The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Tiara looked at Yoi, embarrassed. "Oh, sorry, Im really bad with names. Yoi. Got it." She turns red and looks away. She scratches her head and trys to get Emilio to move again. "I think Im just going to hang around him and wait until he sleeps and then wakes up again. He should be fine by tomorrow morning."
Maximus nodded. "Do you want to walk to the dorms or shall I take everyone through hell it might be a bit confusing but it is a lot faster." He was already preparing to pick up Yoi and jump through a portal with her. "If nobody else wants to though then I'll just go back that way alone."
Tiara sees Yoi leave and looks at Maximus still there and she THINKS he is talking to her. "Can I have a helping hand with Emilio? Hes kind of... out of it and I should probably take him to his dorms."
Tiara looks at Emilio and blinks twice. "At least you are technically talking now. Even if you do sound like a three year old. Come on little boy." She gets up and pats her thighs to get him to follow her. "I need to take you upstairs and in the condition im in my doctor might shoot me herself if I reopen the stitches."
"...Tiara...if you keep talking to me like I'm a kid...I might have to draw on your face when you go to sleep" Emilio said before scratching his head. "its always so troublesome to drink with such lightweights."
"I prefer walking to the dorms with Blanco and Reito, but thanks for the invite," Yoi replies to Maximus as she flashes a smile at Tiara. "If you have any problems, come to the SDC room." She has something she needs to talk about with Blanco, and she doesn't want to be stuck in a total mind of confusion again.
Maximus chuckled at Tiara and got a good grip on Emilio and her. "Close your eyes this is going to be the most confusing thing you've done all day!" In a second they were transported to hell as he began to jump around even at points running upsidedown with them until finally they came out at the dorms. It had felt like they traveled the full distance to the dorms in only a few seconds though. "Emilio didn't vomit did he?" He laughed a bit before bowing to Tiara. "I hope that was the kind of help you meant."
Tiara breathed hard and felt a huge migraine coming on. "Yes, okay, thank you stranger. Nice to meet you." Now SHE felt drunk... She opens Emilios dorm room. "Come on sleepy head." "Thanks again!" She says almost falling
Maximus jumped away to his own dorm hoping that in his tyrade of leaving cakes in random dorm rooms he had gotten Emilio's. He sat in wait hoping that he would catch Yoi before she went to her dorm. He had a question to ask her and something very important to tell Blanco though he had a feeling Blanco was worried about something he knew nothing about.
Emilio almost threw Maximus away from him. He HATED being moved against his will, but instead he let it slide. It was a first time mistake. It really sickened Emilio that they thought that thought him so weak that he was incapable of moving on his own. "..." Emilio catches Tiara. "I'm not going to bed."
Blanco carries Reito and let her rest on his chest as he starts walking toward the dorm quietly. Yoi walks beside him, looking down at her with a serious expression. "What happened?" She asks slightly but Blanco looks only straight ahead. After a moment of pause he sighs then, "She's quite heavy actually." "...You are avoiding my question are you?" He chuckles then. "Sometimes, it's none of your business." A cold smile spread onto his face as he walks ahead, leaving Yoi to catch up. "Reito, want to go to the bar?" He asks lightheartedly to her.
She finally was able to speak, although it came out as more of a whisper. "Stupid.... why would I...go to a bar.." She hated how weak she felt and looked. She looked around, everything was so dizzy. When I see that man again, I'm gonna kill him..
"Good, you can talk now," Blanco smiles down at her. "How are you feeling, my princess?" He says teasingly.

Yoi frowns, quietly catching up, deciding to change the topic. "The attacker that attacked the school is someone from the Asazi...Where Emilio once belong. We locked him up in the school jail, you can go question him if you like." She says it calmly, showing no emotion in her voice. "I see," Blanco turns his attention from Reito to Yoi. "Thank you very much, SDC chairman." He sounds distant, and Yoi blinks before she realizes that he has much more deep secrets hiding within him together with that girl. As they reach the dorm, they separate, with Yoi going back to Maximus and Blanco carrying Reito to his room.
Maximus ended up deciding to wait at the SDC room it was his best chance of running into Yoi and he had found her clotthes again and he felt that he should deliver personally. "Now then let's think here." His mind was wandering trying to think of the best way to give her as little information as he could without completely lying to her. He wanted to let someone know before it happened and Yoi was the only person he trusted right now.
"Don't call me that stupid.." She closed her eyes, feeling a migraine pull through her brain. "Morphine sucks.." She mumbled, lifting her hand slightly to her head.
Blanco reaches his dorm room and lies her onto the bed. "You don't remember any of the things he said, do you?" He sighs slightly. "My princess~~~~"
Reito managed a frown at him. "Shut it. Half of my body is numb, this sucks.." She looked away, watching the wall.
Yoi walks up the stairs to the SDC room, sighing. She opens the door and seeing Maximus, she smiles tiredly, "Hey, what's up?" 
Blanco starts to tickle Reito's neck, laughing a little. "Soon enough it will worn off, and I will tell you what he said."
She frowned. "Stop that." She turned to face him and gave him an annoyed look. She was pretty ticklish, and really didn't like it because it felt like she was dying when she was tickled.
"Alright, alright, you seem all awake now." Blanco chuckles. "Imma go take a bathe, you rest and when I finished I will tell you everything." He walks to the bathroom then, shutting the door.
Maximus turned to Yoi with a suprisingly serious face. "This is simply something I have to tell somebody I trust almost the moment I arrive anywhere so please listen close. If I happen to dissapear without a trace I want you and everyone else to consider me dead. Don't look for me don't ask around for me do with my stuff what you would with any other dead student's." With that he left the room to go to his dorm without another word.
Yoi frowns and turns around, seeing him leave. Somehow so many things had happened all at once and she can't even sort them out properly in her mind. Sighing then, she marks his words as she sits down onto her seat, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
Maximus arrived at his dorm immediately heading for a shower. He stood their under the water his eyes closed and his mind racing. "I'd like to stay here just a little longer than the others." He sighed and leaned against the wall and tried to regain his happy composure. Realizing he might have worried Yoi he began to concentrate managing to conjure a cake on her desk with the words "don't worry I don't plan on going." Written across it.

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