The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

The bell rings again, and Zero hears some students fighting outside. He sighs, walking through the hallway, going to the schoolyard to where the students are fighting.
Soul sits at her desk not paying attention.Her brain felt slight mangled and at the moment all she wants is for the school day to be over,yet fate is mean and leaves her with two more classes to finish before she can return to her lovely dorm.'Or maybe I can take a trip to town'.She thinks while saying out loud.She rest her head on her hands feeling dizzy,chills start to go down her back.
Zero ignores Soul's stare and the teacher starts to read off the document that Zero had given her. "Soul ___(last name whatever)...Invited to join the Student Council...Student Council President had decided to let her become a member disregarding her own opinions..."
Orii is silently observing the mess going on in the classroom. Is it like this every day? She wonders. I could get used to this. She looks up, seeing the girl she ran into jump out the window. She picks up an eraser from her desk and launches it after the girl, the eraser hitting her in the back of the head.
Soul looks up in shock."Since when did this school have a student council,"She says quirking an eyebrow,"And why in the Holy marshmallow would they want me in it."She asks questionly,A weird thought pops into her head.Ahhh there trying to turn me civil."I refuse this offer."
Zero calmly replies, "As your teacher mentioned before you have no rights to refuse. The student council president is rather interested in your shadow abilities...Ah, and some said you will be more civil that way, or more ladylike."
Soul looks at Orri and throws a pencil at her."Well I still refuse,you can't make me,"She says knowing full and well they probably could."Hi I'm soul,"She says to the blonde haired girl who through the object at her head.Turning her back to Zero. 
She turns her head back to zero looking at him."I'm not joining.I rather be forced into a sparkling prom dress and go to a ball,"She explains.
"You did,but I refuse your refusal to give me the right to refuse,"She explains tensing her shoulder."I will never be a lady or civil so begone strange student council notice,"She says firmly.
"I'm not in charge of this. Go argue with the student council, who does not accept any arguments."(aye should i make another jerky guy) Zero tilts his head to one side, closing his eyes and sigh, as though tired of a childish fight.
Rei blinked, watching the guy and the girl bicker. Seriously, get a room. She covered her head and laid it down on the desk, trying to drown out the bickering. 
(Sure if you want xD It'd be interesting.
Soul grabs her things and starts to angrily walk out the door.Then comes back in the classroom."Where are they again"She asks feeling slightly stupid.
"Calm down, Soul. Things won't always go your way." Zero says coolly. "How about Reito join the Student Council too, so Soul won't be all alone?" And might as well have someone she can scream to other than me when she's mad...
Rei frowned, looking up at the man. The hell? Why's he gotta drag me into it. She chewed the inside of her lip, showing her displeasure thoroughly.
Zero wonders why the girls this year all seem so hard to talk to. "May you join the Student Council, or is there a reason why you absolutely don't want to join it?"
Sighing, she stood up, walking out of the classroom and down the hallway, into the girls bathroom. Of course I don't want to join some stupid student council. All they'll do is bore me to death.
"People are being hopeless." Zero mumbles, his eyes flashing a bright red. Alright, no more nice-talking, it requires force now. The two girls have open up his mad-mode.
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Rei washed her face, scrubbing off the excess tree bark from under her fingernails. She remembered the black shadows, wrapping around her and taking her away from the dragon. I could have taken him. She sighed, looking into the mirror and letting herself get a sense of depression. I hate myself. I should have been stronger. I should have protected them. I shouldn't be like this. She gripped the sink, wanting to hit something.
He uses his shadow ability and drags Reito out of the girl's bathroom. "Ah, I'm sure you will find the Student Council verrry interesting, indeed, especially with the Student Council President...How about also welcome that Q guy before?" He has that super cold smile on his face as he stares close to Reito's face.
Rei snarled, pushing her shift back. "Back off. What I do is none of your business. Just leave me alone. I don't want to join your stupid council bull-crap." She dislocated her arms, making a huge cracking sound and slipping out of the grip of the shadows. She skidded to a halt a few feet away, her eyes flaring and her temper getting to her.
(damn alright reito imma drag a new character the student council president out)
Q walked down the hallway seeing the girl from earlier and some guy that she looked less than happy to see. He walked by and bumped shoulders with him dropping his books on the ground. "Oh sorry that was all my fault..." he started picking up his books and stood up again. Before he could follow her he grabbed his shoulder and shook his hand "Nice to meet you, you can call me Q."

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