The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

This staring match seemed to go on for serveal minutes."I agree with Tryan why you so strict if i wanted this i just go live back with my parnets,"Shivers ran down her back.
Zero considers the question for a moment. "I'm strict because I want to, and due to my strictness students are successful with their futures. It is that simple." Thinking of the old students he had actually brings back memories. He remains motionless though he is hiding a smile.
"Sticking out your tongue when you're cleaning will result in dirt sticking onto your tongue." Zero replies calmly.
Rei began nodding off, her eyes drifting from hall to hall in her place on the floor. There was no one around, so one little nap shouldn't hurt, right? She closed her eyes and bit her lip as images of her real duty here flashed through her mind. She opened her eyes, her exhaustion whining in complaint. She rubbed her face and stood, her back remaining against the wall as she turned to look at the map again. "Now... where was my class again?"
May listened to the people shouting at the boy who had helped her. So he's a strict one huh. She observed her classmates None of them seem extraordinary, and they don't seem like they'll cause any trouble for me. She sighed and pulled out a copy of The Book of Death and began reading, waiting for the next period to start. (Yes, I literally mean a copy of The Book of Death)
Soul getting fed up slams the bottle of window cleaner onto on of the desk.Well I'm done.She unlatches the locked third story window opening it wide.She pokes her head out the window seeing how far the drop was.Then shrugs,Crawling out the window when Zero isn't looking land effortlessly onto the ground. Yelling ,"FREEDOM."as she fell.
Zero sighs as Soul runs away, but since she's pretty much done with her detention he doesn't go up to get her back. He takes the window cleaner bottle and throws it out of the window with the cleaning fluid pouring out from the bottle. The bell rings, and he blinks for a moment before realizing that Soul is going to be late for her next class. He starts to wonder if he should throw her another detention or not...
Soul hears the bell bare loudly,Yelling some very unladylike words she goes back into the school taking her time to get to her next class.When she enters the school the hallways are flooding with students who are running to class.Wait what is my next class.She thinks and stands there helplessly staring into space.
Orii walks down the hall, starring at the schedule in her hand. Next.. Science? Joy. My first day here and I'm already tempted to skip, she thought before bumping into something. Or, someone. She stands there blankly starring at the girl she'd crashed into before remembering. "Oh, uh.. Sorry." She says. The girl, Soul, registers her with a blank stare. "What?.." Orii asks, confused.
May stands up and asks the strict guy, "So what period are we going to . . . " she pauses not sure of what to call him.
Rei continues staring blankly at the map until the bell rings. Ah, guess I don't need to know where that is. She bit her lip and pulled out her schedule and looked at the next classroom. She looked up at the map, then back down. Right. She nodded and pulled her hoodie over her head before walking down the hall in the direction she thinks was right, science.
"No I don't, I never received one," she answers Zero. "Oh and you can just call me May. Though it seems like you already know my name." (She's referring to how you found out which class she's in)
Zero nods slightly, "Well next period is science, I believe, since you are staying in this classroom." Looking toward the hallway window, he sees a teacher walking toward the classroom's direction. "I believe quite a few students you met earlier are coming to science as well."...Like Soul.
"Thanks," she sits back down and gets ready for science. Science . . . not my best subject. Oh well I'll try my best.
Soul walks back to classroom she just escaped from."Great I'm back here,"she mumbles angrily.Then sits down waiting for class to begin.
Zero exhales a sigh, finally the students are settling down. He walks out of the classroom and into the garden, enjoying the cool winds.
Rei walked into the classroom and quickly sat at the back near the window, her eyes scanning the room for any potential threats, always on guard. She chewed her bottom lip as she scanned, her eyes narrowed and focused.
Orii walks into a classroom filled with unfamiliar people and unfriendly stares. She picks a desk at the very back of the classroom and sist down, trying to keep her eyes down and not talk to anyone. The last thing I want to do is get into a fight and get kicked out on the first day of school. She thought.
Zero raises an eyebrow as he notices Soul making faces at him, and ignores it. Is she a child or something, he thought. Sitting under a tree where he can notice that window directly if he looks up, he closes his eyes and soon enough some dark shadowy powers start to surround him like solid shadows.
Soul sees the shadows a freezes.I'm not doing that.Her shoulders tense and she gets down hiding from the window view."Those looked like a portals,"She mutters to herself. 
Soul gets up an walks out of the classroom not even asking the teacher.She makes her way to Zero even though she didn't want to dread filling her heart with every step she takes.

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