The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Great to meet you, Q. You are now a member of the Student Council." Zero resumes his usual calm look and says it without even a pause. 
Rei begins relocating her arms, the same cracking sound errupting. Her eyes darted over to the man, and she gave him a menacing look before turning on her heel and walking out to the garden for fresh air. 
( xD Okay. Sorry, she's really stubborn qw q are you going to post it on the sign-up thread so I can get an Idea of who it is o: ? )
Zero sighs, no fighting in school hallways, that's against the rule. He goes back to Soul, "The Student Council President will talk to you separately, go complain to him." He turns to Q, "You are invited to join the Student Council."

(yesh i am just wait ^w^)
"Hey woah im sorry i dont even know about this." before he could walk away he reached down the back of his shirt and grabbed a pod. He threw it at his feet and instantly vines wrapped his legs stopping his walk. He caught up to him. "When is this club and how do you know i actually wanna be in it. I already have botany club."
Walking out into the garden, she felt power thrumming through her, making her want to shift just that much more. Stupid freaking.. who the hell does he think he is, just dragging me out of the bathroom to force me to join some stupid council club. He doesn't even freaking know me. As she got angrier, she felt her canines pushing past her lips and her nails extending. Her eyes turned a bright blue and her body trembled slightly.
"It just turns out that you want to join it, Tavia will explain all the stuffs," (yay finally my old old second character can appear)Zero says, "Follow me..."

They walk to the Student Council Room, though the Student Council president is not in there, but rather wandering around somewhere.

Tavia raises her head when she notices people coming. When Zero explains to her about Q, she smiles. "Welcome~"She gives Q her hand.
I can't stay here or I'll change. She chewed her bottom lip, drawing blood and ran into the forest, letting herself shift under the cover of trees. Kill. I have to Kill. Her eyes turned crimson red and her wolf form expanded, making her bigger. She threw her head back and let out a warning howl to any students who may have wandered into the forest. Get out while you can.. She snarled, going full predator-prey mode. She sprinted into the forest, finding a few monsters huddled around a clearing. Yes.. this will work perfectly.
Q looked at her akwardly then back at Zero "Your kidding right and no i dont really wanna join this thing." He looked down at the girl and her outreached hand. "Yeah i think im good." He started walking away down the hallway.

Blanco appears at the doorway and drags Q in. "Welcome to the Student Council~!You are now an official member of the student council." He smiles happily with Tavia smiling happily besides him as well. Force force force force force...

Zero is about to leave when Blanco drags him as well. "Where's the other two who wants to join?"

So they "happily" go back to Soul and Reito while Tavia ties Q up due to Blanco's command...

Soul sees Zero and Blanco,she tilts her head for a second like trying to read some invisible force that hovered around them.I don't like this.She thinks and quickly turns around walking away from them.Then going into a full blown sprint.She lets out a beautiful war cry and runs like the devil was at her heels.
(I am officially in love with the comedy in this RP.) 
Reito, after destroying several monsters, shifts back into a human, and begins walking back to the school, weaving her way through the forest until she comes to the end of it, stepping outside and frowning. I still don't feel calm enough. Well, at least I don't feel like ripping heads off anymore. She shrugged and leaned against a tree.

Blanco tilts his head side way as Soul ran away. "Ne, Zero, why is she running away?" He asks, smiling brightly as the floor in front of Soul cracks.

"Oops! But this is out of necessity Zero! I will pay you back for ruining school properties~" He happily remarks as a wire broke free from the ceiling and ties around Soul's wrist, dragging her back to Blanco. Zero literally groans but he ignores it, holding the wrist that the wire has loosened. "Hey," he asks Soul, "Isn't magic supeeeerrr useful~?" His smile is the most beautiful ever.
Reito slid her back down the tree, curling in a ball and closing her eyes. She began drifting off to sleep, her mind pondering over the man who murdered her family. I'll find you.. and when I do.. you're dead... I don't care what happens to me afterwards.. you deserve it..
(hey i need to sleep :P so hurry up~lol accept your forfeit mwahaha)

(damn need to go to sleep tomorrow will be another ton of fun and imma get u reito :) goodnight~!)
"Nolo irascaris mihi et risus quies facit,"Soul mutters when she looks at Blanco.She wants to run,spit.punch and hug this man all at the same time."Yeah,super,"She stutters then looks to Zero her eyes shouting like speakers.'If you get me away from this man I'll stay in a class and never skip again,' 
(Lol she mutters in latain have you seen what you done you got her muttering in latin)

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