The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Emilio ignored her. He was in a place where Tiara herself couldn't shake him from " Assassin's rule number two - transpositional thinking: Analyze the target in order to predict his thoughts and movements." Emilio's knives started to float in the tree so that they would stay hidden
Since Emilio ignores her Tavia stays there quietly, not really interested in what is going on in his mind.
Maximus is too tired to stop talking and so he chuckles before answenring her question. "Would you believe it is only a crime to kill 100 other demons in the case that you do it to protect humans?" He began to laugh for a little while before rolling around for a second seeming to get comfortable. "An army of demons was coming to turn a bit city into a crater, I was taught by my father..." he cut off for a moment thinking about itears seeming to well in his eyes for a second. "He taught me that to kill somebody who couldn't fight back was disshonorable so I slaughtered every single demon, and now I am hell's most wanted madman maximus they call me." He started laughing again.
Yoi blinks, but doesn't laugh. "The demons don't see fairness in things, unlike Zero or Emilio, who are both half demons...You are not strong enough to fight back, are you." She lets out a short sigh, her words does not contain any means of offense.
"Nobody here has the strength to fight back thats why I run if they find me at the school even if they see me first they will destroy everything just because they can." He rolled over to look up at her. "That's why I would either run or die without a fight so that nobody has to die because I exist." He sighed and rolled so he was face down his words muffled and impossible to understand.
Yoi listens quietly at Maximus's words before the words automatically flies out of her mouth. "We can fight back."
Maximus turned to her with an upsettingly serious face. "If you try to fight for me then I will turn myself in to keep you all from dying. There is no way that you all trying to save my insignificant life will end weith anything but your blood on the ground."h he began to tear up before turning away from her. "I won't let any more people die because I didn't run fast enough."
"I don't like losers, and you are acting like a loser," Yoi bluntly says as she stands up and glance at Maximus. "They're not like the strongest in the world, we are able to fight them, we need to," she says, staring hard onto him. "School rule number 7, those who has higher authorities than the usual students are responsible to protect the students at any cost."

Tavia glances quietly through the tree to see a man there, in what should be the Asazi clothes. She always has two secrets within her--One, the fact that she's a vampire, and second, being one of the highest rank in the hunting club. Glancing at the man quietly, she slowly walks over to him, doesn't care if Emilio notice or not, doesn't care about what he will say either way.
Maximus stood up now awake and a little angry. "They may not be the strongest in the world but I do not want to see anybody die protecting me! If you insist on fighting then I will have to make sure they never get as far as the school."he walked over to his cupboard and opened it pulling out a large bottle of whiskey and took a small swig. "And the one person I most definetaly will not let die for me is you Yoi!" He hadn't meant to say it but he simply blurted it out. "I need to go for a walk to clear my head excuse me." He quickly went to the door and stepped out.
Assassin's rule number three - speed: take out the target before the target notices your presence." Emilio's knives flew out in and almost all hit their targets.
Reito walked into her dorm, frowning. This was officially the first time she had been completely alone for three days. She leaned against the wall, closing her eyes. So, I've been injected with angel blood, Blanco's, to be exact, and I should transform in a few days. She frowned, walking towards her journal. She pulled it out, along with a contact number. She called the number. "Hey, it's me. Remember that favor you owe me? Yeah, Reito. Yeah, I need you to find out where the Blando's laboratory is."
A soft tapping noise was to be heard on Reito's door. Tap, Tap, Tap, it went. It almost seemed to form a song.

On the outside of the door, a tiny pink-haired, pink-eyed, horned girl was the one tapping on Reito's door. She was barely hovering over the ground by using her wings, though it seemed more like she was floating. "Hello~?" She said very playfully, her soft voice echoed throughout the hall.
Walking into the dorms he looked around and started walking down one of the halls wondering what room he was going to be staying in. He sat down in the hall and put his headphones on and listened to his favorite rock group Soulidium. 
I look up and notice a small pinked hair girl with horns and wings I take off my headphones and ask "M'Lady by any chance do you know who I need to speak to about finding a dorm room to move into?"
Fen swiftly turned around and looked at the mysterious person. She smiled a slight, mischievous smile as she used her wings to maneuver around them. "Are you talking to me?" She giggled and circled them as she hovered slightly in the air, her eyes never leaving the other person before her.
"Indeed M'lady so do you know who we speak with to get a room?" 
He watches her carefully as she hovers around him.
"mmmm..." Fen hums to herself as she shifts her eyes up at the ceiling. "If you're here, shouldn't you have already been assigned a room?" She lowers herself to the floor and retracts her wings, now standing before the mysterious new person and looking them in the eye, a curious glimmer reflecting off of hers.
"You'd think so but I just got here so I really haven't been told much, oh how rude of me I never introduced myself my name is Voce Di Follia." I say kindly my purple eyes locked on hers. Personal experience taught him people with horns tend to be troublesome to say the least but being the gentleman he is he was not about to judge a book by its cover.
Reito frowned, walking to the window and seeing two people outside. She lifted it up, looking down at the people. "What?" She tried not to yell, but she wasn't sure they would hear her, and she just wanted to be alone for the moment.
Fen was about to introduce herself to Voce when Reito had suddenly opened the window. The pink haired demon girl smiled and flew up from the ground and to the window, peaking her head slightly through.

"Hello~" she said, in an almost singing tone, "My name is Fennela Alston. You can call me Fen though, nobody calls me Fennela except my uncle." She laughed and spun around in the air, hanging upside and looking at Reito as she spoke to her. "I'm new here."
I look up watching as the pink haired girl conversed with the girl in the window. This place is definitely going to be interesting he thought.
Aura cheerily walked around, her hair flowing behind as a result of her springy steps. In the basket she was holding were hundreds of "flowers" that were in fact just weeds. But she didn't really care. They were pretty.
Blanco's student-council-super-instinct immediately tells him that there are new students in school, but he will not be a slightest bit interest in that fact unless he's interest in the students himself. However he wants to stay in his room peacefully until his phone rings. "Yes~?" "Blanco, have you been doing your job as a student council president properly?!" He frowns, it's the chairman's voice. "Of course~!" "Then how about the school festival~?!" "All ready~!" "Liar!!" "It can be ready any time I wish, Mr. Chairman. The thing is you have no rights to control over me since I have that lovely picture of you cheating on your wife." Blanco's charming bright voice rings over to the chairman's ear as he hangs off.
Aura happily began weaving her weeds into a necklace.

She quietly hummed a sweet song to herself as she wove. She gained a few glances from some people walking by her, but she didn't exactly notice them.

She was fairly oblivious to the world.

((*cough* Aura is free to chat if anyone wants tooo *whistles*))
Blanco sighs at last, exiting the room then. The School Festival...........Resentment flowing onto him because he doesn't want to work but he must. He slowly walks to the student council room when he sees weeds. ".....Yah, it's weed isn't it? The school doesn't allow drugs," He charmingly informs the new girl. 
"I won't die protecting you, how weak do you think I am?" Yoi follows behind. "Letting a student stays in danger is a disgrace to a SDC chairman. Plus, do you think that this school's weak enough to just let all the demons kill them and injure them so badly?"
Aura looked up at him and quickly stood up, dusting off her dress.

"They are not weeds." she said quietly. "They are flowers."

They were weeds.

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