The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Oh no I won't get myself killed that easily, but I do know your secret. Does that count as threatening? Hmmm~I wonder," Blanco chuckles. "You seek for revenges don't you~?" He pulls your arm over to him and whispers into your ear.
Reito raised her eyebrows and jerked her arm out of his grip, ignoring him and continuing to her next class. "Stupid people. Stupid school." She plopped down in her chair, resting her head on the desk.
Blanco sighs, entering the classroom, talking to the teacher for a few minutes and Reito's desk breaks. "I hate it when things don't go my way...Cause I'm plainly a spoiled guy." He smiles at Reito, an icy smile with his cold eyes staring.
Frowning, Rei stands up, walking up to him and grabbing him by the shirt, dragging him outside of the classroom and pressing him against the wall. "What's your deal?! I told you to leave me alone! Do you not take rejection well?" She gripped his shirt, her canines extending from her lips.
"No, I don't take rejection well, that's exactly my point," Blanco lets her grips his shirt, his smile still heartless. "Think me as a son of a bitch, think me whoever I am, cause I don't care." He grips her hands and turn her around so their positions change and Reito is leaning against the wall with Blanco's hand pressing her wrist on it. "You interest me, your desires for revenges. That ribbon your wear everyday, my scars." His smile is twisted, his pressure rather hard.
Rei scowls, her teeth flashing angrily. She jerks her hand from his grip, eyes gleaming. "What exactly do you need me for? I don't see any way in which I could be of help to you." She crosses her arms, getting annoyed.
"We are similar, you know, not like I got my parents killed but I got myself ruined by someone as well. What's wrong with having somebody similar and even interesting in my dear student council? We can sort things out together." Blanco leans against the wall again, his expression returning to his usual charming smile. "Oh, furthermore, we can get some information about that person you are seeking revenge of too."
She knew she shouldn't have done it. But she did anyway. "You'll be able to get information.. Right..?" She hated being lured in and hated taking the bait, but this was the best she had. "Fine." She frowned.
"Ah, Reito, I know you are the most wonderful monster I have ever seen." He doesn't care if Reito doesn't want to be called a monster or not. In a flash of seconds they are inside the Student Council Room again. "Welcome to the Student Council~!" He smiles, stretching out his arms as a welcome.
Rei frowns, walking to the windowsill and sitting down. "Yeah yeah." She hated the fact that she gave in. She looked towards the garden, frowning.
"We're gonna do tons of fun together," he smiles at her, a smile that has tons of mysterious ideas behind it.
Her eyes scan the room, taking in the man that tried to bind her with shadows, his girlfriend (Or so she assumes), Another girl, the guy from class who gave her a white rose, and this kid who dares to challenge her. She frowns even more, turning her attention to the corner of the room, refusing to acknowledge any of them until the day is over. She looks at the clock on the wall. Only 40 minutes left.
"We're gonna stay all night for today," Blanco announces. "There are a lot of things we need to talk about, including our new members."
Her eyes shot to the president, annoyance searing through her. Like hell I am. She returned her attention back to the corner, still counting down until school lets out. 35minutes.
Soul shoulders tense as Blanco and Reito enter the room.She looks to Reito and flashers her a fake smile.At least I am not the only one here agianst their will.She looks back to Zero."Can I leave now,"She ask knowing the awneser would be.Capiltil N.O. 
A chill went down her back and she starts to slowly inch her way toward the air vents. 
Justice enters the building his sense set on preditor.I know you're here Soulicy.He grins sadistically moving her shoulders like a cat stalking his prey.Oh,the plans he had in store for his little problem.
"Am I the Student Council President here...?" Zero clicks his tongue. Surely Blanco is the one who's going to answer that and he's very sure that the answer will be a Capital NO with that very charming smile of his.

"Anyway~We need to stay here all night cause there are lots and lots of things to be done! First there is the School Festival coming up...Then it's the students' complains about half of the trees in the forest destroyed. Oh, and each different new for our two new female members~!" Blanco pauses, catching his breath and shoots them the most sparkling smile, "Soul, a dude named Justice is coming to get you! And Reito, the newest new said that there were corpses behind the school and the only thing the murderer left was a ribbon, similar to what you are wearing~"

(a wonderful feeling that this roleplay actually has a great storyline going on enough to write a novel about it...)
Soul's jaw drops at the sound of Justice's name being said.Her face turning as pale as the moon and fear was pretty much shaken through her body."I have to leave now sorry,"She walks over to the nearest air duct and starts to open it,but the screws were rusted. 
(LOL what room are we in again)
"Now that's not smart is it?" Blanco quietly says from behind. He already identified Justice's background and knows his intentions. "How about go face him and be done with it or stay here so when he comes we can actually have a nice 'talk'." He plans sheepishly, and Zero sighs. "I can face him first..." A villain to this academy means a new tons of problems.

(student council room ^w^)
Reito frowned, not moving instantly. She questioned him in her head. Would he lie about this? She blinked, looking out of the window. 15 minutes left of class. She sighed, standing up and walking to the door, curiosity over taking her. She slid it open and started walking down the hall. 
(This would be a good novel... It has so much potential.)
Justice moves through the hallways his feet clanging loudly on the floor,unlike Soul earlier that day he wants to be heard.He quickly navigates his way through the twisting halls to the student council room,Knocking twice he awaits for the opening of the door.

(I would read it and laugh as i did)
"Waiiiit Reito-chan~! Soul is having trouble now and that trouble will trouble us all so can you not mind the trouble to stay for a while to help out with the trouble~? I mean, your coldness is really awesome to deal with that trouble so~" Blanco is used to taking benefits with its members, so Reito's coldness can possibly come in handy if they are to meet that Justice dude later. If they help Soul, he plans, Soul might be more willing to join the Student Council.

Zero notices the door first as he points at it with his thumb, "He's here..."
Soul freezes when the knock rings through the room.She slumps down her hands covering her face,slightly rocks herself."I'm sorry I'm sorry,"She mumbles quietly memories of her past running through her mind.She looks up and looks at Zero for an instance anyone looking at her could see the small,scared child she was.(This just shows how badly she was jacked up)
Zero frowns when he sees Soul showing that kind of face. Silently walking to her he pats her head, "What do you want to do? Blanco won't listen if you're running away."
Sighing, she makes her way back inside, sitting next to soul protectively once she sees how scared she is. Her scowl returns and she tries to use her energy to calm her. Her body resonates protection, part of her wolf form, and she refuses to let anything happen to her. I guess, I could help. She thought, looking at Soul, who reminded her so much of herself as a child in that instance.
Justice peeks his head into the room."Hello,I'm Justice,"He says charm speaking his words so he doesn't get attacked as soon as he enters.His voice was like liquid chocolate."I would like to join the student council."His eyes twinkle with serenity.He looks like someone who just wants to make everyone feel like a golden ray of sunshine.

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