The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Yoi laughs, "After all the school mess, we can go. After your demon affairs and after Blanco's affairs and new problems that are coming up."

Blanco blinks, "I escaped one night successfully.....And Zero saved me from suiciding...And after that I joined the academy," he pauses. "Father's always working on something that he doesn't want me to know, one night he came back late and the door opened. I thought it was him but instead it was the slave trader." He explains, trying to grab all the pieces of his memories.
She nodded, listening to the story and fiddling with her fingers. I guess we've both had it bad huh. She sighed, laying back on her bad and rubbing her face. "I think they need to get shot, both of them. But first, torture would be good." She nodded.
Maximus sighed and replaced Yoi's top with a coconut bra. "There now you look more festive!" he frowned and gave a small pouty face before smiling. "Fine after Sipher is dead you have to come with me on vacation!" He smiled and conjured up a legaly binding contract that wouldn't let her break the promise. "Just kidding won't make you sign that unless you want."he he tossed it away and began laughing rolling around on the bed. He was obciously hyper for some reason.
Yoi frowns when she realizes her bra has turned to coconut bra and laughs along. "I think you're the one getting drunk."

Blanco laughs slightly, "That's my Reito." He chuckles before sighing. "Alright, so are you going to turn into a half angel with me or are you going to call those phone numbers?" He eyes the contact lists.
"I don't know, are you doing to turn into a half shifter with me?" She said teasingly, rolling on her side and then looking at the contact list. She began putting in one of the numbers in her phone, just about to call it.
"What are you talking about?" He laughed opening his mouth wide enough for her to see he had been conjuring candy directly into his mouth. "I just had some sweets! You want any?" He smiled wide and fell back onto the bed. "I like sweets a lot I also like you lots!" There were three occasions under which he would be completely honest about anything; when he was drunk, tired, or on a sugar high.
"Maximus, you are drunk." Yoi frowns, then laughs. "It's your turn to be drunk anyway," she chuckles.

"Hm~If you want me to~" Blanco leans over to her as she starts to call one of the number, he leans close to the phone, so he can hear what's going on as well.
She frowned, looking at him and putting the phone to her ear. It rang just a few times before a tired, old voice picked up the phone. "Hello?" She inhaled, putting on her best nice girl voice. "Hello, Mrs.Derie? This is Reito, remember me? I was friends with your son, James." Mrs. Derie chuckled. "Oh yes my dear, I remember you, it's been so long. Would you like me to fetch him for you?" "Yes ma'am, thank you." She tried to not look at Blanco. He's probably never seen me be nice before.
"Just because the candy has whiskey in it doesn't make me drunk!!" He rolled until he was on top of her and wrapped himself around her. "I don't get drunk I'm a scary demon!" He was starting to sound like a child trying to act tough. "I'll gobble you up!" he started laughing and biting her arm lightly below the shoulder.
Aura gasped and looked up. She immediately looked back down and said, "I-I'm okay."

She was gripping her dress, and she was shaking.

"I'm not exactly graceful, am I?" she laughed sheepishly, her voice cracking. "I'm sorry."

Her face was now as red as a tomato.

"That poor drum. I killed it." she huffed.
Yoi frowns before punching him on the head, "Now, now. That's very ticklish, little drunken kid."

Blanco is having this Hmmmm~~~ look on his face when he hears Reito talks nicely. "Not fair is it~" He lays his head on Reito's knee and looks up at her, a Not-fair-sweetie look in his face.
Maximus fell back and wiggled around a little bit. "I'm not a kid!" He rolled over to her again this time clinging to her side and closing his eyes. "I'm just a little bit tired not even drunk at all!" He held on tighter to her this time hoping not to be removed. "Just gonna sleep and I'll be all mature again when I wake up." 
(Brb for an hour and a half)
Reito frowned, ignoring him. "Hello?" "James. Its me, I need a favor, and you owe me big." James chuckled. "Sure, I mean its not like I can forget the fact that you saved my granny and myself. What do you need?" "You know anyone by the last name Blando?" She said, speaking into the phone quickly. "Reito, whatever it is, it's not worth it if you get into it with that coorperation." she smirked. "Spare me the danger act, I was already into this when I was five. I need you to find his laboratory, can you do it?" He sighed. "It'll take a day, but yeah." "Good."

Lenneth smirked. Looking her up and down. " I can tell. That's alright." he reached his hand down, looking at her. "Besides, I've already fixed the drum."
"Alright then, good night." Yoi smiles gently. 
"By the way, its Blondo. My last name is Blondo." Blanco corrects her grinning.
Aura looked up her him and then at his hand. She hesitated, then put her hand in his.

"You're hands are warm." she said, blinking at him. She pulled herself up, then slipped her hand away from him.
She frowned, looking at him. "Yeah yeah, I get it." "Is someone else there Reito?" James asked. "Yehp." She replied. "My...boyfriend." She looked to the wall, her face slightly red. "Oh damn, You have a boyfriend? I did not peg you as the relationship type." She frowned. "Yeah whatever just find it." She muttered, shutting the phone and putting it on the side of the bed. 
He grinned, looking at her. "Well I hope so. I'd hate to lend a helping hand to someone when they're cold."
Aura stared at her bare feet and said, ""

She glanced back up at him.

"Want to go pick some more flowers with me?"
He tilted his head to the side, considering it. "Sure." He said after a moment, the walked forward, heading into the forest.
Aura walked beside him and said, "I know a place where they grow everywhere."

After about five minutes of walking, she lead him into a clearing with dandelions, buttercups, clovers, and a bunch of other weeds.

She inhaled deeply and let out a content sigh.
He smiled, watching how happy she was. "You really love flowers, don't you?" he touched the petals of a lilly, his fingers brushing over the smooth surface gingerly.
Blanco laughs when Reito says he's her boyfriend. "Yah~It sure do feel good when I heard that~"
"They're pretty." she smiled, sitting down into the middle of the field. She laid down on her stomach and closed her eyes, laying the side of her face down in the soft bed of grass.

"They...just make me happy." she said quietly.
Reito's face got redder. "Shut it, pancake." She stammered out, sulking slightly. She laid on her side, rubbing her face and sighimg. She wondered why he always had to make her blush.

Lenneth smiled, then wiggled his fingers, making more and more flowers blossom and swirl up around the trees and making th bloom vibrantly. He watched her reaction carefully, tilting his head to the side.
Aura opened her eyes and then slowly rose to her feet. She looked around, in obvious awe. Her usually cloudy eyes were sparkling.

She looked at him and said, "You create such beautiful things."

She smiled sweetly at him, then bounded over to some roses. She bent down and inhaled it's aroma and said, "Thank you."
He shrugged. "Technically, I didn't create them. I just helped the grow faster." He smiled, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking around, careful not to step on any of the flowers.

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