The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"It's nothing~No worries~" Yoi smiles brightly at Maximus as she approaches the attacker on the floor. "James~Emilio got him already actually."

The attacker is a fainted man about 30 to 40 years old, with lots of scars on his face, decorated with blood, and some new wounds. Yoi grins down at him before asking the two guys around her. "So what should we do with him?" 
Blanco follows right behind Reito as he receives a message from Yoi. "Attacker in school, harmed about 4 students, I think. Might got something to do with you guys, dunno." He frowns, putting his cellphone back into his pocket. "So you still planning on sleeping?" He asks with a smile.
Maximus chuckled and smacked the attacker across the face with his cane to make sure he was indeed incapacitated, and just because he wanted to. "Well well I am impressed." He began to look through the attackers pockets to see if he could find anything useful. He ended up finding nothing on him but his weapons. "Somebody wasn't expecting much resistance." Finished with his search he stuck his cane into the dirt and began to balance on top of it. "Shall we return to the school? Or investigate to see if he came alone?"
Sighing, she continued until she reached the room. "It was a joke, I don't really want to sleep."
Emilio waited until Tiara was asleep before heading back to the forest. He landed next to Maximus and looked at the attacker.
"Somebody just attacked our school, Yoi said it might got something to do with us," Blanco says it as if it's nothing and sits onto her bed. "Hopefully Emilio won't be mad at us if it really has something to do with us though. The problem is it's hard to make excuses without revealing our pasts and secrets...But you will deal with that surely right, Reito?" He asks with a charming smile.

Yoi lifts him up by his hair and drags him along the ground. "The school jail might holds him, there may be people wanting to question this brat," She chuckles slightly, meeting Emilio.
James banished his sword but retained his armor, breathing a sigh of relief,"Good.." He

walked alongside Yoi,"So..any ideas as to why this guy was going on a rampage?"

He asked, still not entirely convinced the threat of the attacker was gone.
Maximus was bored with standing and so he began to float in a lounging position along side Yoi. "Are you sure you don't want me to handle that Madam it seems like such a dirty job for a beautiful woman." As he spoke he gave an inhumanly wide smile as was his habit as he chuckled floating along side and looking down at the attacker. "He smells horrible as well." Maximus held out his tea cup allowing the flying pot to pour him another drink.
"There might be a lot of possibilities that deal with students' secrets, really. Even though this academy has its own name it's also known for being the Academy of Secrets~And the secrets can be a real threat to the school....The thing is, one school rule is 'Do not question a person's secrets unless the person is willing to share it, or unless you have the full rights to do so and has already sworn to keep the secrets to yourself.' That kind of person includes the Student Council President, some of the teachers, and the school chairman. As the School Discipline Club chairman, I cannot break the school rules myself. This is the same to the school guardians as well." Yoi explains swiftly. 
"Don't worry, I deal with lots of stuff like this already," She grins at Maximus. "Letting a new student do this job is quite not polite."
Maximus chuckled and sipped his tea. "Very well Madam if you wish." He looked around and suddenly as if realizing he forgot something floated backwards to where they had been standing. Picking up the arrow that he had deflected a while back he floated back next to Yoi examining it. "What an interesting make don't you agree?" He held the arrow out for her to inspect before looking over it again. "Weapons sometimes give the best hints as to where somebody is from, don't you agree?"
James nodded in acceptance of the girl's explanation,"I see...I can respect a rule

like that. Besides...we all have dirty little secrets we're not proud of..and as I've

learned in life, some things..are better left unsaid." He let out a sigh as if reliving

