The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Usually, I just invade people's 'personal spaces'," Blanco smiles. "'Don't do it again', huh..." He lets out a small laugh before the rocks on the ground suddenly all fly up and hit lots of wasps at the same time. "Ah, I hate bugs. Don't you too, Aura?"

"Zero, the school guardian," Zero appears calmly besides Voce. "The school's in danger, I believe it's better for you if you get inside the building."
"They're pests, but all life has value." she sighed, watching him carefully. "Once a wasp stung my left breast."

She poked her chest in the place she was stung.

"It hurt very much."

((Once a wasp stung in the boob xD ))
"I have no interest in hearing about how a wasp stung out and how much it hurts," Blanco smiles at her charmingly and annoyingly as the rocks continue to shoot the wasps down. "Ah, annoying. The forest has been dirtied by them."
"I thought not." she sighed, sitting on the ground. She kept looking up at him, studying him very carefully.

"Do you wear makeup?" she asked. 
((Post on Fate Stay Strong :3))
Maximus was happy to see everyone handling themselves and so turned around ending face to face with Sipher. "Guys!" Was all he managed to say before getting a strong punch to the gut sending him flying. "I see the wasps aren't working for you hows this instead?" Siphers voice was deep and seemed to echo in on itself as he snapped the wasps changing shape every wasp becoming a different fear from giant snakes to what appeared to be aliens. "I have a demon to pick up." He smiled and walked over to maximus just as Maximus hit him in the side of the head with his cane. The cane made a harsh snap like something had broken but Sipher stood unphased. "Now now Maximus that was rude."
"Welcome to the Academy of Secrets," Blanco elegantly approaches Sipher besides him. "Are you here to pick up a mail? I remember seeing a mail with a demon picture on it...."
Sipher turned to Blanco and looked him over for a moment. "I don't much like you but I'm busy so I'll come back to kill you later." He smiled as Maximus tried to hit him again his cane connecting with Sipher's ribs. "Now that one actually hurt." He picked Maximus up by the neck and tossed him through the wall into a class room. "If you'll all excuse me this boy is late for his execution."
Yoi blocks Sipher's way with a light, apologetic look. "Um~Can you please collect him later...We are in a half way of......kissing.....And...something more than that......."
Sipher looked at Yoi and shook his head. "My my he doesn't deserve a girl like you. I could just eat you up. Oh I know I will!" With a big smile he opened his mouth a set of shark like teeth flashing for a moment before he went down to bite her neck. Suddenly he flew back Maximus standing panting next to Yoi having shoved his cane down Siphers throat while his mouth was open with as much force as he could muster. Sipher stood up a few of his teeth now missing and a face of actual pain taking over his sadistic smile. "I can't believe it you actually hurt me." He ran at Maximus hitting him again across the face and knocking him hard to the ground before stomping his face. "You filthy animal you think you can just hit me and get away with it!"
Yoi frowns, standing there, feeling very indeed disgusted by the bite. "......." Her face darkens as she mumbles something under her breath, and all of a sudden all the water in the river washes up, aiming at Sipher, straight for the throat.
Sipher turned around hearing a rushing of water and barely got out of the way of the blow his neck getting a nice cut in it. Maximus took this as a chance and with his remaining strength struck Sipher across the face sending him to the ground before conjuring a large boulder above him falling and crushing the demon. A black mist flew out from the rubble and straight to Maximus who seemed to inhale it. "Thank you Yoi." He smiled and fell to the ground looking up as the nightmares disappeared. "I think I broke a few bones." He laughed a bit and looked at his right arm which was now bent in the opposite direction it was supposed to. "That looks like it should hurt."
One of the wasps hit Aura in the arm. She glanced at it and calmly flicked it off with her thumb and middle finger. SHe looked at the bump and sighed, "What a pain."
"Is he gone?" Yoi blinks.

Blanco chuckles then, seeing a wasp landing on her. No wasps land on him.
Maximus nodded. "In simple terms I just ate him so he wouldn't revive in hell." He looked at his broken arm with a sigh. "I think I'm starting to feel the broken bones. By the way thank you Yoi I would have died if you hadn't cut his neck." He tried to sit up but fell back to the ground. "Hey Blanco about that school fair thing I've heard about, I'd like to make tea." With that he closed his eyes and let himself fall unconscious blood beginning to finally show as it poured from the hidden wounds under his clothing.
"So there's actually no need to make a big fuss over it if both of you can handle him off," Blanco smiles lightly with annoyance. "Reito ~ I think the bad guy's dead already." He chuckles.

Yoi frowns, then smiles at Maximus. "You saved me from being eaten either way, we're equal....Maximus?" Yoi blinks as he gets unconscious.
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Emilio had done a good job of walking back to the school. His body was completely working against him though and he collapsed in front of the school. "well if that don't be ah screw it. I made it back in one burnt charcoal piece"
"Mr. Idiot thinks so full of himself. Are you really alright?" Tavia bends down to look at him with a worried face.
"if you're going to talk bad about me please do it elsewhere or when I can stand properly....kicking me while I'm down is just unfair."Emilio responded with a tired voice
Maximus woke with a start his eyes wide open as he managed to sit up. He immediately regretted it as bpain shot through his whole body. "That was too easy." Was all he said before callapsing back to the ground. "He may have broken most of my bones but that was way too easy a fight what happened to him?" As if trying to get something out of his teeth maximus began rubbing his teeth with his tongue. "Somebody wounded him before he got here, how lucky." He sighed and looked down at his beaten body. "I may need a day or two to recover."
"I don't think it's over yet," Yoi sighs, but smiles. "But indeed you need to rest."

"But you deserve it!" Tavia pouts.
"If more danger comes because of me I will fight with what bones I still have." He tried to sit up and was met with an intense wave of pain and the sound of something crunching pushing him back down. "I can still fight, ignore the arm." He sighed and looked at his right arm obviously very much broken. "We have time nobody else should come for me until his death is reported, and that could take months."
Reito frowned, not even worried about anything that just happened. She walked to her first class, deciding that she could sleep in them instead of being stuck out here walking around, doing nothing.
Yoi holds Maximus's hands and led him to her room. "You should rest."

"You deserve the pain for being an idiot," Tavia replies.

"Ah~Reito-chan~I actually got the information about where the laboratory is~" Blanco calls out.

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