The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Maximus nodded and forced his now corrected arm to wave. "I put it back into place." He reached for his cane but it was just out of his reach. "So who's there?" He began to worm his way towards his cane by wiggling the parts of his body that didn't hurt.
"James," Yoi answers before letting her magic flows to the cane and it flies into Maximus's hand. 
Blanco sighs then, exhaling. "I still have works to do, and I want to go to the laboratory too. Either way I want the timing right."
Reito tilted her head to the side. "I'm important to you, huh?" She mumbled under her breath. "Well, we can go to the laboratory later tonight. For now, I'm going to the library." She stated simply, and began walking to the school.

Lenneth frowned, not knowing what to do. "Aura, tell me what hurts, I can't heal something if I don't know what the problem is." He was starting to panic now, he didn't want to lose her when he just got her.
Blanco blinks at Reito's words, and somehow he chooses not to follow her. All of a sudden he has this bad feeling about going to the laboratory, that something bad will happen. Rubbing the side of his head he opens the student council room and sighs again at the work. Resting into his seat he starts, going through everything, and settling his plan for the school festival. A meeting is necessary...He remembers, and groans, then decides he will deal with everything alone. Now it's only the thing for each class to decide what they're going to do...The school guardians can help with that, but his mind flies to how Lenneth sees Aura and knows that some romance is going on over there too. Tilting his head to one side he chuckles, "Romance, romance everywhere huh.." Then he frowns, that words seem to knock on his brain as though awakening a memory. It's a melody..

Romance~Romance everywhere~Depressing romance~Happy romance~But I'm happy to have you~And happy to be with you~Let the rose decorates your beauty while the sun shines on you~My love...What is this? Blanco rubs his head slightly. 
Reito walked into the library, finding a quiet corner between two shelves and resting her head on her knees, laying there. She sighs, feeling like sleeping again. After a few seconds, she starts to fall asleep, until she hears a tapping sound on the window. She looks up, seeing a bird tapping its beak on the window. She frowns, wanting to kill it and make it bird soup, until she sees a note attached to its leg. She opens the window, letting the bird hop in and chirp to her. She slips the note from the bird, and then watches it fly off.

What is this? She opens the note.

Dear Reito,

You have been invited to this years beautiful beast pageant! Now, I do insist that you come, I really do, because if you don't, I will just have to make sure that you and my son are eliminated and just blown to bits. You will both be my guests of honor, so please, do me the favor of informing him of this. It is in two nights, on the night that you both turn, actually, and I hope that you can make it.

Your friend,


She frowned as she read it, her anger building up inside her. Her canines extended and she felt herself shake. Stupid school.. Stupid people.. Stupid bullshit! She stuffed the message in her pocket and wandered off to find Blanco.

(That's okay, I can match it c: I'm super tired from my work ;c Whats got you so depressed about yours? D; )
(....I'm still a student......Got tons of summer stuffs...Volunteers stuffs...Add some family problems in.......And super lots of pressures......Rping is what I do to escape from reality..........What do you work of btw? :D )

Blanco is cleaning the paperwork on his desk swiftly and skillfully, as well as rereading some of them to check if they might be some information about the slave trader, and stuffs. He leans back into his seat then, suddenly wants some cigarrete or alcohol to escape from reality.
(I'm a maid, I also have to buy lots of stuff for back to school on my own, My mom wants me to volunteer for lots of school stuff to earn me college credit, and I crashed the truck, which puts us in a serious bind, so same here, lots of pressure xD ) 
Reito stepped into the Student Council room, looking at Blanco and frowning. After a few seconds, she pulls the paper out and puts it on his desk, then sat on the floor next to him, staring at the wall and licking her fangs.
(I'm a technician. What? I thought we were naming what we do)

Emilio ignored Tavia and stood against the wall in Maximus' room. "so. Anyone want to fill me in as to what is happening? Maximus you look pretty bad." Emilio looked at hi. He didn't mean it to sounds cruel or insensitive, it was just the way it wasand he almost knew that Maximus somehow could tell how injured he was.
Aura weakly put a hand over her heart and squeaked, " chest..."

She let out a sudden scream and tears poured down her cheeks.

"It hurts!" she sobbed. 
((I'm a waitress :D ))
Lenneth frowned, slipping his hand over her heart and concentrating on it. Within seconds, her pain started transfering to him, and his body began to shake lightly. He was feeling the after effects of healing so much, and he cursed silently.

Not now..

He kept his hand over her heart, draining her pain slowly into his body.
Aura breathed harder, then she managed to calm down. Sweat dampened her forehead, and her chest was heaving. She opened her eyes slightly to look at Lenneth, but he was blurred by her tears. She reached up and gently touched his face, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand.
Maximus grabbed the cane with his left arm and propped himself up on it so he was sort of standing sort of leaning. He smiled at Yoi and looked to the door. "Come in would you like any tea?" He managed to hobble back to the bed and sit down on it obviously more comfortable this way.
After a few moments, he leaned down, kissing her bloodied mouth, then he pulled back, her blood lining his lips. "Feeling better Aura?" He murmured, his fingertips resting on her chest, still pulling the pain away.
Aura gave a slow nod and muttered, "I...I go to my garden...I...need..."

She didn't finish her sentence, and she just stared up at him. She touched her mouth, then looked at her blood covered fingers.

"I...was going to tell you..." she said quietly, putting her hand over his and taking it off her chest. She knew what he did.


More tears spilled over, and she put on a small smile.

"Even though I'm weak, and I can't really do anything to assist you, I hope you'll accept me." she smiled, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Even though I'm just some stupid, blunt girl who can do nothing but cry when I have a problem, I want to be with you!" she finished, unable to hold back her tears.
Maximus smiled and nodded a black tea cup with bat wings flying into his hand a similar looking teapot pouring him a cup of green tea. "Yes I left a cake in quite a few rooms." He laughed a bit but obviously found that quite painful falling back on the bed. "I hate having broken bones."
Yoi smiles, welcoming Emilio and Tavia in with a greeting. "Maximus's tea and cake taste good," she chuckles.

Blanco frowns, then reads the letter. He blinks then, unhappiness flowing through him as he places the letter calmly besides him and exhales a huge sigh. "I advise myself once that maybe death is the easiest way to deal with everything." He says with a resentful smile.

(I'm just a normal student yet meow feel so young -hides-)
(XDDDDD Wahahahaha.....Ah. I am so young yet my mind is filled with not-innocent-stuffs -sobs-)

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