The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Aura kicked his shin from under the table and said, "Nice try."

The waitress came back with both of their teas. She set down Lenneth's in front of him with a smile and said, "Apple cinnamon tea with a spoon of honey, one hundred degrees!" she said cheerily. She sloppily put Aura's in front her her and said, "And yours."

She walked away, and Aura took a dainty sip of hers...


"KYAAAA!" she shrieked after sputtering the tea back in the cup. It was hotter than Hell.

Aura put both hands over her mouth and squeezed her eyes closed.

Lenneth backed his head up like he had been slapped, he was shocked that she screamed. Just when he was about to ask her what had happened, he saw her cover her mouth, then he looked down at her tea. He tapped his finger on the side of his, making it extremely hot as well.

"Excuse me." He said, calling the waitress back.

She came back, smiling at Lenneth and giving Aura a smug look. "Yes, darling?"

She batted her eyelashes.

"May I have a word with your manager? Preferably the owner?" The waitress froze, blinking, and obviously scared. "Or would you like to cool our teas down just a tad before you bring them out to serve us?"

He tilted his head to the side. He's worked at a tea shop before, he knows that they're supposed to cool the tea just a bit unless instructed otherwise.
The waitress looked back and forth at them and said, "But..I cooled your--but hers, I--they're both hot...I mean I...I'll go get the manager..."

She shuffled away, and Aura seemed to shrink in her seat, covering her mouth.
He leaned a bit closer, looking at her.

"Are you alright?" He mumbled, looking around the shop. The only people there were an elderly couple who seemed surprised by the sudden outburst.

They were staring at the waitress in the back, who was talking to the manager.

He looked at her. "You know, I could heal you, but I don't think you would like the way I did it."

He chuckled, watching her with a small smile.
Aura looked at him, her eyes teary.

"It thstings." she muttered, a slight lisp forming due to her now swelling tongue. "Heal it, pleath."

She blinked away the tears and looked back down. She dropped her hands to reveal her now bright red lips. No doubt her tongue was in even worse shape.
He sighed, tilting his head. "You asked for it."

He leaned forward, slipping his fingers behind her jaw and bringing her towards him. He pressed his lips against hers, then slipped his tongue forward, brushing it against the bump on hers. Within seconds it began to heal, and her red lips dimmed down to their natural color.

He pulled back, licking his lips. "Better?" He smirked, just as the waitress returned with the Manager.

The manager bowed to them both, grabbing the waitress by the back of the head and forcing her to bow as well.

"We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and we will repay you by bringing you new tea, much cooler than this." The manager stood and grabbed the cups, glaring at the waitress. "Make them again." He hissed in her ear, and she nodded, on the verge of tears.
Aura's eyes widened and she stared blankly at him. The swelling was already gone, and it didn't hurt anymore. She looked away from him, her cheeks darkening.

She hugged her arms and felt like crawling in a hole and never coming out.

"What was that?" she asked.
Lenneth shrugged.

"That's how I healed you. It was that or me sticking my fingers in your mouth." He sighed, looking at the manager in the back who was scolding the waitress. "Sorry for just pushing that on you." He glanced back at her, a bit uncertain about what he should do at that point.
Aura awkwardly shifted in her seat, then leaned over the table and gently touched her mouth to his. When she pulled back, she stood and said with a snobbish tone, "Now we're even. One of my kisses is such a rare thing, it's worth about as much as your healing. I think I'll just make my own tea, as well. Feel free to join me."

She started towards the door.
He raised his eyebrow, smirking. What a strange girl.

Lenneth stood up and walked behind her, saying nothing. He glanced back at the manager, who was still too busy scolding the waitress to notice they were leaving, then turned back to Aura.
Aura walked...and walked...

And walked.

It seemed like hours before they reached a teeny tiny one roomed hut in the middle of absolute nowhere.

She wasn't going to ask him to fly her. No way. Never again.

She opened the door to reveal a small palette on the floor with a single blanket and pillow, a stove and a mini-fridge with a rickety old table with two beat up chairs. The wood floor looked like it was falling a part, and the ceiling was cracked. There was a closet, which had two other outfits. One was a black dress, and the other was a tee shirt and jeans.

She walked inside and dumped some water from a pitcher into a simple copper kettle. She put it on the stove and sat in a chair.

"It's not much's..." she stuttered. "...not much..."
He nodded, sitting onto one of the chairs, then smiled.

"In my opinion, it's better than nothing."

He watched her as she started making the tea, his eyes never leaving her hands.
Aura nodded and waited for the tea water to boil.

"Thank you for healing my mouth." she said, looking at him. She sat in the chair across from him. "I really do appreciate it."
Lenneth nodded.

"No problem. Thanks for the payback."

He grinned a bit, thinking back to her return kiss. He looked around the small shack. "You didn't get a dorm room?" He asked out of pure curiosity.
Aura looked at him with dead seriousness and said, "I will show you why I like it here after our tea."

She stood up and poured the hot water into two mismatched and chipped up cups. She put in two regular teabags and said, "Forgive me, I don't have any cream or sugar."

She set his cup down in front of him and took her seat again.
Lenneth sighed, thinking he already did something to anger her. He shrugged, snapping and making cream and sugar appear on the table in front of them. "I don't need it, but if you want it it's there."

He said, sipping his tea gratefully.
Aura shook her head and sipped on her bland tea.

She pointed to the pallet on the floor and said, "That's my bed. Hardly fit for a lady..."
He looked at it, then nodded.

"It's better than nothing."

He mumbled, then sipped his tea. While he was sipping it, he inhaled the aroma that wafted from the warm cup, he smiled to himself, closing his eyes and letting himself be warmed by it.

"This is delicious." he murmured.
Aura looked at him and smiled.

"Not everyone is so content with what I have to offer." she sighed. "And I'm happy you are."
He smiled at her, setting his tea down. He had to admit, this was the most he had been complimented in a day, ever.

"Would you like to show me what you like so much here?" He asked, carefully choosing his words.
Aura quieted. She stood up, and took his wrist. She dragged him outside. There was a small path. She walked along it silently, and about three minutes later...

There was array of gorgeous, blooming flowers everywhere you looked. They stretched in vibrant yellows and blues and reds and greens as far as the eye could see.

"I can't leave my garden." she said under her breath.
He held his breath, taking in the beauty of it all, then exhaled, breathing the word 'beautiful'.

After a few minutes he turned and smiled at her. "I understand."

He looked back down the trail. " But don't you get tired of living in a place like that?" He tilted his head to the side, trying to figure out the type of girl she was.
"No." she said simply. "Sure, it's no mansion, but it serves it's purpose. Though it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer...I can't let these flowers just die."

She looked at him, and her eyes turned empty. She rocked back and forth a bit before falling into him.
He caught her, holding her against him.

"I didn't mean it like that." He mumbled in her hair, sliding down to the ground with her leaning against him. He glanced back down at the trail, knowing what he could do to help. Sure he wouldn't make it anything too fancy, but it would at least keep her warm at night.

He rubbed her arm slowly, staring at the dark sky.

The sun had finally set, and the sky was turning dark blue.
Aura closed her eyes and let herself relax.

"I don't know why I stay." she said quietly. "Normal people would just move and plant a new garden somewhere else. But I just can't let them die."

She wrapped her arms around him and said, "Lenneth, I like the way your touch feels."

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