The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Reito grinned, her body vibrating with energy, she turned her head, looking around. "Can I kill him?" She said, hoping he would come soon. She wanted to rip something apart very badly.
Maximus looked at her and sighed hating to disappoint such an excited person. "Probably not alone you have to understand I am asking for more than one persons help because he is a job for more than one person." he sighed and shook his head. "You kill a hundred other demons and a few a long the ways and one of hell's top bounty hunters is after you."
She gave him an incredulous look. "Trust me, I've killed more than demons." She grinned, watching him.
"In exchange~~~" Blanco's voice rings out toward Maximus. "Oh, so Lenneth and Aura, the official members of the student council will join this fight, even if I'm not going to join." He blinks toward Reito's direction and sighs.

Yoi chuckles, "Thanks for everyone's cooperation~!" She smiles at Reito brightly. "I believe it's my first time officially meeting you?"

(gotta sleep sorry see ya guys~)
He shook his head. "I'm telling you if you could handle this guy alone I would have asked for your help only I need everyone who is willing to help me. Besides somebody is going to need to keep the nightmares from reaching the students while everyone else fights him. Anyway I would like to have both you and Blanco helping me, but we don't have much time to chat about it." 
"What do you want in exchange?" Maximus was almost desperate for Blanco's help knowing that it would make a good difference in the fight. "Tea? Sweets? Information? A vacation to Hawaii?" He threw out all the things he normally used to bribe people.

(Heading in for the night myself see yall)
Reito stopped smiling, now severely uninterested in helping. "If I don't get to kill him alone, then I won't help." She states simply, glancing at Yoi who just introduced herself.

"Hey." Was Reito's only reply to her. "This is boring." She mumbled, walking away.
Yoi frowns and turns into a mouse, starting to bite and squeak all over Reito, unwilling to let go.

Blanco smiles just very brightly, "I want to know about a slave trader that goes along with the Blondo family, and the location of the laboratory that Ravo Blondo has.
Aura backed up a bit and said, "Danger...I knew you said that."

She looked away and nervously picked at her hand.

"I don't think I'll be very helpful."
"Your bluntness is fun," Blanco replies to Aura. "That, is very helpful. In some way or another."
"How is HONESTY helpful?" she said, stretching the word. "Not bluntness. Honesty. Get it right."
Maximus sighed as Reito walked away and shook his head. "I guess I don't have her help." He turned to Blanco and titled his head thinking. "I've met the trader once in Michigan he travels all over the place but I just so happened to run into him there. He isn't a very nice man, though to be a slave trader I guess you can't be. Never caught his name all I caught was that he was a trader for a guy named Blondo, then he asked me if I wanted to buy anything. I guess people assume demon's want slaves." He sighed and shook his head. "As for Blondo labs if memory serves there is more than one. I can't remember where I saw all of them but the biggest one wasn't too far from here hidden away in a wasteland."
"The slave trader one I accepted, the lab one is not detailed enough." Blanco pauses, "There are tons of wasteland around here, young man."
Maximus nodded and laughed a bit pointing to the north. "Big one in that direction afterwards I can take you there its about a 5 second run through hell." He tried to smile but was still nervous about the situation. "Though I must admit something about the place sends shivers down my spine, and that's hard to do."
"I never ask for your opinion on that place did I?" Blanco smiles back at Maximus. "Reito, let's help him shall we?" He then walks up to where Reito is.
"Thank you fore your help Blanco I'm going to need it." He sighed and shook his head trying to think of things positively. "This school has a protector right? I know they won't help me but they will try to keep any threat from hurting the students am I correct?" He was hoping that somebody would be able to keep the nightmares busy while everyone else fought Sipher.
He tried smile but it was obviously fake. "It's a little hard to relax when the man coming is coming with no other objective other than to take me to execution." He shuddered and looked at Yoi. "I guess I just have to live though I owe you drinks and dinner." He finally smiled for real but looked to the forest. "Not long now."
Aura looked back and forth at them, and shivered. She really couldn't do anything.

"I have no use for weapons, so I do not own any nor know how to use one." she said. "And I have no special abilities anymore."
"You have your mouth," Blanco whispers into Aura's ear. "Your mouth is a great weapon~" He stands back up and pats Maximus's on the shoulder. "Relax~I won't let you die~If you die Yoi will kill me as well, won't you~?"

Yoi chuckles slightly, not giving a response.
Maximus gave a faint smile that suddenly dissapeared as the sound of a very large wasp came from the trees. "Somebody just had to be afraid of wasps." Were the only words he could form before a wasp the size of a full grown man flew into the school hovering in front of the small group. "That is why he's a problem."
Maximus walked up to the giant wasp and stabbed it through the head with his cane. "Usually they are small bugs that like to sting, right now it's a sign that he is getting closer." He sighed and wiped off his cane with a hand kerchief. "We should be ready for more with all the students he can make every one of their fears come to life."
Aura shuddered and stepped away from him.

"You have invaded my personal space." she sighed, crossing her arms. "Don't do it again."
Noticing that he was being watched he turns around and tries to find out who it is. "Hello who's there…I can feel your presence." He says knowing it would most likely draw them out

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