The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Zero is feeling rather happy as he sees Reito actually being a protective girl. Blanco is chuckling from behind.

"But~I have already accepted enough students for my student council," Blanco charmingly replies, since him himself has a different side besides his bright smile the charming talk doesn't exactly work. Zero is used to charm talk since girls had tried it on him before.
Scowling at the man who just enters, she instantly feels her sense of security threatened. She glares at Blanco, frowning intensely. Her eyes lock on with Zeros for an instant in frustration, then she turns her attention back to Justice. "Yeah, so go away."
(Lol don't kill him quite yet he brings sunshine not)

Soul sees Justice and start freaking out she looks around panicky clenching onto Reito's arm.Her face turns even paler.She starts to make herself stand.

Justice looks at Soul and smiles at her fear.His Lovely Soulicy so beautiful when she screams.He thinks,chuckling."Oh,Soulicy you haven't changed a bit have you,"He wants to walk toward her,but got the strange feeling if he did he wouldn't be alive much longer.So he would just have to get her to come to him."Come on is that really how you react I thought I taught you better than that,"His says like he is surprised that she is acting this way.
Standing, Rei puts herself between Justice and Soul, frowning, feeling her territory being invaded. She feels her canines extending and her body resonating more protective vibes. "Didn't I tell you to go away? Scram, vermin." Her eyes narrowed and her body trembled slightly, giving off a 'don't f*ck with me' vibe. 
(She won't kill him xD Just try and frighten him)
Justice smiles and looks down at Reito."Soulicy is my business not yours,"He growls he could sense everything that was coming off,but he wasn't intimidated.He has broken more strong willed spirits than this small child before him,So he takes in a big breath trying to hold down his anger.His eyes went back to Soul.
Zero sighs(I just realized he sighed in basically everything) and walks in front of Reito and Soul, noticing that the atmosphere of this dude is off. "Excuse me sir...I apologize for not welcoming a guest to school properly...But only a student can join the student council. According to the new students list the name Justice ___ is not on there. Sadly we are not able to welcome any more new students because the school population is too full." Isn't that the most polite way to say thing?

And Blanco just stands there watching the whole thing while seeping his black tea.
Soul feels a tingle in her skin."G..Go away,"She says shivering,knowing what Justice could do to them all with just a look. 
(i want to slap Blanco)
Reito let a low, angry growl escape her lips as she guided Soul behind her, her eyes flickering to Blanco. Then smirking. This isn't my fight, why am I even doing this. The wolf inside her screamed to attack, but her human side decided that it would be best to sit this one out. I'm not surrendering, oh hell no. This is all just a game to him. But... Her eyes traveled back to Soul, who was grasping her arm rather tightly. Not to her.. She sighed, letting her anger release into annoyance and her canines retreat. She extended her energy to just past Zeros' feet. If he crosses this line into my territory, he's dead.  
(Awh okay :c)
Justice looks at Zero.His patience was wearing very very thin."Well I'm just visiting anyway,"He licks his lips and smiles.
(Oh well I'm carrying my dinner upstair to eat)

Right before Zero can speak, Blanco's cup slips to the floor and it breaks. "Oops. Ahaha, sorry to bother. Please continue." (A jerk...Is a jerk. *wanting to slap him myself*)
Justice looks at Blanco.He kinda likes him.,"Anyway,I just need Soulicy for a moment then I'll leave,"He explains.If you people don't back off I will slowly kill you."Come on Soulicy I just need you for a moment,"He says starting to charm speak luring her toward him with a finger.
Rei couldn't help it, she found herself grinning to herself when he apologized. She guided her eyes back to Justice, her eyes watching his every move, and her body tense in case he tries anything stupid. Her jaws ached and she knows that if she had to, she'd snap his neck right there, crunching his bones between her teeth. Just as he calls her, she begins to eye the territorial line. If he crosses it.... If he does it... Her body starts to tense even more. 
(By the way.. I never got any information this dude, is it on the sign ups?) 
(Ignore that, I just looked)
Soul's feet start to move without her bodies permission a glaze starts to cloud her eyes."Only for a moment,"She mutters then snaps out of it.
Blanco bends down to picks up the broken pieces yet it cuts him by accident (or is it really an accident lol). "Ouch...Somebody has some bandages~" He looks toward Justice meaningfully.
Rei sighs, seeing that soul wanted to go with him. Huh, that's weird. I never misread anyone. She frowns, stepping out of the way and sitting in a chair, watching the commotion.
"I NEED BANDAGES!!!" Blanco literally yelps, watching the blood dripping from his hand he stands up and intentionally or unintentionally slips on his black tea and bumps right into Soul, which then falls onto Zero. "Uh, um, I'm sorry. Hahahahahaha. You know, even elegant people fall." He laughs dryly.
(I do this just to annoy)

Justice puts his hand in his pocket and draws out a handkerchief and throws it to Blanco."You,re welcome,"He smiles as Reito moves away.One more to go.
She raises her eyebrow, no longer interested in what's taking place. Apparently this is just a game. She rests her head on her desk, closing her eyes and drowning out the noise. Stupid people, stupid school, stupid council. She opens her eyes, staring at the territorial line that she drew on the floor. I still don't want him crossing it. No matter how friendly they are with each other, she still has to choose willingly.
(He just ninja dropped her on Zero (well actually tripped on tea and broke her out of the trance and dropped her on zero, which lover boy over there -points@ Justice- probably wont like))
Rei felt her tension ease and her body relax as soon as he left. She glanced at the clock. 5 minutes left. She closed her eyes, letting herself start to fall asleep once she was sure the guy was gone. 
(Okay~ In the meantime! I might have rei go check out them bodies~)

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