
Maximus sighed and swung his cane a bit before eating his half of the chocolate. "Your way? I'd like to see how you do things." He chuckled a bit and took off his hat to brush off some dirt. "You have already mentioned that my way might be a bad idea, but might I ask what you are so deep in thought about?" He placed his hat back on his head and looked at her. "Did something click by chance?" He smiled a bit and pulled out his giant pocket watch again looking at the time for a moment before putting it away again. "My my time flies doesn't it."
Emilio pulled his last knife out and threw it. The figure was prepared this time when it appeared and jumped back right into the piano wire. The figure started to move forward with his blinding speed and almost did...until his face met Emilio's fist and the figure was sent careening into the piano wire. "no you don't." For the first time in 4 years, Emilio used his telekinetic powers on a human being. He pulled the figure back to him and stabbed it in the ribs with its own arrow. "payback's a...Tiara!" Emilio threw the figure on the ground and turned into a black streak headed for the school
Tiara wakes up feeling light headed. She groans in pain as someone lifts her up and puts her back in her bed. She didn't feel the pain on her side. "Oh my. I havent been carried to my bed for- for ages!" Tiara heard herself speak and got a little confused. She heard herself say something about her PAST, and not in very good english. Am I drugged? Omg this feeling... Yup.
Emilio ran into the infirmary and stopped. Everything he had was a pale white before the black streak caught up. Once the black streak touched him his color returned.
Reito sighed, covering her nose once she caught draft of the smokers in the alley. She kept walking, looking back at Blanco a few times before she arrived at the hotel. She frowned, opening the doors and stepping inside. "Welcome~" The front desk man eyed Reito and Blanco, his eyes scanning them both. "Would you like a double, or a single?" Rei tilted her head to the side, looking over at the wall behind him. It had a big sign with the word "Riverhill Associations." along with a bulletin board.

Frowning, she walked to the front desk, folding her hands on it and crossing her legs. "Double." She eyed the man, who was only a year or two older than him. He smiled a flirtatious smile at her, then fetched the key. "It's 50 for the night, 200 for the week." He opened his notebook full of room lists, names, and guests. "Just for the night." She eyed the lobby, looking around for anyone there. She handed him cash, and when he asked for her name, she said. "Another ten says you'll forget the name." He grinned again, wriggling his eyebrows. "Nah, just go." He handed her the key. "Room 118." She grabbed the key and headed down the hall.
Tiara looked at Emilio curiously. "Come closer. A little closer. A tiny bit more..." Tiar puts her hand on his stomach. "Okay so I at least am not hallucinating. Thats a good sign." Tiara bangs her head back on her bed. "Well that sucked."

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James took a look around the forest, scrutinizing it, he was not gonna take any chances,"Ok..deep

breath..compose yourself.." He did so and seemed to relax a little,"Now...need a strategy. Can't just

burn down the forest, especially with all these people here..."

He also really didn't want to get hit by one of those arrows. For all he knew they could be

laced with some sort of poisonous venom. He knew his dragonic body could probaubly handle

it but he knew it still wouldn't be comfortable.

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