The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Aura deepened the kiss and put a hand on his face. She trailed her mouth to his neck where she nipped and kissed, holding him tighter.
Lenneth sighed, slipping his fingers down her back and around to her hip, watching her and holding her as she kissed him.
Aura stopped kissing him and hoisted herself up so she was hovering above his face.

"I'm sorry." she said quietly. "I...couldn't help it."
He smiled, then leaned up and kissed her again, his tongue brushing against her bottom lip.

"Don't apologize. Don't ever apologize for this." He spoke against her lips, kissing her again.
Aura kissed him back with an almost desperate sense. She pressed against his chest and reached under the back of his shirt. She lovingly rubbed her back, and occasionally touched his wing.
He smiled, spreading his wings out, liking when she touched them. He sat up a bit to give them room to spread, then kissed her nose, watching her silently. Lenneth thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and he had seen a lot.
He brushed his nose against hers.

"You miss yours, don't you?" He mumbled, tilting his head to the side
Aura stared blankly at him for a second, then nodded slowly.

"Without them...I'm just..."

She bit her lip and got off of him and said, "I'm just worthless. I lost so much of myself. My grace, my power, my beauty, my cunning, my modesty...I lost everything good."
He smirked, raising and eyebrow. "You're not worthless, you apparently don't know how much you mean to me, and hell, you're more beautiful than anything I've ever seen." He pressed his fingers over her back where her wings should be.

"Would you like them back?"
"Don't touch me!" she yelled, jerking away. "Never touch me there! You can't get them back! It wouldn't be the same! You could give me wings to fly, but you can't get back everything I lost when I cut them off!"

She put her hands over her eyes and sobbed, "I hate myself! I hate how I am now!"
He sighed, having no words. He leaned back on his hands, staring at her like she was a little girl. Her words rang though his head, a never ending echo. Don't touch me.

He nodded, then looked at her. "Maybe you don't need to get back everything you lost. Maybe you just need to find new things to go with the new you. After many years, I've realized that looking back to the past is just... unnecessary. If you don't look forward, you'll regret more than what you've lost."

He stood, dusting his pants off.

"You should get to class before Zero finds you. He doesn't feel the same way about you as I do, so you'll definitely get detention." He turned around and walked back to the school, rubbing his face.
Aura did say anything else, she just listened to him go. After about ten minutes, she managed to calm herself down. When she looked up, he was gone.

She stood up and wiped her tears away. She looked down and muttered, "I ruin everything, too..."

She started walking back to the school.
Lenneth tilted his head to the side, watching Aura come back from the forest. He smiled, appearing right next to her and tilting his head to the side. "I see you've found your way back." He slipped his hand to hers, lacing their fingers. "I have something I want to show you."
Aura didn't respond physically . Her head just hung, and she stared at the ground with empty eyes.

"Okay." she said blankly and quietly.

((I think Aura broke O_O))

Lenneth sighed, looking at her and grabbing her face gently, lifting it to look at her eyes. "Aura, I really like you, and I want to see you happy." He mumbled, just before planting a small kiss on her forehead. He tugged her hand gently, leading her away from the school, and the forest, and into town.
Aura didn't react. She kept her expression blank, and she said, "Okay."

She could feel a pit in her stomach, and she felt like her legs were just going to stop working.
Aura took a long time to answer. Then, she gave a slow nod.

"Where...are we going..." she asked, her tone flat.
He sighed, looking at her, before pulling her to a tree, just out of sight. "Aura, look at me." He mumbled, lifting her chin with his finger. "I'm sorry. I messed up again. I should have stayed there with you the whole time, I know apologizing won't change anything, but I don't like seeing you like this."
Aura looked at him for a second, then turned her head away and off his finger.

"Don't apologize." she said, looking down.
"So you're saying that dangers are coming again," Yoi frowns. "Lenneth and Zero should deal with it."

"James is gonna bring us there," Blanco tilts his head to one side lightly. "Hmm~~He won't do anything to you right~~?" He asks with a devilish grin.
"Not necessarily soul reavers are usually quite specific about who they devour if it does come to the school the only people in danger would appear to be demons. Soul reavers have very specific tastes and it would appear this one likes demon, so the only people it would even bother with would be demons like me." He continued to read through his book until he finished it closing it and setting it aside. "I guess I should wait til I have bones to try to get a familiar shouldn't I."
"Then it could be a problem. They aren't hard to kill if you see them first and keep moving, but if it sees you first then its a bigger issue." he shut his eyes and sighed. "I hate this, the time you have to take to heal."

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