The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Reito quirks her eyebrow, observing Blanco. Then she grins, her eyes glinting.

"Why, are you jealous?"

Lenneth frowned. "I will apologize, because I regret leaving you there alone, It's the stupidest thing I've ever done."
There was another long pause. Aura looked up at him and said, "You've done stupider, I'm sure. After all, men are stupid creatures."

Her expression remained blank, but you could see a glint of humor in her eyes.
He frowned. "Actually, I have done pretty stupid stuff.." He trailed off, remembering what he did to get him here. His attention snapped back and he looked at her again.

"But still, this is by far the stupidest. I'm sorry."
"Leaving me to cry for ten minutes?" she asked, tilting her head. "That's not bad. Besides, I might have killed you if you didn't leave me alone for a few minutes.
"Can't I be jealous?" Blanco smirks, playing with Reito's hair.

Yoi smiles pleasantly, "You rest, we can take care of things for you." 
(Rai-chan! D:< Tears waiting for u to respond!)
Reito frowned, watching him. "Is there a reason for you to be jealous?" She stated, blinking at his reply.

Lenneth grinned a bit when she said that. "Only if, you could kill me."
Aura smiled up at him, but it faded.

"...Lenneth...I-I have something to tell you." she said quietly. She looked at the ground.
Aura looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, then looked right back down. The tears spilled over and plopped onto the ground. She opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted by a gurgling sound it the back of her throat. Scarlet blood spilled over the corner of her mouth.

Aura choked out, "Oh no..."

She put one hand over her mouth, and the other over her throat.

((You see, if Aura was born a human, she would be extremely ill. But being an angel made her healthy and lively...but as soon as she cut off her wings, she became mostly human. So she grew very...sick. Good post, huh xD ))
He frowned, very concerned at the moment. "What happened? Why are you bleeding?" He moved towards her, placing his hand on her shoulder and his other one on her cheek.

(Damn good post. Oh my god -flips out- When I read that I was like. NOOOOO DONT DIEEEE LENNETH FAKING DO SOMETHING!)
((Hahahhaha don't worry she's dealt with this strange illness since she cut off her wings. She won't die from it...yet. Though sometimes it does seriously affect her.))

Aura coughed, then hunched over. She looked at her hand...covered in blood.

"L-Lenneth, I'm sorry..." she sputtered, crippling to the ground. She held herself up with once arm, and kept the other over her mouth.

If you felt her head, you'd know she had a fever.
He knelt to the ground in front of her.

"Aura, listen to me, what hurts?" He frowned, grabbing her shoulders and watching her intensely. Through the fabric of her clothing, he felt her temperature rising, and it frightened him all the more.

(God I love this @_@ )
Aura couldn't answer. Her eyes had a faraway look, and she slumped over with him holding her. Some blood dripped from her chin and on his clothing. Her eyes were still open, and she was conscious, but just barely.

((I do to *o*

Don't worry, her illness hits her quickly and suddenly. It's just a fever xD ))
Lenneth frowned, placing his hand on her forehead and concentrating, trying his best to make her fever go down. It worked, slightly, and he cursed.

"I'll get you home." He mumbled, looking to the way they were walking, the surprise. "It'll have to wait." He murmured, picking her up and extending his wings wide. He flapped up into the sky, carrying her with him and flew to her house as fast as he could.
Aura used a lot of strength to focus her eyes on him.

She just needed to see him...

"S-safe..." she squeaked. The only word she had to describe how she felt.

He started to grow blurry, and her eyes closed as she muttered, " lot...about...L-Lenneth...."
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He frowned, landing, quite heavily, in front of her house and rushing in, laying her on the bed. He slipped his hand onto her chest, closing his eyes and focusing on taking away her pain. He felt his energy flow through him and to her, but he could only hope that it helped.
"It's my fault I can handle it." Maximus frowned and managed to get up from the bed taking a sing step before falling down face first onto this floor. "I just need to get some help standing up again." He was struggling to get up and eventually managed to flip himself so that he was facing up at least. "I feel pathetic."
Aura flinched, and let out a small cry, She squeezed her eyes shut and spit upp more blood all over herself.
(Romantic moment with Aura XDDDDDD *is fangirling over here*)

(Too many things happened! O3O Maximus is ill and has a relationship with Yoi now. Ah, yeah right. Come visit Yoi and you can still catch up! 8D she's in Maximus's room. :) )) )

Blanco chuckles lightly, "Simply seeing you with another guy makes me jealous." He says, "You are sooo important to me~"
James took off like lightning, he'd heard the news. Maximus may've been a bit on the

weird side, but he wasn't a bad guy by any means. He came to a stop before the door

to his room, took a deep breath, and knocked.
Maximus looked at his door and again tried to get up. Still on the floor facing the ceiling he sighed. "It's always open." He was desperately trying to get up but he had no use of his right arm and his chest was in too much pain to move. He finally decided to snap his right arm back into the right place a loud crunching sound following the action.
Emilio walked out of the nurse's office. His whole body was wrapped in bandages except his face. There was not a single scratch on his face. He saw James running down the hall and decided to follow him. He wasn't worried about his wounds showing because he always wore jeans and his jacket. "things seem to be getting unnaturally hectic"
Yoi is about to go open the door for James when she hears the sound and all of her hair stands up like once. "You alright?" She forces a smile as she opens the door.

"Now you're going to be a stalker," Tavia simply states.

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