The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Maximus caught him a little wobbly and sighed. "I hate to have to do this but here goes." He went up to the nearest car and broke the window and then with a few quick motions he had hijacked the car and thrown Emilio in the back. "I will be back Yoi I really will!" He then drove off to the dorms found the one he figured to be Emilio's broke it open with a lock pick tossed him in, and left a cake and a cup of tea on his table and then left getting back into the car.
He grinned at him. "Hello, son."

Rei shuddered, her eyes dead and her body shaking slightly. She reached up and tugged on his shirt, her body frozen.
Emilio was sitting on the car when Maximus got back. "...." He turned into a black streak and ended up back at the bar. He hid in a tree and allowed his presence to become completely concealed.
Maximus drove the car back to exactly where it had been and entered the bar looking around for Yoi. "Where did that girl go?" he was worried about what was about to happen and his powers were coming back soon he would be able to conjure and hell walk. "Yoi? Yoi you here?"
Yoi starts to play with her hair while realizing that everybody's gone. Since she plays with her hair she reveals her whole body, including her chest, didn't realize that Maximus has come back.

Blanco looks back at Reito, his eyebrows tighten and loosen. "So what's wrong with you, father? Abandoning your son to a slave owner and then off you go raping a girl up." He asks as he turns his head back, a little trembling in his voice but he remains his composure. 
(needa sleep >< )
Maximus started blushing when he noticed that Yoi had fully exposed herself and finally able to conjure again he snapped his fingers a red dress forming around her body. "It just doesn't feel right letting a beautiful woman walk around the town naked at night." he sat down nearby her and sighed. "I know that I am not supposed to ask about anything having to do with this situation but are they going to be okay? I felt the energy when they left and it was so powerful I was defenseless there when it happened." He sighed. "I guess maybe I'm just weak."
His father chuckled. "Don't worry about her son, I just showed her the truth." He walked forward, keeping his eyes level with Blanco. "You see, it's dangerous to have this little beast snooping around, trying to find one of my most successful partners, and her shifting can be an asset to us. You could also come back, you know." He put his hand on his shoulder. "I've missed you, and I regretted selling you off from the moment I accepted it. I want you back, and I want you in charge of this corporation after I'm gone. We're family, we have to trust each other." Rei made a small noise, like a whimper, and started rocking back and forth. "Quiet, dog." Drew snapped.
(Sorry, had to go to bed early. What can I do to help?)

James could've sworn he heard voices coming from somewhere.
Yoi sighs at the red dress onto her, she can no longer feel the night breeze blowing over her entire body while she advances from her plan. "A student is having danger, I don't know if Blanco can fully rescue her herself. We might need Emilio's help, but he's drunk." She says to Maximus. Seeing James wandering alone, she calls out, "James~! Go wake Emilio up."

"She is not a beast, she is a beautiful monster," Blanco simply says, letting his father touches his shoulder as he stands right in front of her with his arms slightly open. "It's unbelievable isn't it, going back to a loser who sell his son off and left him with all the scars, then wanting him back so he can harm his precious somebody with some son of a b**ch." Who's that "somebody" is clear enough. "Such unbelievable words coming from you, father. And I'm sure you can understand what I meant by 'unbelievable'...That means 'impossible.'" He frowns a little, and a heartless smile forms onto his face again. "I trust you already, father. I trust you that you can become my most disgusting enemy in the world."
James heard her order, grunted, but complied and headed off to where Emilio was,"Um..Emilio? Time to wake up, we got trouble."
Maxmus sighed and held his head though he had dispelled most of the energy and was feeling better it had given him a splitting head ache. "The last time I felt a power like this my..." He trailed off mid sentence and laughed. "Nevermind that would be telling you my secret and then we would all die." He shook his head and stood up. "I want to help in any way I can but I'm still only starting to recover also I am sorry about the dress but it just feels so ungentlemanly to stare at such a beautiful woman naked before buying her dinner." He chuckled finally getting back to his usual self.
"I like a light blue dress better but either way thank you, I really don't mind." Yoi laughs slightly before walking to the empty back of the bar. "Where do you think they went?"
Maximus pointed in the general direction of the office building. "I felt them go that way, it wasn't a hell transfer but I can still sort of feel them because of the huge amount of energy used in the transport but its only a direction." He snapped and the dress changed color to be light blue. "I have a question for you, as SDC chairman do you need to know secrets that put the school in possible danger?"
His father sighed, turning his head to the side and looking back at Rei. "I regret the day you got involved with her, since the reason that we'll be able to survive lies within her veins. The night her parents were... taken care of, my... partner, planted a parasite in her veins while she was shifting. That parasite has now combined with her bloodstream and will soon revolutionize her. She will become new and improved. But here's the catch." He picked up his finger, walking around Blanco and patting Rei on her head.

She jerked her head away, snarling. He shook his head. "Uh-uh, you don't want to do that." She felt like she had been drugged, everything was woozy and her body felt heavy. She tried to crawl away from him, but failed, she settled for laying on her side, panting. "I gave her a shot of morphine, this'll keep her from interrupting our little chat. Cynthia, Drew, Leave." They both nodded and withdrew into the shadows.
"What did you do to her?" Blanco's eyes widen at his words and within a second he has pushed his father onto a wall with his hand on his neck.

Yoi blinks and sighs, "Yes, sorta, depends. But I only know the surface of it, and that I need to defend the school from it. But deeper into it? No. Just like I know Blanco and most of the students' secrest, and how Blanco knows nearly everybody's secrets. The SDC and the student council prevent them from threatening the school," she looks slightly away. "My apologies for it if we invade your privacy too much."
Maximus chuckled and shook his head. "Criminals don't have privacy the moment I had a bounty in hell I couldn't keep a secret from anyone if I tried so its okay you should know that some day I might be a target and the school might become a battle zone but right now whats important is what we do with this situation I have my conjuration and my familiar T might be useful." He pointed the the long thing bug on his shoulder. "So what do we do now."
His father swatted at Blanco's hands. "Oh come now, I just gave her a shot of morphine, didn't I just say that? She'll be fine in a couple of hours." Rei curled in a tight ball, covering her face. "Morphine mixing in her bloodstream makes it difficult for her to think straight, and makes it hard for her to hear anything we're saying. By the way son, that parasite was extracted from your body to save your life. It was only by slim chance that it was accepted into her bloodstream, and it looks like it has been."
Maximus nodded and grabbing Yoi again jumped back into hell running around and avoiding most other demons til her came up right in front of the building. The unfortunate thing about hell jumping was that it let off a lot of energy but the fortunate thing was that it was muddled energy and hard to pinpoint. "Alright we are here miss shall we enter?"
Blanco scowls, "You experimented on us." He backs off to Reito as he asks cautiously. "What do you mean by 'new and improved'...As you said earlier."

"No, I need James and Emilio, actually." Yoi slightly grunts.
Maximus shrugged and disappeared again grabbing both James and Emilio. Another good thing about hell jumping was that you could find anybody no matter what because finding people on the over world simply meant feeling their soul. Maximus found it strange that when getting James he felt two souls but after grabbing both of them he quickly made it back to Yoi. "Piece of cake, lets hope nobody vomits though."
Yoi smiles slightly, "Alright--" She turns around, only to notice Drew and Cynthia standing there. Clicking her tongue, she watches them appear. 
(Awww okay)

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