The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Woah, woah. I should have helped," Tavia runs to Emilio with somehow a worried look. "Come on, loser. If you die, then the whole school will be annoyed." She looks up at Emilio's brother and stares at him, "You are bleeding too," she watches the whole surrounding and sighs.

"Heh~" Yoi laughs. "Don't worry, he only focuses on the information he wants, and wants nothing else." A bright smile she has before walking down to the office to make the announcement. "So you're rich huh."

Blanco frowns, and smirks. "Is there anything wrong with being my bodyguard?" He teases, leaning down to Reito as he blows some air into her ear.
"Well as a conjurer I can just do this." He snapped his fingers a gold necklace with an emerald pendant forming around her neck. "So you could say I'm rich yes." He smiled and gave a small laugh. "I hope you like emeralds I figured it would be the perfect gem for a nature spirit." He opened the door to the office for her. "You should probably make the announcement because I doubt they will listen to somebody they have never heard of."
"Haha, you're right." Yoi touches the necklace and smiles, then make the announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the SDC chairman speaking. Because of some current emergency cases a threat has been brought to the school. Please make sure you are safe and report back to your dorm right after school, and follow the school rules strictly. Moreover, I would like to see the people I will name right now: Blanco, Reito, Zero, Lenneth, and all the hunting club members. Thank you for your cooperation." Yoi turns back to Maximus, "I hope they will not be mad at me..."
Maximus shrugged. "If there isn't enough help then I'll just go with him to hell, they'll take 5 years to execute me slowly so theres time to help me right?" He tried to give a smile but he was obviousely scared of that option. "I'd prefer help though, now do we wait here or go to them?" He was fiddling with the skull on his cane nervously afraid that he would be forced to face this alone. "And what would the other people want in return for help?"
Emilio twitched. His scythe flew behind his brother towards the crowd of dead Asazi. Emilio burst from the dead and caught it before beheading his own brother. "You're not the only one who can use hallucinations." Emilio was still burnt. He had flew with the dragon when it hit to put his brother and the Asazi under a hallucination. He had then proceeded to kill the remainder of the Asazi before turning his attention towards his brother. "I...thought I told you....I'm...the stronge-" Emilio fell face first into the dirt.
"Wait for them, (Because they're not online." Yoi decides, then sighs. "The School Festival is coming up, I wonder why Blanco hasn't start dealing with it yet." She frowns.

Tavia furrows her eyebrows, then nearly laughs when Emilio fell face first into the dirt. She holds back her laughter and pokes Emilio, "You alright?" She then turns to his brother, "I'm so confused about everything and I would like to understand it."
(Well guys I'll be back later) 
(Oh but first a quick post)

Maximus nodded and then gave her a quizical look. "School festival? What's that?" He had honestly no idea but smiled getting an idea. "Hey if I survive this ordeal how about I take you out for dinner or something?" He figured that with he might as well just so that he could have at least asked if he died later.
Reito sighed, watching him. "Do you really need a body guard?" She smirked, rubbing her face. She wanted to sleep, but wanted to finish the conversation first.

Lenneth mumbled to himself, rolling on his side and seeing her by the fire. He frowned, not liking that his cuddle buddy had left him there alone when she so specifically asked him to stay. He sighed, sitting up and rubbing his face.

"Not tired?"
Aura glanced back at him, startled. She stood and asked, "Did I wake you?"

She glanced back at the dying fire and brushed her hair over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." she said quietly.
He raised his eyebrows, then closed his eyes, rubbing them.

"Nah, it's fine. I wasn't that tired anyway." He said, yawning.

He looked up at her, then sighed. "Whats on your mind?"
Aura glanced at him and said, "Nothing. I just have a headache."

She shuffled back over and sat down beside him.

"Is this weird?" she asked. "For you to be here?"
Lenneth tilted his head to the side, pondering it.

"Not really. Why, is it weird for you?" He nudged her shoulder with his, grinning slightly.
"N-no...I've had guys sleep ove--I mean of course not! What a horrible thing to suggest! Ladies don't do that!" she squealed, her face getting red and flustered.

She sighed and said, "Forget it."
He raised his eyebrow, chuckling.

"You're a cuddler." He nodded, stating it instead of asking it.

He tilted his head to the side, his neon-purple eyes flashing in the dim amber light. "Cute."
Aura's blush deepened and she muttered, "Shut up."

She randomly grabbed his hand and put it over her heart and squealed, "See what you've done? You're making my heart beat faster."
He laughed, feeling her heartbeat.

"That's a good thing, right?" He pulled his hand away, slightly uncomfortable that his hand was close to her chest.

"So I'm guessing that since you're feeling better, you could tell me what else you want me to do to this little house of yours?"
"Nothing." she shrugged. "It's fine the way it--oh, there might be one thing."

She grinned, and said, "I want curtains."

She pointed to the single window, which had a cracked pane.

"I have always wanted white curtains with royal blue flowers." she sighed dreamily.
He chuckled, looking at the window and snapping his fingers. In seconds it transfigured itself, fixing the cracked pane and making the wood look brand new.

A rod shot out across the top of the window and from the cracks in it, silky white curtains with royal blue flowers spilled out, falling gracefully in front of the window.

He tilted his head to the side.

"Good enough."
Aura sprung up and ran over to the window. She touched the curtains and said, "Yes, that will be all. This house is now absolute perfect, just like me."

She smiled and stroked the curtains lovingly, then looked back at him.

"Thank you very much." she grinned. "Is there anything I can do to repay you? For all you've done."
He raised his eyebrow, looking at her.

"Be a good student." He grinned, standing up and walking to the door.
"I'm already a good student." she sighed looking at him. "You're going?"

She looked down at her feet and walked back over to the bed.

" you have to?" she asked.
Lenneth stopped walking and pondered the thought. I really should get back, but Zero can handle one night alone, right? He frowned, then turned around, replacing his frown with a tired smile.

"No, I don't have to." He sat down in front of her bed, leaning his back against it.
Aura smiled and said, "Alright."

She looked at him for a few seconds before saying, "Lenneth, my mouth still sort of hurts."

Her face went completely red.

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