The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Aura sighed and handed him his cup of tea. She looked away from him and out the window.

SHe put a hand over her stomach and said, "I feel sick."
He looked over to her, sipping his tea. He knew he would get sick soon as well, that was the punishment for healing others, it took away from him and he had to rest for days before he could be back on his feet again.

"Want me to heal that too?" He chuckled, showing no sign of worry for his own well being.
Aura shook her head and said, "Don't trouble yourself. It's a small stomach ache, I'm sure I'll be fine."

She looked back at him.

"Are you hungry?"
He shrugged. "Not really." He said, walking to the door.

"If you don't hurry, you'll be late for class~" He chuckled, walking outside.
Aura nodded and grabbed a small bag off the floor. She dashed outside then started to walk towards the school. She sighed, and didn't look back.
Lenneth began patrolling around the school grounds, doing his daily duties.

He refused to let his mind wander, focused solely on his job at the moment.

Reito frowned, rolling out of bed and sitting up, yawning. She checked the clock, seeing the time.

7:30 am. Great, I have 30 minutes to get dressed and head to school. She thought sarcastically.

After getting up and pulling on a pair of denim shorts along with a tank top and converse, she combed her long black and white hair, then tied it up in her ribbon, keeping it high on her head.

She pulled out a pencil and stuffed it in her pocket, grabbing her old beat up messenger bag and heading to classes.

Blanco frowns, he ends up sleeping through the night by standing and leaning against Reito's room door outside. Blinking, he realizes his new ability to sleep while standing. Chuckling to himself, he notices Reito and is about to greet her, yet suddenly remembers the School Festival thingy. That sends resentment to all his surroundings.

(Oh I see xD )"Did you just defeat the boss?" Tavia frowns, looking down at Emilio. "I should have helped you with that," she sighs as she pokes Emilio's nose.

Yoi smiles, "A School Festival is like a super great party in school. Well, not exactly like that," she chuckles. "It's a festival, where each class has to prepare something--Like, a haunted house, a restaurant, etc, and both students and attenders participate in. It's a great thing that every students work hard for," She frowns. "But Blanco should start preparing for it as well. What is he up to anyway?" Yoi frowns again. "But yes, the thing about needing help, we should hurry up and ask him. If Sipher is coming up soon....Hopefully, we should finish him up before the school festival."
Maximus nodded. "I'm going to be completely honest with you Yoi we have a few hours before Sipher arrives we need to get ready." He was obviously shaking and used his cane to steady himself. "By the way you haven't answered the question of if I live can I take you to dinner?" He smiled able to think about that to help calm himself. "I would really like to live either way but it would be nice to have something to look forward too."
"It was not your fight..."Emilio steadied himself. "if you would have interfered...I would have killed you. That was the state of mind I was in....did you really burn those undergarments?"he asked after a while.
Aura stared blankly at Blanco, and then sighed. She continued on her way, and realized...

She had absolutely no idea where she was going.
Reito stopped mid-walk, sensing anger coming from behind her. She frowned, turning around and seeing Blanco, a very angry Blanco. Furrowing her brows, she looked to the side, seeing Aura walk past.

"You're new, right?" She called out to her.
"Yes." Aura called back, glancing over at Reito. "You were very moody yesterday. Why?"

She tilted her head slightly.
Yoi chuckles, "You are always welcome to take me to dinner, sweetheart," With that, she pokes Maximus's forehead teasingly. "When do you think Sipher will arrive?"

Blanco blinks when he sees Reito calling out to another girl, and sighs. Ah, it's that girl, that very interesting new girl. And he still has school stuff to work on. Walking up to them he greets slightly, "Hi, Reito, and Miss Newbie...Ah, your name is Aura." He slips his arm around Reito's waist, pulling her to him.
Aura looked them up and down and said, "Hello, Duck Pond. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have class."

She started in a random direction, and circled around for a few seconds
Reito blinks, not sure how to react to this public display of Affection. She glanced over at Aura, then answered her question.

"I wasn't moody." She said when Aura had came back from circling around, looking her up and down. "You're very blunt. School's that way." She said, pointing in the direction of the school.
Aura shuffled back over to them and said, "Blunt. Only one of the many words people use to describe me...I prefer the word honest."

She hugged her arms and asked, "I never received a schedule or map."
"Duck pond is quite an interesting name. Isn't duck cute?" In public Blanco doesn't show his badass side that easily. "But you are going to the wrong direction, Miss Weed. 
(may reply a bit slow after this. sorry, got something to do O.o )
Maximus smiled "Glad to hear that." he suddenly frowned and facing the forest near the school began to convulse his skin turning dark green for a moment before he recovered. "I'd say we have about an hour or so before he arrives so if we are getting help we need it now. He may come alone but he will create nightmares once he is here." He looked around the school worried. "With all these people he has no shortage of material."
"They were not weeds, they were obviously flowers." she sighed. "Lenneth?"

She looked away.

"No. I don't know why he would have given me them." she shrugged.
Reito ignored Blanco's hand, observing Aura. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. After a few seconds she tilted her head to the side.

"You tell it like it is, that's all I need to know." She sighed, deciding that she liked this girl, no matter how brutally honest she was.
"I'm not stupid." Aura interjected. "Honestly, male beings are so vulgar, to say such things about a lady right in her presence."

She crossed her arms and pouted.

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