a memory he'd been trying to forget.
"But of course Madam." He smiled and handed it to her tipping his hat politely before taking another drink from his cup of tea. "Being that I am a newer student here I was unaware we had a school jail is there anything else about the school that I am permitted to, and should know?"
"School jail is for anyone who attack the school and its students, or any students who become a threat to the school. Really, I believe it's not much to worry about. Oh, and I mean real threats, turning the school into a zoo won't get you in jail but get you in detention or suspension. Other than that, the rules are all the school rules you can think of. Skipping class...Bullying...Peeking at girls' changing rooms...Stuff like that. And, girls are allowed to peek at boys' changing rooms. Please do not argue with the unfairness, it is not my rights to have any control over that." Yoi smiles at Maximus before turning to James, "I'm glad you understand." She chuckles lightly. "My name is Yoi Susuki by the way. I am the SDC chairman, strict to all students except the Student Council President." 
Seeing Emilio, her eyes soften, "I believe your dear fox girl is alright?"
The knight felt it was only fair he introduced himself,"A pleasure to meet you Miss Suzuki," He

did a sweeping bow,"My name is James White, as you guessed earlier, I'm a new student here,

and what you see before you is my a newly-born Dragon Knight." He glanced down

at his gauntlet-clad hand and clenched it tightly.
Maximus began laughing quite hard for a moment. "Is there a rule against frightening girls in their dorms at night?" He finally stopped laughing but continued to chuckle for a while before quieting down to sip his tea again. "I'd hate to have you be strict with my Madam you seem to be able to hold your own quite well." He let his feet touch ground again to walk normally as they got closer to the school and slowly began to change back to his more human form his clothing turning into a simple black t-shirt and green cargo pants and his hair slowly turning black.
"I am the SDC chairman, of course I need to abide to the rules as well. And I do believe that's part of the rule 'Do not invade people's privacy.' My apologies but you can't do that," Yoi pats Maximus's head slightly before turning to James' direction. "How interesting, a Dragon-Knight. I am the nature spirit who loves turning into a mouse. Your ability might interests the student council, but if you can follow all the rules strictly you are welcome to the SDC as well."
The man in armor tilted his helm-clad head at the girl, he knew from experience that

Student Councils had their fair share of rules and regulations, some of which might contradict

his own morals and standards. The SDC would probaubly have even more,"It's an...interesting

offer, but I think I'll get back to you on that once I'm better settled into this place,"

He folded his arms,"A nature spirit,eh? That's quite interesting as well, it's an honor to

meet one in person."
Maximus chuckled and shook his head. "That is fine I guess and while we are mentioning who we are I might as well indulge. I am Maximus but most people call me hatty, or some call me mad."This he laughed for a bit before continuing and fully returning to human form. "I am a demon who greatly enjoys tea sweets and a good brawl when time comes to it I am also despised by most of my own kind because I strongly object to actually harming those who can't fight back." He gave another bow before his giant pocket watch suddenly transformed into a cd player. "A pleasure to meet you all."
"A pleasure to meet you all as well~" Yoi chuckles lightly. "He is Emilio, the candidate for the SDC chairman, or to say a guy who wants my position." Pointing at Emilio she informs with a grin.
Maximus let out another laugh just before his cane and the tea pot faded away. "It's always so much more fun to do something when you have competition isn't it?" He began cracking most of his joints obviously a little less comfortable in human form. "What does the SDC do exactly I understand you are the disciplinary council but at such an interesting school that could have a lot of meanings."
"We~Take care of the school rules~Deal with threats~And deal with secrets with the student council~And much, much more secrets of ourselves." Yoi chuckles mysteriously.
Maximus smiled and began cracking his neck again. "Sounds like a fun job you get to deal with all the exciting things that happen." he chuckled to himself and stuffed his cd player into one of his large cargo pockets. "I haven't really gotten involved in much yet still a bit new here and all but I think I may just start looking for more fun opportunities." He smiled and looked around for a bit before continuing forward.
"If you are interesting enough the student council might want to accept you," Yoi smiles. "If you don't break any school rules then you may join the SDC."
James turned his head to Yoi,"So, what exactly can you tell me about this place that isn't meant

to be kept a secret? I'd like at least a little knowledge of what I'm getting myself into." The dragon

silhouette from before wrapped back around him, dissolving his armor and returning him to his

human state, now donned in a simple black hoodie with navy blue sweatpants and shoes.

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