The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Rei feels her anger rise up just as fast as it went down. Her eyes snap open and she grabs Blanco, ripping him from Soul and slamming him on the ground. "I did NOT Fall for some stupid charm talk bullshit! I didn't see any point in helping someone I don't even know! As fast as I was interested in helping her stupid little ass, was as fast as I was disinterested!" She snarled, her canines reaching their full length and her body trembling in anger.
"Awww don't be mad! You can grow stronger!" Blanco smiles sarcastically. "Anyway, don't you want to check out the corpses? Is that enough to push me to the ground? Dang! You are surprisingly forceful on guys~!" He chuckles.
Reito snapped her teeth at him like an animal, removing her hand from his clothes and walking to the door, slamming it open and closed. Stupid School! Stupid People! Stupid Council! Stupid Council President! It all needs to burn! Burn, burn, burn! She stalked down the halls just as the bell rang, releasing the students to their dorms and signaling the end of school. The corpses.. It stayed in the back of her mind, but she was too angry to go check it out now. That's just what he wanted. She wanted nothing to do with him, so she stalked towards her dorm.
"Neee~!Reito-chan~They're going to clean up the corpse right now~!" Somehow Blanco has appeared besides her and checking out the window. "And I purposefully said to left the corpses there~!Awww~!Wait too long~"
Rei gripped her hands, her nails digging into her skin and making them bleed. He gets what he wants.... She chewed the inside of her lip and turned around, pushing past him towards the back of the school. As soon as she rounds the corner, she sees corpses lined up. She frowns, walking closer to them and instantly looks to the bow in one of the corpses hands. She pulls the bow from her hair, letting it fall loose, she inspects the bow on this scene and the bow she has.

Blanco appears besides her again, "Hey! Both of them look so wonderfully similar~!"
(Well, its a ribbon that she ties into a bow on her hair xD )

She frowns, standing up and looking down at the bodies. Something's not right. She sniffs the air, inspecting the corpses. These bodies are too old. She lifts the ribbon that was with the body, and hers. "It's not him." She frowned, dropping the ribbon. "It's someone wanting to be like him, extremely similar, but it's not him. This is all wrong. I've been tracking this guy since I was little-" She snapped her mouth shut, turning to look at Blanco. His peppy attitude was starting to get on her nerves. I don't have to tell this guy anything. She walked towards the dorm, licking the blood on her palm from her nails.
"Hmm~Aw~That's so sad isn't it~"Blanco tilts his head to one side, "But isn't it useful to find this person who tries to copy him? It means that that person knows something about the person you are trying to revenge." He ignores Reito's half-finished sentence.
I know that. What do you think I'm doing tonight? She said mentally, reaching the door to her dorms, then turned her head to look at him. "Girl's dorm. No boys. Shoo." She snapped, shutting the door in his face. She then climbed up a few flights of stairs, until she reached her single-person dorm. She opened the door, slamming it behind her and sliding down it. She pressed her face in her hands. "Stupid school..Stupid people.." She said for the thousandth time. (She really does like saying that LOL)
(LOL I know right)

Blanco blinks and sighs as Reito disappears. He sees a raven and asks, "Hey, is it okay if I try to be a so-called pervert for once?" He then decides, "Yes, it's okay--" And Zero appears and drags him away...
(LOL Blanco reminds me of a lost little child who talks about EVERYTHING that he remembers and he goes on and on and on xD Rei's head is going to explode.)

Standing up, she walked to her bathroom and begun washing her face. She looked in the mirror, not recognizing herself anymore. "Just who am I anymore?" She mumbled. She then filled her tub with hot water and stripped, soaking in the water. If I'm going to do this, I have to make sure I'm prettied up to be the best bait in the world.
Blanco and Zero have a nice little conversation. "I wonder if Reito's gonna set off to find that guy tonight~?" Blanco happily says as he drinks his black tea peacefully with Zero. "Wandering out at night is against the school rule, so if she sneaks out...Try to get her back." "Eh~? But aren't you the guardian?" "You are more interested in her, isn't that so? Plus, I have Soul to take care of."

