The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Maximus ended up being the one to turn bright red not having expected that sort of reaction. "well then shall we get going? I don't plan on showering in front of poor Voce." He smiled and chuckled a bit completely forgetting about the danger just around the corner. "Guess it is for the best you walked drunk into my room." He managed to squeeze out of her grip and began his walk again tipping his hat to Voce again. "Have a nice evening Voce."
"Great! You smell like some burned garbage as well," Blanco replies to Aura with a very charming smile. "Reito, look at these beautiful flowers," he gives the basket of weeds to Reito. "Such beautiful flowers isn't it?" He grins before turning to James. "Ah, yeah. But we kinda get enough. But yes, it will still be a welcome for people to join."

Yoi laughs brightly before patting Voce's head. "Always welcome to join the SDC by the way, if you won't break a single school rule." Wait, Maximus seriously plans on taking a bath with me? With that, she blushes lightly. 
Zero walks out of the forest as well. "I am the school guardian, if you need anything, just tell me."
Aura was indifferent to the statement and said again, "May I have my flowers back?"

She kept her arm outstretched, and stared at him with cold, cloudy eyes without a trace of emotion.
Maximus gave a wave to Yoi to tell her to hurry and follow him. Once he had entered his dorm he took off his hat and removed his vest and shirt revealing a good deal of scars across his body that he usually kept hidden. "Hope you aren't afraid of scars."He he was calling her bluff right now to see what she would do if he followed through. The biggest scar on his body was a large roughly circular one to the left of his heart. It appeared in the same place on his front and back a sign that it had pierced his body all the way through. "Do you like warm showers or cold showers."He he chuckled folding his vest and shirt neatly on the bed.
"Okay thanks the names talon by the way" talon said as he looked back at the stranger who helped him. He was still a bit on edge but calm down a bit now.
Reito raised her eyebrows, looking from the girl to Blanco, and back again. "Here." She said, tossing the flowers back at her. She looked over at James, frowning. Then she looked down the hallway, seeing Lenneth walk up. "Oh great, you're here too."

Lenneth frowned. "Nice to see you too Rei-Rei. How have you been?" He grinned when she sucked in her teeth, then looked at Aura. "Oh, a new Student. Hello, I'm Lenneth, and your name?" He extended his hand, smiling a perfectly-straight, perfectly white smile.
Blanco's eyes are shining now because Aura's not a slightest bit offended. She is too interesting, Aura must join the student council.

Yoi frowns at the scars on his body. "What happened...?" She asks, her tone worried as she takes off her clothes. Yet, she forgets to close the door, which means Voce can see them both getting naked.
Aura caught the handle of the basket swiftly on turned on her heel. She stumbled, then fell face first into the dirt, spilling her flowers everywhere.
"My name's Zero," Zero says. "I'm not busy now, do you need help with anything?" 
Blanco chuckles as he sees Aura falls. "Poor girl, poor flowers." He leans close to Reito's ear, "Isn't she interesting?"
Rei raised her eyebrows, watching the girl fall like it was slo-motion. When Blanco whispered that she interested him in her ear, she frowned, annoyance slightly pinging at her conscious. She backed up, giving Blanco a very angry look and slammed her bedroom door.

Lenneth sighed, kneeling down and grabbing her arm, helping her up. "Are you alright?" He asked, then bent down, starting to collect the flowers and place them back in the basket.
Maximus noticed the open door first and shut it before either was fully naked. "Sorry voce but that show costs money."He he chuckled
Aura brushed his arm away and said, "Don't touch me without my permission."

She gave him a cold stare, and then looked down at her now soiled dress.

"Oh..." she sighed. "What a shame."

She knelt down and started to gather up the flowers.
Maximus noticed the open door first and shut it before either was fully naked. "Sorry voce but that show costs money."He chuckled to himself and the sighed. "I told you I had never been beaten so badly in my life this is what he did." He finished undressing revealing a few more scars on his leg before opening the door to the bathroom. "Ladies first." Maximus was having a hard time believing that Yoi hadn't backed down, but he wasn't going to complain about it. "Pick the temperature you prefer."
Yoi laughs as she becomes fully naked then. She walks quickly to the bathroom with a towel around her. "I see.......Must rescue you from those devils now....." She says as she turns the temperature icy cold.

Blanco frowns, and chuckles before appearing inside Reito's room. "Why are you mad~?" He says teasingly.
Lenneth raised his eyebrow. "So, you're telling me not to help you at all hm? Well, my apologies, but seeing as I'm a school Gaurdian, It's my job to help my students when they are in need. Therefore, you will be helped." He said, handing her the basket full of dirty and mangled flowers. He frowned, then snapped his fingers, making the flowers bloom and bright. Then he smiled. "Have a good day, Miss." He said, walking away from her.

Reito frowned, angry at herself for forgetting that he could pop in her room whenever he pleased. "I'm not." She snapped, then walked to her bathroom, shutting the door and sitting against it on the floor. She wasn't mad, was she? She pondered over the thought. Why AM I mad?
Aura's eyes widened at the sight. They were even more vibrant and beautiful than before. Her head snapped to him and she sprung to her feet.

"W-wait!" she squeaked, losing her whispery and composed tone was a moment. She dashed after him with the basket, slid in some dirt again, and fell forward. She stuck her hands in front of her, grabbing the back of Lenneth's shirt, and catching herself.

She sighed, and straightened herself out.
(gonna eat brb)

"You are~" Blanco chuckles. "Jealousy, perhaps?" He teases.

(Alright bro imma go eat brb my darlings)
Lenneth glanced back at her, curious as to why she was grabbing onto him. "Yes?" He turned around, looking down at her muddy and messy clothes. He smiled a bit, then snapped again, making the dirt fall immediately to the ground in front of her. "Much better."

Reito's face slightly turned red. Her entire being said that was the reason. Jealous? Of what? She opened the door and frowned at Blanco, her face still a bit red. "What am I jealous of?"

(Ohkay Mah bootiful Silver~ <3)
Aura stared down at her dress, her eyes still wide.

"That's really amazing." she said quietly. "Thank you."

She touched her dress, then spun around. She smiled a bit, then looked up at him. She stuck out her hand and said, "I am Aura."
Maximus stepped in after Yoi immediately shivering at the cold. "I am not some damself for you to save miss." It took him a second but he managed to adjust to the cold. "I would expect a nature spirit to like warmer water." He laughed but made sure to stay to his own part of the shower and not get so close. He was fighting back a small blush before he decided the best way to keep himself thinking was to talk. "You know Yoi you know all about my secret but I don't have the foggiest clue about yours." He wasn't expecting her to answer but he figured it was a good enough inquiry.
(Okie baii~)

Lenneth smiled, taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm Lenneth." He said tilting his head to the side. His neon-purple eyes scanned her face. "What brings you to this Academy, Ms. Aura?" He smiled again, watching her.
Emilio stood with his scythe barely touching the ground. His breathing was ragged. He had expected this scenario. He knew that he could only keep his flurry of movements up for so long. "heh...I knew this would happen...but I guess I exceeded my own expectations..." Emilio stared at the remaining Asazi who only amounted to 12. "well...shall we start the final symphony?" Emilio switched his hold on the scythe so that his left hands was near the blade and his right hand barely held the end. I'm thinking something somber."
Aura looked away for a second.

"I want to..." she muttered. "I want to belong somewhere, I guess."

She shrugged, then inhaled deeply.

"You smell like air fresheners and cinnamon." she said randomly.
He gave her a quizzical look, then started laughing. "That's good. I was starting to think I smelled like boys and dirt." He chuckled, walking along. "Have you gotten a tour of the school yet?"

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