The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Zero sits up and sighs, who just goes off and pins someone down and then walks away to someone dangers? Oh, Reito has misunderstand but hopefully she's not the kind to go spread some nonsense rumors around. Slightly raising an eyebrow toward Lucus, he watches him quietly in case he does anything dangerous.
Reito eyed the group of people cautiously. It's getting noisy around here, I'd better find somewhere else to relax. She stood up, dusting off the back of her cut offs and scanning the area. Maybe the roof, or the forest? The roof might be too hot, I'll go to the forest. She bit her bottom lip and walked past all three of the people gathered in the garden as quietly as possible. Once she rounded the corner, she headed straight for the forest until lunch was over.
Soul shrugs and goes back to Zero deciding that would be the best choice for herself at this moment."So am I going to get to ask my question my question or will I get ignored some more,"She says.
"There're monsters in the forest Reito-san......." Zero's sharp eyes notice Reito right away. "Fine, what's the question?" He sighs, turning back to Soul.
"Would you ever really kill someone if they annoyed you enough,"She gives him the meow face look."And you have to admire my presence,"She smiles and sits down."Also what are you."
Reito paused, looking back at the man who had called out to her. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Am I supposed to be afraid?" She turned and began walking in her previous direction, soon coming to the end of the forest. She stepped forward into it, scanning the area around her as she walked. She came to a stop in front of a tree that seemed pleasant, and began to climb up its long slender trunk. She climbed higher and higher until she reached the lowest branch, which was about fifteen feet above the ground, and sat on it, her back to the trunk and her legs dangling from either side of the branch.
"Yes now answer the questions or I will annoy you for eternity,"She says and moves her hands upwards making a huge shadowy wave appear behind her."Mawahahahahahahaha,"She lets out a mock evil laugh."No reason just stating a fact."Her hair falls in front of her face.

(I forgot my original question noooo)
"Yeah right...And then once the monsters get attracted to the new being they're gonna ruin school properties...And if there's a fight the school properties will...." Zero mumbles under his breath while looking at Soul's raising powers. "Why should I admire your presence if you're going to annoy me for eternity?" He raises an eyebrow at her. "What am I? I am your guardian."
"I never understood what a guardian was,and thats not what I mean I mean like what are you as in are you some kind of demon or something,"She says annoyingly knitting her eyebrows together."You are kinda annoying you know that right."
Rei inhales, missing the scent of the forest back where she used to live. She felt a longing feeling tugging at the back of her mind, to run wild and free, with no around to see her. She glances quickly around the forest, smirking. Well there's no one around now.. She stands on the branch, her eyes glowing with anticipation. She feels the earth vibrate gently through the tree. Rei reaches up, and pulls the ribbon from her hair, letting it fall loosely down to her thighs. She grins, spreading her arms and waiting for the right moment to shift and run free among the trees.
"Just like how you annoy me." Zero gently lifts up Soul's chin and whispers into her ear, his own shadow figures gather and surround her as if they're in a middle of a weird spiral. Then he disappears within it, for a while leaving her inside the spiral alone and finally it clears. Zero is sitting there, leaning against the tree, eating his lunch as he counts the minutes before the bell rings.
"Well that was,"Soul freezes no knowing what to say.She can still feeling Zero's hand on her chin. even though it wasn't there.For probably the first time soul was left mostly speechless.She looks at her hands her shoulders tensing as she tries to figure out what just happened her cheeks turning bright red.
Now. She thought, leaping in the air and shifting into a huge arctic wolf the size of a truck before landing with a thump on the ground. She took off at a sprint, darting through the trees, letting her adrenaline run free and her heart thump against her chest wildly.
Zero's eyes suddenly glow a bright diamond red and all of a sudden his solid shadow figures sour into the forest and goes around Reito's waist, lifting her up into the sky as a black dragon flies between the trees she just landed, mouth wide open as it eats all the trees along with all the hidden creatures up. It turns around, eyes sharp, staring straight into Reito as it vanishes into the air. The ruler of the forest...Zero thought, The school properties..Destroyed...Aye...

(he did lol Soul)
"Did you just eat my lunch,"Soul asks snapping out of the weird trance like state she was in.Her cheeks still burning red.She stares at him,quirking and eyebrow.
Reito snarled at the figures wrapped around her waist, her teeth snapping at them wildly. Her eyes connected with the dragon's for a moment before it vanished. She snarled, Let me down! She squirmed and struggled with the shadows.
Zero is quietly identifying Reito's abilities as he lets go of the shadows and his mind returning back to Soul. "Your cheeks are red," he cleans his mouth with tissue papers as he puts the empty Soul's lunch box besides him. (brb dinner :D )
As soon as the shadows let go of her, she began plummeting into the forest. She growled, jumping from tree to tree until she reached the ground. Snarling, she looked upwards to the shadows, daring them to come closer.

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