Blanco chuckles slightly, and his black tea tea-cup breaks in his hand. "No problem, I will make sure we get back happily as a merry couple." He joyfuly says.
Pushing a brush through her long white hair, and pushing the black streaks aside, she leaves her hair down, long and free. She slips into a pair of short shorts, with a baby blue blouse on top. She blinks in the mirror a few times, changing her eye color from blue to bright green, and applying mascara along with lip gloss and eyeliner. She frowns. I hate this bullshit. Well.. At least I know how to fight in heels. She pushed open her window, and jumped out with a leap. It'll be dark in an hour, better start off at town.
Blanco freely jumps out of the building as well while putting a fake mustache on. "Hey, isn't this shit fun?" With one hand clutching on a flying broom he borrows from a witch he plays with his mustache as he appears beside Reito. (now he's just being childish.)
Rei furrows her brow in confusion, having no idea what to say about this. She stops in her tracks, speechless to his get-up. She makes a hand gesture in reference to it, then exhales in frustration, dropping her hands and settling for a statement instead of a question. "You're stalking me. You're crazy, and you're stalking me." She shakes her head and walks down the trail, choosing to ignore him completely. 
(A jerk being childish, I'm interested in this chara xD )
( xD lol and he loves to annoy Reito)

"I wonder what kind of detention Zero can come up with this time." Blanco lands on the street and follows up to Reito, grinning besides her.
Ignore, Ignore, Ignore. She chewed the inside of her lip as they reached the outskirts of town. The last witness I talked to, said that the guy who knows the copycat was in a bar. Typical place. She frowned, knowing the one and only bar in the town. She walked down the sidewalk, which was practically empty.
"Reito-chan's face has always been like a rock, right? Ah, I see. Is her face muscles too hard to her to at least crack up a smile? Uh, she knows only how to scowl though. And probably ignore people. That sounds a bit like a loser. Oh, is she a loser? I wonder." Blanco dramatically tilts his head into thought. "Okay, Reito-chan IS a loser. Alright." He grins.
Frowning, she glances towards him, her anger building up. She bit down on her lip hard. Ignore, Ignore.. Ignore... Her patience was testing her, and she didn't want to fail. Rei walked in front of a house where a man standing outside stopped, staring at her like she was a wonder. She glanced at him, and he dropped his cigarette, his jaw slightly dropped. Stupid old pedophiles. Stupid people. Stupid Council President.
A girl trips and Blanco catches her swiftly just as they enter the bar. "Ah, you okay young miss?" He asks, "Such a cute girl, your carelessness adds to your beauty." Somehow he has starts to flirt as the girl blushes and happily stutters back a shy reply and he smiles, though minding Reito as well.

(gonna sleep be back tomorrow :) )) )
Rei takes the advantage to leave him with the swooning girl, scanning the bar for the man she's looking for. She sees a booth at a far away table with a man who had the ribbon she saw earlier today tied around his wrist, the signal to let her know who she needed to see. She walked through the people, earning whistles and hoots from people surrounding her. She sat down at the table where the man was, chewing the inside of her lip. "What do you want?" He asked, keeping his eyes shaded. She pressed her hand on the table, extending her claws for him to see who she was. "It's me. Tell me what you know." He grinned, looking up at her. "I didn't peg you as the cute type." She frowned. "I'm the 'you better give me information and fast before you lose your eye' type." She sneered, narrowing her eyes and watching him carefully. He frowned. "Right to the point are we? Alright then." He slid a bag across the table and stood up, leaving the bar. She frowned. "A bag..?" She stood, thinking that it was better than nothing, and left the bar, leaving Blanco there by himself, glad to have him out of her hair, as she walked down the street back to the academy. 
Blanco sees that Reito has left and sighs. It takes 30 minutes to walk to the bar, 15 minutes if she's using any special abilities, or possibly 10. I still have time. Catching up with her takes only about 1 minute with his magic, so he decides to stay a little longer. Still playing around with the girl, he takes the advantages to ask about his own father and the person who called Blanco his slave, since she's actually a maid that works there. "I-I don't really know, but I heard there was a guy who's last name is Blondo who came here 5 years ago." Hearing that, Blanco frowned. Five years ago he escaped being a slave at an age of 13. "Did he said anything? How long have you worked here?" "10 years. U-um he asked this bar to hide something, something about s-slavery and that if a girl named Reito ever came here for information t-they should c-close down this bar and work elsewhere." She stutters, tears forming, "B-But I don't want to lose my job..." Blanco frowns again, and smiles to comfort the girl. While comforting he looks at the bar door, "So the whole thing gets to do with this bar huh...And because of Reito this bar's gonna close.." He chuckles a bit, "So if this bar close it's all her fault." With that in mind, he happily appears beside Reito. But why Reito? Is there any connection?

(Wow an actual story is forming..)
(Dang, thats a good storyline, I'm so interested in what's gonna happen xD )

Reito frowns, seeing Blanco beside her. She sighs. "Don't you have anything better to do than to follow me everywhere?" She holds the messenger bag close to her side, clutching it to make sure no one tries to take off with it.
(u online XDDD I'm so bored due to summer vacation...)

"Good things happen when I follow you around~See, we actually get some information." Blanco just replies cheerfully.

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