The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

(Yeah I'm online mostly all day tbh xD I never have anything to do, and if I do, then I just post it as a status~ Oh! And i think later on I'm gonna make two more charas, one being the copycat, two being the actual dude who killed her parents xD )

Rei frowned, sighing. Ignore ignore ignore. She walked back into the forest, taking the trail back to her dorm, frowning when she sees Blanco still following her. "Isn't your dorm, that way?" She pointed in the opposite direction.
(K sure woah 3 girls and the whole rping thing turns out super awesome.)

"Does it matter?" Blanco smiles.
Her lip curled in annoyance. "Whatever." She walked around the side of the dorm to her window, which was two stories up. She climbed the nearest tree and looked down at Blanco, glad she was wearing shorts. "Stupid people..." She muttered. Then with a quick leap, she jumped, landing on the side of the wall and kicking off, extending her hand and reaching her open window. She hauled herself up and perched on it, looking down to the ground below her.
Blanco appears behind her. "Alright, so we got some information, and I think that bar's gonna close down soon." He says it like it's no big deal and sighs, "Is there any black tea?"
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Frowning, she looks over to him. "This is the Girl's dorm. Go away." She hopped out of the window, shut it, and pointed to the door.
Blanco sighs a dramatic sigh, "Since the bar's gonna close down soon, this town's gonna lose a bar. And once the town loses its bar, suspicious people can't go there for a drink anymore. We cannot get any more information out of it. Aye! How sad!"
(Sorry for the late reply, went to eat)

Rei frowned. "I don't care. I got what I wanted, now go." She pushed him to the door and opened it, just about to push him outside.
Blanco disappears and appears behind Reito again just as she blinks her eyes. "No no no, there are more information in that bar." Blanco chuckles, "Look how much a girl with a brain made of rocks can miss?"
Frowning, she turned her head to look back at him annoyedly. Her anger started to rise up in her and her eyes were glowing red. Stupid, idiotic, foolish, Student council president. "Why exactly do you keep hanging around me, haven't I made it clear that I want you to leave me alone?"
"Well I don't want to leave you alone yet," he smiles. "Don't be mad that easily, you might get more wrinkles," he teases. "And as I told you we are similar somehow so there are a lot of things we should figure out together, though with your rock-mind that doesn't exactly work, does it?" He beams.

(sorry I reply slow, I have been kicked off of my computer once in a while.)
"Whatever." She shuts the door, not caring anymore and points to ontop of the small mini-fridge where a few tea packets are. She then wanders to the sink, wiping off all of her makeup and taking off her heels, chunking them beside the wall. Then she sits on the bed, deciding it best to let him do what he wants, he won't listen to her anyway. She opens the messenger bag, pulling out a leather book along with a leather journal. She sets the book down beside her and opens the journal.
Blanco smiles, pleased that she lets go. He pours himself a cup of black tea and settles into a seat next to the bed. "What's that journal?"
She picked her head up, looking at him sternly, still not trusting him. She chewed her lip and sighed. I really wish he wasn't so nosy. She looked back down at the journal, flipping through the pages. "Murder dates. Each victim's information, what he left at the crime scene. It also has his name, and phone number." That's all she was giving him, and all she felt obligated to give. He DID inform her about the corpses, and he DID help her out a bit.
"Why would I? I could just find them and make them tell me just as easily." She said, putting the journal down and crossing her legs, putting the book on her legs and opening it, freezing on the first page. This is... She began flipping through the pages, stopping on page 34, pressing her fingers to the three pictures there. Two of them had a big red X on them. They were her parents. The third picture was her. She looked to the side of the picture. Location: Unknown. She exhaled.
Then why the hell do you keep their phone numbers...Blanco wonders but decides not to say. "Anybody who goes by the name Ravo Blando?" He asks instead.
Rei looks up at him. She still never knew his name, she realized. She looked down at the book and flipped back to page 7. There it was. Ravo Blando, along with Blanco Blando. They both had their pictures beside eachother, and they both didn't have a red X. She nodded at him, looking at his picture of him being a child, then at his father. He must get his looks from his mother.. She pondered, wondering why she wasn't in the book, then looked at his father's location. "Unknown." Then Blancos. "Unknown."
"Do you have his phone number?" Seeing that his father's in the book, he gets to the point immediately.
She raises her eyebrows. So they're not in contact huh. Well, maybe once I give him the information, he'll be out of my hair. She feels a ping in her chest and frowns. The hell is this? She shakes her head slightly and looks through the page. Man.. this guy was thorough. Her finger stops upon a sole phone number on the page. "There's one here but, I don't know if it's his, it doesn't say anything." She sighed, looking up at him. I guess I could help him out, he helped me this far. She handed him the book. "If that number doesn't work, then I have a few contacts I can call to get it."
Blanco frowns, then smiles, leaning back in his chair as he goes back to seeping his black tea again. "No, it's fine. He doesn't seem to be the type to just leave a number for you to get anyway. Thanks for the help though."
She closes the book and puts it back in the bag, along with the journal. Then she gets up and puts it in a cabinet, and pulls out another book and sits on her bed with it, reading through the pages and chewing her lip. So.. if everything I've been given is correct.. the next attack should be.. in two days at mid-day, but where.. She looks over the map of the area, having put dots at all of the copycat's murder sites, and thinks hard.
She darted her eyes to him for a second, then moved them back, still weary of him. "The next spot where the victim would be." She moved her eyes back to the paper, deciding on a hotel in town. She slid one of her hands through her hair, racking her brain full of possibilities, floors, rooms, people, everything that could happen.

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