The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Ah, she sure is interesting." Blanco's smile widens. "You like her too, let's drag her into the student council." He suggests, winking at Reito. "Please, darling~?" A teasing voice hangs around his words.
"Student...council..." she repeated slowly. She thought for a couple of seconds, then said, "No thank you."

She spun on her heel, and started to walk.
Reito raised her eyebrow, looking at him. "Uh, I'm not dealing with people joining the council? That was your decision." She mumbled, trying to ignore his please.

Then she frowns, looking at Aura. "Heads up girl, he's persistent. He won't leave you alone one second if you refuse."

She grimaced, remembering. " I would know."
Emilio started walking forward, his body seemed to have stopped sending nerve signals. "probably due to the lightning..."he muttered. "did you really burn those undergarments?" He asked Tavia
"Now, now, why won't you join?" Blanco follows up with Aura. "It's an exciting group of people. Reito is also an interesting girl, you two can be great friends."
"I said no." Aura said again. "I don't need any friends, and I don't want to be on the student council."

She stopped.

"Unless..." she sighed. "Is Lenneth on the council?"
Reito watched Blanco follow Aura, and she smirked. "Don't say I didn't warn you." She grinned to herself, turning around and walking to the school, finding her way to her first class before the bell rang.

Lenneth sat, perched on a tree, staring down at the school overhead. He sighed, wondering what Zero was doing.

"I don't even see him anywhere, how can I be sure that he's doing his job properly?" He frowned. 
(Then join in ! xD )

Yoi frowns, "Let's go find Zero and Lenneth first~" With that, she picks up Maximus' hand and drags him to the tree where she sees Lenneth. "I'm sorry for breaking the school rule, but this is an emergency." She informs him.

"Ah, good idea. Let's drag Lenneth into the council then." With that, he drags Reito and Aura to him as they appear under the tree. "Yo, Lenneth~" 
Tavia smiles, "I'm not that weak for you to kill." She says. "And yes, I burned those."
"Hmm~? Are you sure it's lost~?" Tavia sighs, she's disappointed that she can't be part of the boss fight.
Maximus fell down a bit while he was being dragged but got up quickly. "We don't have much time at all so lets get them and make sure that he doesn't get to the other students before we have time to stop him." He sighed and shook his head. "I'm just afraid I won't have the information Blanco wants." Looking around he spotted that there was a large group here. "Well that worked out great gonna make this quick then Demon headed for the school after me more than I can handle I need help please." He spoke in a fast blur of words purely out of nervousness.
"without all of the pieces, in the right order, the secret is lost...and that's a good thing. You've already pried too far into my secrets as it is."
Lenneth looked down, seeing Aura and Reito being dragged by Blanco. He chuckled. "'Sup Blanco? I see you've brought me two presents." He said, jumping from the tree and ruffling Reito's hair.

"Hey Kiddo." Reito snarled, lurching to bite his head. "I'm NOT a kid."

He grinned, holding up his hand in defeat and walked beside Aura, slipping his hand around her shoulders. "What brings you guys here?" He says, speaking to Blanco but looking at Aura.
"You are joining the student council." Aura said, looking at him without expression. "That is not a request."
Lenneth blinked, staring at her. "Uh, Oh...Kay?"

He spoke slowly, unsure of how to react to that.
Blanco frowns when he sees Maximus as well, "What's with him?" He asks Yoi, and she sighs, explaining the situation to everyone at place. Blanco then tilts his head to one side, considering. "Ah~Sure true...The School Festival can't be carry out that way........" He glances over at Aura. "Anyway, Lenneth the school guardian and Aura are both official members of the student council now~!" He cheers. "Now about Maximus...."
Reito sighs, rubbing her temples and backing out slowly when Blanco isn't looking. She finds her way into a tree, just in the area where she can still see them, and stays there, ignoring them all. Why did I have to join this..?
Lenneth sighed, shrugging it off and climbing back up the tree. "You have fun with that Blanco, I have to keep watch."

He perched on the top limb, over looking the entire school and scanning the area.
Maximus had an impatient look on his face constantly looking back at the forest behind them. "Yes Blanco? I must warn everyone we have very little time so be ready, even if you plan to let me die I don;t care just be ready to defend yourselves." he was slightly determined but was really hoping for help.
Reito, hearing the word die, perked up. Danger? Oh my god something's going to happen?! She felt an amazing sensation of adrenaline run through her and she shot down the tree, right up to Maximus.

"Wait wait wait, you're in danger? Someone's coming to kill us?" She sped the words out, excited.
"Yes Reito I am in danger a demon is coming to collect my bounty and he will succeed if I don't have some help." He sighed and shook his head. "He makes me feel like a child whenever he fights me." Pulling out his giant pocket watch he watched the seconds tick by. "Not much time til he comes here and summons his nightmares."

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