The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Aura glared at him and said, "Can't you just accept a compliment? It's rare for me to give them."

She carefully plucked a rose from the bush and put it in her hair.

She studied him for a second, then made her way over to some violets. She picked one, then walked back over to Lenneth. She stood on his tip-toes and put it behind his ear.

"It matches your eyes." she smiled. "Now, come on. I want to go swimming."

She grabbed his wrist and dragged him to a small pond, which had a few daisies growing beautifully around it. She let him go, then randomly jumped in.

Dress and all.
He blinked, watching her jump in, then touched the violet on behind his ear. While she was underwater, he mumbled "You're very interesting.." He pulled his shirt off, folding it and putting it on the ground next to the violet, then he jumped in the pond.
"If I'm a pancake then will you eat me?" Blanco leans up to her again, happily teasing. It makes him feel relaxed, that there is something to enjoy and comfort about besides all the serious stuff that has been going on.
(Daddies hom early kids! Haha)

Maximus woke up with a start looking over at Yoi. "I'm very sorry for what I probably did while I was drunk if there are any damages I will repair them myself." He was honestly used to getting drink and waking up in a demolished bar. "Oh I guess I just sort of got happy didn't I?" He smiled relieved that he hadn't destroyed anything.
Aura popped back up and doggy paddled around. It was pretty pathetic, actually.

She swam underwater and grabbed a random fit of weeds from the bottom. The were green and slimy.

She shrugged and dropped them.

"This is my favorite place to swim." she said, treading in the water. "Do you like swimming?"
"You did nothing except bit my arm," Yoi laughs as she lies down onto the bed. "And I punched your head, and you acted super childish. Besides that, there's nothing to worry about."
Maximus blushed out of embarrasment for his actions. "If I ever get drunk again just leave me alone in the room I will probably fall asleep eventually or knock myself unconcious and be less embarrased when I wake up." He sighed and looked out his window. "It's not long now he'll be here soon and here I am getting drunk and sleeping with a pretty woman."
"Sipher will be here soon to collect me, and if you are asking who the pretty woman is it's you." He smiled his best but was obviously worried. "You know when he arrives Yoi why don't you make sure all the students are safe." Maximus was hoping she had actually forgotten most of the stuff he had said about Sipher and would just go with it. He knew it was too good to be true though so he added on another option. "Or you could get Blanco to come help if you prefer to help me fight him."
Reito frowned, looking at him. "I'm not going to eat you unless you piss me off." She said, closing her eyes and letting herself relax. She was completely aware of her half-naked boyfriend sitting just next to her, although she tried her best to ignore the fact that he was half-naked.

Lenneth chuckled, looking at Aura. "You only doggy paddle?" He said, tilting his head to the side. "I like to swim, I prefer flying to be honest, but swimming is the next best thing. It makes me feel free." He smiled to himself, keeping himself afloat and watching her.
Aura's eye twitched and she said, "So I'm not graceful and a can't swim well. Is there a problem?"

Her face shaded to a light pink for a second.

"I remember flying." she sighed. "Once someone thought I was a bird and shot me down. At least back then I could just heal myself and it was no big deal."

She swam under him and examined his feet. She poked them and popped back up.

"Do you moisturize?" she asked. "You have very soft feet."

((One of Aura's things; When she wants to change the subject she says something so random you can't think of anything but what she said))
He blinked, his brain still lingering on the fact that someone shot her. For a moment his face grew distant, and he began remembering things, until she poked his feet. He squirmed, backing up a bit and looking at her. When she popped back up and asked him, he tilted his head to the side, smiling.

"No, I don't. I guess it's just part of the package." He grinned, then lifted his hands.

"My hands are soft, would you like to feel them too?"
Aura looked at his hands, then put her hands in his. She examined them very closely with fascination.

"Amazing." she gasped. "Such soft hands!"

She put one of his hands up to her cheek and held it there, with her eyes closed.
Lenneth smiled, watching her. She seems to be having fun. He tilted his head to the side, seeing her in a different light. For a moment he felt his body freeze, and he felt time stop. Then he blinked and the moment was gone. What? He frowned, for a split second, then smiled again, watching her.

"There's nothing really amazing about it."

(Mid-after noon, School had finished a few hours ago so I'd say about 7-ish? )
Aura opened her eyes, which were now clouded again. She dropped his hand and said, "You're so hopelessly modest. What a pity."

She doggy paddled the the shore and laid down in the flowers to dry off.
He chuckled, walking back to the shore and laying next to her, on his stomach. He looked at her, grinning. "You know, if I were modest, I would have said something like, 'my hand's aren't soft..' or, 'It's not true.'. But since I wasn't being modest, I went for the later answer. Or would you want me to be a cocky egotistic person and say, Yes, my hands are incredibly soft, aren't you jealous?"
Aura glared at him.

He did have an excellent point, but she wouldn't admit it.

"My hands are amazingly soft, as is the rest of my body. I am practically perfect in every way." she said arrogantly, quoting Mary Poppins. "Except my personality, apparently. People say I'm...'a troublesome, brutal know-it-all', but I don't see it."
He chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't know that your entire body was amazingly soft." He leaned a bit closer, looking her right into her eyes. "Want me to check?" He leaned on his elbow, his head tilted to the side. He liked the way her wet clothes clung to her body, and the way her now-damp hair spread out against the colorful flowers.
Aura's face went completely red and she yelled, "You stupid pervert!"

She jumped up, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked down at him with narrowed eyes.
"You're right," Yoi sighs. "Shall tell the students about this........." Frowning, she sits up and exit the door. "Let's go make an announcement then~And with Blanco....Hah...He will definitely wants some request in order for him to help us....But yeah....He can be very powerful.....With Reito..."

"Hm~~" Blanco sighs, leaning back onto the bed. "Ah." He nearly forgot about the School Festival thingy that the chairman told him to do. "Psh...I still have stuff to do....Uh~Sometimes it's so annoying to be a student council president~" He yawns, then blinks. A smirk forming onto his face, "But sure you won't let me feel bored, right? Re~ito chan?"
He fell back on the flowers, laughing super hard.

"Oh my god you fell for it." He held his stomach and rolled on his side, looking at her.

"I was kidding Aura, I'm not like that." His laughs died down to a chuckle and he wiped a tear from his eye.

Reito frowned, watching him. "What are you up to..?" She said slowly, watching him carefully. Whatever it was he wanted to involve her with, there was no way she was going to do it.
Aura gave him a solid kick in the gut before storming away.

"You aren't funny!" she yelled back to him. "That is no way to speak to a lady!"

It was quite funny how mad she was.
He groaned, then stood up, grabbing his shirt and the flower, running after her.

"Come on Aura, I was kidding." He frowned, then stood in front of her. "I'm sorry, okay? I won't talk like that again." He kept his laughter hidden under an unreadable solid, apologetic face.
"Ah a description if he shows up at the school would be good wouldn't it." Maximus stood up snapping his regular clothes on. "He looks like a normal human of varying appearances but he will always have a strange blade like spike starting at the top of his neck and curving around the top of his head to stop at his forehead. He also has shark like teeth, sorry thatsbthe best I can do he changes his appearance every once in a while." He sighed and shook his head. "After we make the announcement then what?"

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