The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

(LOL xD they're kinda cute aren't they lol zero's a stalker hahaha XDD oh yeah wanna draw them too but im too lazy to draw it haha xD )
Q was inside the main hall hiding from all the people trying to eat his lunch in peace by himself when he felt a sudden pain in his chest almost causing him to pass out. He put his lunch down and ran to a window to look outside at the forest when he saw a large mass of the trees and other plants was gone. Q ate all sweets from his lunch and ran out side where he saw to people eating lunch. He hid and tried to decide what to do and decided to just run into the woods where all the trees were. He started crying because of the absence of all the plants and he fell to his knees trying to regrow the trees.
Reito heard another person enter the forest, and turned to see who it was. In the clearing she saw a boy on his knees, messing with the plants and crying. She scampered around the edge of the clearing and to the edge of the forest where she shifted back to her human form. She frowned, trying to think of what might have caused the shadows to find her.
Q stood up wiping his eyes trying to calm himself down and started to walk out of the forest. When he saw a girl from the school was standing at the edge of the forest and he was frightened when he saw her. He decided that if he walked away like nothing happened maybe she wouldn't notice him.
Reito glanced back at the boy who was crying earlier, making eye contact. She frowned at him and walked back to the school, just as the bell rang, signaling class time.
He freaked out when he saw that she had indeed noticed him. He continued walking inside going to his designated class but once he got there the girl from earlier was there as well.
"Yeah so what,"She says feeling flustered,balling her small hands into fist.Feeling paniced,yet not sure why she was.Soul did what any other girl would have done and punches Zero.As Hard as she could the shadows forming a thin laryer over her hand and hardening turning into a metal like substance.Then stomps away her hands within the pockets of her jeans."I'm not going to {Enter curse word here} detention for that either,"She yells along with many other unlady like word and also something that sounds like oatmeal.Right as the bell rings drowning out the last couple of sentences.
Rei plopped down in her next class, again by the window seat, and rests her head on her desk, frowning. Stupid shadows, ruining my fun. Stupid school. Stupid monsters. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She groaned and put her head in her arms, pouting that her run wasn't good enough.
Q watched the girl lay her head down on her desk and his stomach started feeling all fluffy and strange. He rose a finger up in the air and made a white rose grow on her desk. He turned away to pretend like nothing ever happened.
Soul stomps into the classroom,sitting down into the nearest desk and hangs her head in shame."Stupid dam people,"She mumbles under her breathe while banging her head against the desk.Her shadows slithering like snakes.
Rei chewed on her bottom lip, noticing a white rose flourish on the corner of her desk. Her brows furrowed as confusion found its place in her head. Where the hell did that come from? She thought, reaching out to touch the soft petals. She lifted her head and her eyes scanned the room, looking for the person who would have done it.
Q looked over at the girl he gave the flower to and he smiled blushing slightly even though he was trying to look inconspicuous. He tried to turn all the way around so that his face would not be seen.
Rei blinked at the boy she had seen earlier in the forest. When he turned around she raised her eyebrow, and laid her head back on the desk, not paying attention to anything anymore.
Q looked over at Rei seeing that she looked kind of dismal. He stood up kind of hesitantly and walked over to her slowly still thinking things over in his head. When he got over to her and said "H-hey are you okay...i was just over there and you looked kinda sad."
Rei raised her eyebrows, meeting his gaze and yawning. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You should sit down before the teacher throws a hissy fit because you interrupted class." She pointed to the teacher, who was looking at the boy expectantly.
He rubbed the back of his head "Sorry mam but where is the bathroom and may I use it?" he spoke out to the teacher and looked down at the ground. "Okay sorry to interrupt your education have really pretty eyes." he ran off into the hallway to use the restroom after getting permission.
Rei blinked, not sure of what just happened, then sighed, looking out of the window and wishing the day would end already.
Q re entered the class and sat down at his seat quietly so he wouldn't be a disturbance again and started taking notes on the teachers lecture. He was writing very quickly since he was a little behind.
Zero sighs, standing up. Soul has a surprisingly lady-side within her. It makes him smile, though, that Soul can be cute in a way that she doesn't notice herself. Of course he won't give a detention for that, or he is rather feeling complicated for his own action. Aye, what's this. He stands up and goes back to do his own works. Although he secretly wishes that he can throw a detention at her just to see her being funny which rather comforts his heart.

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