The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Aura stopped and looked him over.

"Fine. I will forgive you just this once." she said haughtily. "But you have to buy me some tea."
He smiled, then looked down at her wet dress.

"Sure, but first, I apologize for this."

He dropped his shirt with the flower on it on the ground, then walked beside her, picking her up. He unfurled his wings, their massive black feathers taking up all of the space in the clearing, then he jumped, flying up higher and higher and higher.

"Thought you would want your dress dry, especially if we went out in public for some tea." He grinned at her.
Aura had no choice but to hold on tightly so she didn't get launched into orbit.

He chuckled, his chest vibrating against her side. "Oh come on, you gave me permission to touch you already, in the music room. Besides, you've been touching me this whole time."

He had to yell over the wind, he was flying so fast that their clothing would be dry in no time.
"B-b-b-b-but I'M allowed to!" she squealed, grabbing onto him tighter. "AHAHAHAHHH DON'T DROP ME DON'T DROP ME!"
He smiled, then stopped instantly, holding onto her tightly. "I won't drop you, I promise. Now, what makes you think that you're allowed to touch me, but I'm not allowed to touch you? I don't think that's very fair." He sighed watching a cloud come towards them and floating just a bit above it as it passed underneath them.
"Because I can do whatever I want." she said, as if it was completely rational. She held on tighter, squeezing her eyes shut.

"But I can give you permission, I suppose, full time." she muttered.
(So just a heads up tomorrow ima be able to be active early in the day probably dissapear midday and then come back at night just as a warning ahead of time)
Lenneth sighed, raising his eyebrows. He tapped her arm with his finger.

"Hey, open your eyes, look." He murmured against her hair.

He was staring at the sun set, just above the clouds. The sun dyed the clouds amber, and made the sky bleed red and pink and orange hue. It was just the right amount mixture of colors to make him feel at home.

"This is why I love flying."

Aura opened an eye and then both. She squinted at the sunset for a second, then watched it silently. SHe loosened her grip on him, and smiled.

She reached her arm out at the sunset and her smile widened.
He grinned, watching the wind push her hair back, her face beautiful and radiant.

He shook his head. What am I thinking?

He let her enjoy it for a moment later, then looked below him. "So, about that tea?"
Aura looked back at him and nodded.

"Yes." she said. "It's passed my tea time. Hurry along, and stop being so slow."

It was ironic she said that, because their speed was the opposite of "slow".
He smiled. "Slow, huh?" He wrapped his wings around them both, letting them sky-dive down, plummeting to the earth at rapid speeds. He kept his wings around them, chuckling and letting the wind push against them on their way down.
Aura nearly fainted. She squirmed, then wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles together. She swung her arms around his neck and muttered, "I swear to God if we die I will kill you!"
He laughed, hard, holding onto her and letting them fall faster until the clearing where they were earlier was very visible.

"How will you kill me if we're already dead!?" He yelled over the sound of the wind, then at the very last second, he opened his wings, flapping them just ten feet above the ground, slowing them instantly until his feet touched the ground gently. His skin buzzed from the thrill and he stood on the ground, patting her back.

"We're safe, Aura. You can let go now." He chuckled.
Aura didn't let go. She was frozen with terror, clinging onto him. Her heart was pounding fast enough that Lenneth could probably feel it. She was shivering, and her hair was sticking up at all ends. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and she was squeaking many things that no normal person could make out.
He chuckled, then pressed his hand against her cheek.

"Aura, You're okay." He grabbed her arms, which were locked painfully tight around his neck, but he didn't complain.

"Aura, if we don't hurry your tea will get cold."
Aura almost instantly loosened her grip. She let out a sigh, then slid down and onto her feet. She quickly ran her fingers through her tangled hair and said, "A-alright."

She started to walk, but stopped. She looked back again, her eyes glinting.

"Never. Do. That. Again." she growled.
He smiled, then faked a bow.

"Yes, madam."

He bent down, picking up his shirt. He looked back to his wings, making them curl up against his back, and slipped his shirt on. He grabbed the violet she had given him, and started walking behind her.
Aura walked into the small tea shop, and sat down. She crossed her legs and glanced at a menu.

"Lenneth." she said, glancing over at him. "You like tea, yes?"
He nodded, sitting across from her without looking at the menu. He already knew what he liked.

Hot Cinnamon apple tea with honey.

"Yes, I do." He grinned, already feeling the warm, sweet taste slipping down his throat and into his stomach.
Aura nodded and waved a waitress over.

"I'll have chamomile tea with a splash of mint stirred in with exactly a tablespoon of cream, two cubes of sugar, heated to exactly one-hundred and two Fahrenheit. Steep the tea for exactly three minutes. No more, no less." she recited perfectly.

The waitress's eye twitched as she quickly scribbled the long and complicated order down. She glanced at Lenneth and immediately perked up.

"And for you, gorgeous?" she smiled flirtatiously.

Aura's eyes went dark and she slammed the menu down, shaking the table a bit.
Lenneth smiled up at her, then grabbed Auras hand, stroking it with his thumb, making sure it was in view of the waitress.

"I would like Apple Cinnamon tea with a table spoon of honey. Please make sure that you heat it up at exactly one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and I would prefer if you treated all of your customers with the exact manner that you just showed me, thank you." He said, taking his hand off of Auras and waving the waitress away.

The waitress' jaw opened into a slight "o" shape as she stared at him.

Lenneth blinked at her, seeing that she didn't write any of it down.

"Did you get all of that, or do we need to go somewhere where there's better service?" He tilted his head to the side and she snapped her jaw shut, writing it all down and walking away.
Aura looked up at him and said, "I don't like her. Did you see that thing on her face? Or was that just her gigantic nose?"

You could practically see a cloud of gloom hanging around her.

"And calling you gorgeous. Of all the nerve! Doesn't she understand that people like you OBVIOUSLY have partners?!"
Lenneth raised his eyebrow, watching her.

"I don't have a partner, unless you would like to be?"

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, then he cleared his throat.

"Sorry, sorry. I forgot, I said I wouldn't do that anymore."

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