The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Oh, the student council room might have that kind of information," Blanco replies coolly while finishing his black tea.
She grinned, looking at him. "And so might this little book." She held up the book in her hand, then shut it, putting it back where she got it. "Look, thanks for helping, but no thanks. I prefer working alone." She walked to the door, and turned to face him. "Now, I'm gonna sleep, so if you don't mind, the door is over here." She frowned.
Blanco ignores everything she said and opens his "cool-looking cellphone" as he enters the student council password and looks it up. "According to the information...The copycat's next crime will be tomorrow, at night, seven o'clock, at the bar, due to the sudden change in plan. It is because a girl had asked information about it tonight, in which I indicate is you, Reito, and for some reasons the copycat has decided to set up his crime faster than the original plan. With further prediction, this might led to the bar closing down..." If that's the reason why the bar is closing down then it means all of this is also connected to my father...Huh...Wait...What...Though thoughts keep running into his mind he only grins up onto her, "Hey, this is rather useful."
She frowns, sighing and running her hand through her hair. "You're not gonna leave are you?" She said it as more of a statement.
"I'm a lonely cat alone," he grins. It has been a while since Blanco has "deeply" interact with people besides Zero. "But fine, there is Justice to take care of for now," he points to the rising sun. "And detention to face."

She sighed, seeing no way to get him out. "Whatever. I'm going to sleep. Do what you want." She climbed in bed and faced away from him, closing her eyes and trying to sleep.
She frowns, rolling over and looking at him. "Are you kidding me? I just laid down. Screw school. Who cares if I miss a few classes." She covers her face, scowling and groaning.
Zero enters the room and picks both of them up by their back collars with Soul following him because of Justice. "Detention......" His cold eyes are gleaming.
Soul stares at the window,her body still shaking."I'm going to leave,"She says and exits the room hanging her head in shame.Curling her hands,digging her nails into the palms of her hands.A raspy gasp of air enters her lungs.Drawing back her hand she punches the wall several times making several holes.The holes were the size of a ripe watermelon."Why am I such a weak bastard,"She screams on the top of her lungs anger her best friend at that moment. 
(Didn't see you post but this still fits in)
(No Idea, nevermind then, I think its fine the way it is xD )

Rei snaps, shoving Zero away from her and growling. "Back off." Her canines poke from just below her lips and her eyes glow red. "Don't touch me."
(btw it's already the next morning, and they're already in the dorm, just in Rei's room xD )
"Then, detention. Blanco and Reito, two of you are going to defend WITHOUT fighting Justice for the sake of Soul and the school, that dude is a villain. Easy enough?" Zero has been giving "interesting" detentions ever since the school has gone wrong.
Frowning, she pushes both Blanco and Zero out. "No. Go away. Take him with you, he hasn't left me alone at all." She slams the door in their face and trudges back over to her bed, plopping down, wanting rest more than anything right now.
(Maybe while she's walking down the dorm hallway Justice could show up and cause some trouble and people would panic and stuff will go down -loves chaos- )

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