The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Lucus sat down at the desk in the back glaring at everyone in the classroom."Wow are these my classmates.."he said in a disappointing voice as he slouch down in his seat.Avoiding everything that students had to do in the classroom he carelessly drawn on the desk.
Zero wanders back to school and notices Lucus, whom he sensed is rather a "not-safe guy", but decides that since he's not so troublesome for now he should probably first let go....
Soul sits in her chair feeling hyper,not wanting to be here she smiles and sees an air duct.Maybe I could escape through there.She then looks at Lucus he seems unstable to her so instantly she wants to walk over to him and poke him in the eye.She walks up to him."Hiya,"She says smiling cheerfully."Why do you seem so annoyed."She pokes him in the shoulder and she ask him this not hard just playful.
" i know you?"He said suspiciously.Lucus hears the bell ring and he impatiently got up before it even finished ringing"Finally" he said as he dashed out the door into the cafe'."Urgh i'm starving....."he said as his stomach growls.
Rei blinked up at the sound of the bell ringing, and got up, heading over towards the gardens of the school, skipping lunch. She walked under the tree where the guy she saw before had been and eyed it carefully before sitting down. She glanced up towards the sky and blinked. I need to be out there, finding more information, not stuck in some stupid school full of stupid people. She groaned and looked down towards the ground. Her stomach grumbled but she ignored it. She didn't want to eat, she wanted to find him.
Soul walks to the lunch room and sits down taking out a small box no bigger than her small hand that held her yummy lunch."Yay rice,"She shouts and covers the rice in hot sauce mixing it with chicken and eats it quickly.After what only seems second after she sat down she stands up throwing the bag away and goes to the garden.She lays down in the grass smiling.
Rei blinked, looking up at the girl who entered the garden, who was now laying in the grass. She gave her no second thought, only buried her face in her arms and began to doze off.
Soul sits up feeling bored.I think I'll go stalk Zero.She thinks and runs back into the building crashing into Lucus."Sorry,"She says.
Zero has been working and has grown seriously hungry. Noticing he hasn't brought his own lunch he sighs and goes to the lunch room, where he takes it to the gardens to eat, somewhere alone, and leans against one of the trees.
Soul backs away from lucus and spots Zero in the garden and smiles.She runs up to him and sits next to him."Hello there,"She says her ever changing eyes turning gold."What-cha doing,"She says to him in a childish voice.
Rei lifts her head when she hears voices, noticing the man and the girl standing next to a tree and observes them and their conversation. She blinks, realizing that it's rude to stare. After turning her head back to the front of her, she drowns out their conversation, her eyes glazing over as she lets her memories wash through her.

Her mother sits at a table, drinking coffee while her father reads the paper. She climbs up on her fathers lap, giggling and smiling. "Father, father! When are we going to the zoo?" Her father laughs and picks her up, setting her on his lap. He bounces her a few times before setting her back on the ground. "Soon sweetie." A loud bang resounds through the house. Flashes echo against the wall, she hides in a closet, watches the scene play before her eyes, she's terrified.
Zero notices Soul and sighs, not replying to her childish voice and continues eating his lunch. He wonders how Soul is going to bother him this time, and what kind of detention he should give if she gets in trouble again. (Soul~I kinda changed the Bloodwell Forest RP Rai's personality just saying lol)
"I got a question for you Zero,"She says quirking an eyebrow.For some reason she just loved bothering him.

(Thats cool I'll check it out in a bit)
"Isn't there a girl over there, she looks lonely doesn't she." Ignoring what Soul said he tilts his head to Reito's side. He is avoiding the question.
Rei, still caught in her memories, began chewing on her lip, her eyes completely glazed over as she relived the murder of her parents.

She emerged from her hiding spot once she thought the man was gone. She sobbed, and crawled to her mother. "Mother! Don't leave me!" She held onto her mothers bloodied body and shook her. "Wake up mommy!" She turned her head to her fathers body, a few feet away. "Daddy.." She sobbed harder. Footsteps sounded in the hallway. "Well, what do we have here?" Shock coursed through her body as she looked up into the eyes of the man who killed her parents. The rest of him was cloaked in black.
Soul frowns.Then waves at the girl."Hey you over there come here,"She yells very loudly at her.Then turns back toward Zero."So anyway my question,"She says again,If she had to she would corner him.
"Reito, is it? How about introducing yourself to her?" Avoiding the question avoiding the question avoiding the question......
"I'll pin you down,"She whispers malevolently wiggling her fingers at him."Just let me ask the question as I can get an answer,"She says.
Reito blinked, snapping out of her trance when hearing her name called. She blinked and looked over to the two standing by the tree. She blinked and waved, then turned her head back to the garden, away from them. Don't get too involved. You're here for a reason, not to make friends.
"Pin me down? Is the question so important that you need to risk your life for it?" Zero replies to Soul coolly while calling out to Reito, "Come over for lunch. This girl needs a friend."
Soul glares."Maybe,Plus I don't think you would kill me,"She says."And I have plenty of friends so stop that,"She growls and pounces pinning his shoulders to the ground.
Rei replied without looking up. "Not hungry, but thanks." She tugged her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them, closing her eyes and folding her arms around her, closing her eyes. Not up for friends, but thanks. She thought.
(sorry abit late)

After Lucus finished eating he decided to go outside for a bit and look around to see if he could spot any animals to kill.He did eat lunch but he was still hungry for a little snack.In Fact he was hungry most of the time makign him always kill any little creature that caught his eye.
Soul gets up and walks away from Zero and sees Lucus something was off about him.She stands there in his line of sight feeling slightly frozen.
Rei glances up once the girl pinned the guy down to the ground. She rolled her eyes and looked away. Oh jeeze, get a room. She thought. She stretched her legs out and leaned back against the tree, looking up at the branches above herself. The girl walked away, standing in front of a new boy who emerged from the cafeteria. She paid them no attention.

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