The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

(lol and i still dont get the meaning of it)

Though Soul pleads Zero, he just looks away but pats Soul on the shoulder. He can't deal with Blanco either.

Blanco happily lifts Soul up and carries her to the Student Council Room. "Welcome to the Student Council!" He happily exclaims, "Zero, you are done with your job right? You will surely be willing to keep watch of her right?" Zero doesn't reply. "Right?" He repeats the question, daring him and finally Zero sighs, accepting it.

"I know I can trust you, Zero, my friend." Blanco smiles gently, "Now now, who's the last one? Ah, I remember, it's Reito." He chuckles, excitedly dances out of the room.
(Oh shet. I have to admit I'm a bit intimidated, but Rei wont be c: )

Rei stands up, not in a comfortable enough position and begins climbing up the tree she was leaning against. She was at least 20 feet off of the ground, before she found a comfortable branch to lay on. She stretched out on it, closing her eyes and relaxing. Finally... Peace and quiet..
"Having a fun time alone?" Blanco appears and leans against the tree that Reito is on, smiling up at her.
Blinking, she looks down, seeing a student underneath her. Why can't people just leave me alone. She frowned, closing her eyes and ignoring him.
"Reito ___(last name), you are now a member of the Student Council." Ignoring the fact that Reito is ignoring him, he says, still smiling up.
Frowning, she looks down at him again. "I'm not joining your stupid council, so go away and leave me alone." Rei stands up, dashing from tree to tree into the forest until she feels like she's far enough. She then lays on that limb and sighs. "Stupid freaking people don't know how to take rejection."
Blanco has mysteriously appears under Reito again. "Hey, how about give it a try first? If you don't like it you can always leave." Try talking nice first, he thought. Try not using force first...
Feeling her anger surge through her again, she stood up, looking menacingly at the student below her. "How about no. How about you turn around, walk out of this forest, go back to your stupid council, and forget I ever existed. How about you just leave me the hell alone. I like that idea, it's a very good idea." She crossed her arms, frowning, her canines barely poking out from her lips.
Soul stares at Zero trying to burn holes into him with her eyes."So he can destroy a hallway and its no big deal,but if I want to skip class its like.Oh,Nooooooooooo we got to drag her to detention,"She growls.Then looks at the space behind Zero."Thats a weird place to put a piano,"She says even though there was no piano there.She knits her eyebrow together like she was truly confused,pray Zero would look behind him. 
(Google translate is a lier)
"Soul, I'm not like the strongest person in the school." Zero replies calmly, he wants to stop Blanco if he wants to. The problem is Blanco will actually repair it and pay for the damage later, so if he complains about it much...Blanco can ruin his life with only his smile.

"How about no, how about you get off that limb," the limb she's sitting on breaks, "walk out of this forest, come to the wonderful council," Blanco signs the confirmation sheet of Reito's membership for her, "and celebrate the fact that you exist. How about we go the hell together. I like that idea, it's a very good idea." He smiles at Reito, giving out his hand.
As Rei falls, she extends her claws, letting them dig into the bark of the tree as she skids down it to the ground. Her fury rises in her and her eyes glow red. She snatches the sheet out from his hand and hisses, ripping it to pieces. "How about no." She smacks his hand away, her claws tearing at his skin. Her voice comes out raspy and uneven and she frowns. "Go away. Leave me alone. I don't care about some stupid council. I rather like it in the forest." As she says that, multiple monsters emerge from behind her. She whips her head around, on the verge of shifting and frowns. "More of you want to play?"
"Ouch, ouch," Blanco laughs as his hand heals, due to his half angel ability. He smiles at her still though his eyes are cold, "Isn't that some wonderful monsters? And ah, you are the most wonderful one among them." He lets the confirmation stay ruined. You know what, getting her into the student council is the main thing right now, not sign the confirmation.

"And yes, that's a weird place to put a piano." Zero says not looking back, knowing there's no piano behind him.
Frowning, she lets herself shift, her inner wolf expanding and ripping her flesh, replacing it with pure white fur, save for a red diamond on her forehead. Her blue eyes scan the monsters ahead of her. Four in total. Dashing foward, she attacks, her teeth snapping off the head of the first monster immediately. She crunches the bones in her mouth, letting the black blood seep from her teeth. Her body shifts and she grows bigger, taking on the size of a truck. She leaps backwards as the second being swings its raven-like claws towards her.
Snarling, she takes out the rest of the monsters, slashing them in half and biting their heads off. She then snarls at the student, trotting past him and to the school grounds. She shifts just before she leaves the forest, wiping the black blood off on the back of her hand. She replays his words in her head, frowning more and more. "You're the most wonderful one among them.'' She frowns. I'm not a monster, idiot. She walks towards the school and through the garden, heading back to the bathroom.
Blanco sighs, this one's difficult. Oh well, she's a wonderful monster. He stands up, going back to the school, and stands near the bathroom waiting for her. "Never give up," he once heard, and that's the most beautiful quote he had ever heard.
Washing out her mouth was more difficult than she imagined, and she had to clean out the bark from under her nails, again. She chewed on her bottom lip, inspecting her teeth to make sure that there was no more blood. She sighed, tying her hair back up in the ribbon, her fingers tugging a neat bow. She opened the door and walked out, seeing the guy from outside standing right there. She frowned. "Seriously? I swear this counts as stalking." She began walking down the hall.
The floor in front of Reito breaks. "Can't we talk for a few minutes?" Blanco asks, grinning.
She stops walking, just one step short of stepping into the hole. Turning around, Rei gives her best annoyed look and sucks her teeth, frowning. She crosses her arms and taps her finger on her elbow. "Sure. You've got two minutes. Start talking."
"Let's just pretend that 1 minute equals 1 hour, I can stretch the time. So, the Student Council is not stupid. The Student Council is part of the reason why you can go wander around in that wonderful forest, part of the reason why I have the money to pay for the damage of the school properties, all of the reason why some disgusting teachers are fired~And much, much more~" Blanco crosses his arms and lean against the hallway walls.
Frowning, she replied. "Is that it?" She walked over to the window and opened it, sitting on the windowsill and waiting for him to finish talking.
"Nope." She stood from the windowsill, walking past him and down another hall just as the bell rings, releasing them to their last class. Only 45 more minutes, then I get to get away from here.. at least until tomorrow..
Pausing, she looks back at him, her eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Are you threatening me? Because I assure you, that's a very good way to get yourself killed." She frowned, her canines poking from her bottom lips again.

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