The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

He blinked, staring down at her. He slipped his fingers through her hair, brushing it out of her face.

"Aura, you're not a normal person, and I wouldn't ever want you to be." He smiled a bit, then sighed.

"You're going to catch cold if you don't get inside." He murmured against her head.
"It's just as cold inside as it is out here." she said truthfully. "So...there is really no point."

She adjusted herself so she was on her knees between his legs. She rested her forehead on his and closed her eyes.
He sighed, slipping his arms around her.

"Come on Aura, I can keep you warmer in there." He spoke quietly, watching her closely.
Aura opened her eyes and said, matching his quiet tone, "Only if you carry me."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder.
He chuckled, slipping his arms under her and picking her up, carrying her back down the trail.

"You must be very tired." He said, walking down the trail.

She weighed almost nothing in his arms, and he liked the way she fit perfectly in them.
Aura yawned and said, "My flowers are pretty, right?"

She struggled to keep her eyes open, but wanted to keep talking to him.
Lenneth smiled. "Your flowers are beautiful." He walked to the shed, pushing the door open with his foot and stepping inside. He looked down at the makeshift bed on the floor.

"This bed is fit for no lady." He murmured, then sat her in the chair, pulling her arms off of him.

He stood in front of the bed, frowning, then snapped his fingers, making a twin size bed appear. He sighed, looking to the walls and snapping them again.

In an instant the walls sealed together, making sure there was no cracks in it. "Better."
Aura looked sleepily at the bed and said, "That's...really sweet..."

She stood up and stumbled into the bed.

"Oooohhhhh...." she sighed. "It's so comfortable!"

She scooched over, and patted the spot beside her and said, "I'm still a little cold."
He smiled, shaking his head and snapping his fingers, making a fireplace appear inside one of the walls along with a chimney. He walked to it and started a fire, watching the amber sparks ignite and come to life.

"It's against the rules for two members of the school that are of the opposite sex to be in the same bed." He recited it exactly from the rule book.

"You wouldn't want me to get fired, now would you?" He chuckled.
Yoi nods, listening. "After the announcement, we see if Blanco will help us. He will probably want something in exchange, like, some information. It's his style, don't question it."

Blanco grins, "Of course you will stay beside me when I'm doing my work,won't you? How about...Act like a cute maid~?" He teases, demanding.
"We aren't at the school. We are acting as two independent individuals." she stated with a matter-of-fact tone.

There was a pause.

"But you don't have to." she said quietly, turned over in the bed.
Reito frowned, an objection already at the tip of her tongue.

"No. Nope. No. No. Never." She said sternly. "I'm not a maid."

She snapped, her canines extending slightly.

Lenneth sighed, watching her roll over, frowning. He stood from the fire and walked over to her, sitting at the foot of her bed.

"You're right, we aren't at the school." He shrugged, pushing his fingers through his hair.
Aura smiled and sat up. She crawled over to him and hugged him from behind, pressing herself against him.

"Please." she said quietly. "I...have nightmares...and I need somebody to keep them away."
"Alright, alright, sweetie," Blanco lets out a tired sigh. "Just be there with me, it's better with you." He smiles a gentle smile at her before exiting her room. "And help me get all the annoying people out of my way while I do my stuff."
She smirked, watching him leave. "Oh please, all I have to do is stand there and look at them and they'll flee." She chuckled a bit, then looked at her shoes.

Lenneth looked back at her, sighing.

This girl..

He laid on his side, facing away from her and letting her hug him from behind. "I'll stay here." He murmured quietly.
Aura raised her eyebrows, then nodded. She leaned over and kissed the side of his neck, his cheek, and his forehead.

"Goodnight." she sighed, crawling back into her spot.
He stifled a sigh when she kissed him.

After she moved away, Lenneth turned over, watching her fall asleep. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Aura." He whispered.

Reito sighed. "Either that or I can rip them to shreds in order to keep them away, which do you prefer?"
Reito looked over to him, sighing. "Sounds like I'll be a body guard." She groaned, crawling under her blankets and laying there, suddenly tired.
The smoke started to clear from Emilio's attack. Most of the Asazi warriors had been wiped out while protecting their kin and young ones. Emilio's brother had took the brunt of the attack and stood there in his normal form bleeding from his left arm. His breath was ragged. Emilio himself did not completely control the attack and was electrified as a result. He laid in the dirt, his skin a dark from the attack, unmoving. His scythe laid four feet away from him.
Aura snuggled under the covers, and her eyes snapped open. It was the middle of the night.

She swung her legs to touch the floor, and held her head.

"What am I doing?" she muttered to herself.

She stood up and pulled one of the chairs over by the fire.
Maximus nodded and smiled. "Well since I go so many places its not hard for me to have information on a lot of different things. I just hope I have a piece of information he wants." He wasn't as scared or nervous as before having been able to relax had reassured him quite a bit. "Just hope he doesn't decide he wants my bounty." Maximus laughed a bit. "After all after the conversion my bounty is about 200 million then again thats just because gold is so abundant in hell." He smiled deviously. "And because conjurers like me can be as rich as we want."

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