The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Reito glanced back, watching Blanco. "You did?" She turned around and walked towards him, raising her eyebrow, curious.
Maximus fell down on her bed with a long sigh. "The person who harmed Sipher likely won't come here so we don't have much of an issue. They were trying to eat his soul when he was moving so they only stole a small amount but it should be fine. Had his soul been full I would be dead." He sighed and tried to move his right arm with no success. "By the way nice distraction." He smiled and laughed and smiled a little bit. "If you have anything to dull pain that would be great."
Blanco decides to tease her. "How about a kiss before I tell you~?" He smirks slightly. 
"Of course!" Yoi smiles as she stands up from the bed and goes to her closet, picking out a liquid that looks very "rotten". "It looks disgusting but," she lets out a chuckle. "It works great~"
She frowns, watching him sternly. "Oh really now."

Her face turned slightly red, although she said something else.
Reito frowned, unsure of what to do. She sighed, thinking why the hell not? Before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "There, good enough, now are we going to go find this library or not?" Her face was still red.
Maximus took the liquid and downed it all in one swig laying back against her bed. "The good thing is that his soul will help me heal faster. Any demon who has just devoured a soul will have an increase in healing potential for a while, but it won't do much other than close the flesh wounds at this point." He sighed and looked back to Yoi. "When I get better I am taking you to Hawaii with or without your consent."
"How about the lips~~~~" Blanco continues to tease.

Yoi laughs, "I will go of course, because it's with you. But that's after you heal." She pours herself a cup of coffee as she sips it gently.
"Who needs healing I still have my left arm and a few ribs don't I?" He smiled and again tried to sit up to no avail a face of obvious pain meeting his attempts. "What do we do now just sit here until I'm all better?"
Maximus sighed and whistled his flying teapot and teacup entering the room and pouring him a cup. "I guess that's all I can do isn't it." He sighed as the cup tipped itself allowing him to sip from it. "Maybe I should get some more useful familiars no offense to you guys." he smiled at the tea set and the little bug on his shoulder. "But I could use somebody who can help in a fight hmm." He seemed to think for a moment before turning to Yoi. "In my room on the third bookshelf is a book bound in red leather, well it's almost leather but lets not get too specific, do you think you could fetch it for me?"
She frowned, eyeing him suspiciously. "Why are you teasing me?" She mumbled, looking around to make sure no one was there.
"I tease when I want to. Do you have a problem?" Blanco smiles.

The book comes flying down at Maximus. "This one?"
Maximus weakly grabbed it with his left hand and nodded. "Thank you now let's see." He began flipping through the pages by laying it across his chest and moving the pages with his left hand. It obviously wasn't very comfortable of a position.
She frowns, grumbling under her breath and walking away. If he doesn't want to tell me, I'll just wait for James to call me back.
Aura was lying unconscious in some field of flowers near the school. She had sort of wandered away then fell asleep.
Lenneth sighed, appearing next to Aura. He frowned, tapping his arm and kneeling down next to her.

"You're supposed to be in school.."

He mumbled, pushing a piece of hair out of her face.
Reito frowns, turning and slipping her arms around his neck quickly, pressing her lips against his softly, just for a moment, then backing away. "There, now tell me where it is.." She mumbled, her face beat red.
Blanco smiles wide then, "As Maximus said, he has a lot of laboratories. The biggest one is located at the far north somewhere in a wasteland. He said that he could bring us there with hell transport, but that's uncomfortable."
She frowned, her eyes scanning him. "I know someone who could get us there much faster, and with less comfort. I didn't just call James because he knows how to find people and places."

She leaned forward, kissing him on the lips again and then turning around, pulling out her phone and dialing James.
Blanco frowns, then smiles. Letting her call James and decides to tease her again after that.
"Hey, can you do me a favor?" Rei spoke into the phone.

"Oh, I've found that laboratory, its in the far north of-"

"The wasteland, yes, I found out, thank you, but I need another favor." She gripped the phone, praying that he would say yes.

"Oh..kay? What is it?" He asked, curious.

"I need you to take me and Blanco there, tonight." She said, just as she looked up to see Blanco smiling at her like he was planning something. She frowned, not sure of what to do.

"Sure. You're at the Academy right? I'll be at the front gates at 11pm."

"Great, see you then."

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