The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Zero opens one of his eyes and glances over, sighing. Now he has spook a girl's curiosity. His powers retreat itself and he leans against the tree normally.
Rei keeps her eyes on the shadows until they disappear completely, leaving a man sitting against a tree. She watched as the girl retreated from the area. Glancing back up to the classroom, she observes the area, her eyes jumping from person to person, and then back down at the man just outside the window. He must be a demon. She glanced back up, now unconcerned with anything, since she discovered no threat in the area. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the desk, ready to sleep.
Zero is about to drift to sleep when he notices two male students skipping class and fighting. He stops them and drags them back to school, thinking about what kind of punishment they should receive.
Soul didn't stop staring out the window untill she saw Zero dragging those to boys the first thought coming into her head was."Distraction hehe," She waited until Zero was in the building then slowly opened the window jumping out and landing on her feet easily.For some reason the teacher didn't notice and if she did she must not have cared.
Zero decides that he will give the two students punishments after school so he drags them to his classroom, which is science, and scowls when he notices that Soul isn't there. He puts the students down and goes to find Soul...
Soul runs into the forest wondering if she would get caught again.She laughs loudly then slaps her hands over her mouth.Shhhhh Don't want to be caught.Soul loves the thrill of escaping the classroom,yet it brings back old memories that should have been buried deep inside.
Zero wanders through the schoolyard into the forest and sees Soul, he is about to drag her when he sees how joyful she is and hesitates. Rather than just grab her, he only says, "Having a fun time?"Yet, his eyes are cold and his voice is hard, indicating that that is not a happy greeting.
Soul slowly turns her head to look over her shoulder.She flashes him a sweet inocent smile."I was,"She replies looking straight into his cold eyes."Don't you have anything better to do than drag me around,"She ask feeling that he was going to drag her back to class again."It's to stuffy in that classrom."
He bends down until he is eye level to Soul. "Well, I can't really focus on my stuff when something I hate the most keeps on happening, you know? Something like...Skipping class? You hate stuffy classroom huh...Fine, I will give you something fun to do." Zero stands back up and with a snap, different kinds of beasts in different forms jump out from the forests, snaring hard. "You see, this is the school forest, and people often wander here. It's kind of troublesome to have beasts roaming around here...Dangerous, you know? It needs elimination." His crimson eyes stare straight back to Soul, hinting, and hopefully the hint is clear enough.
Zero nods slightly, "Easy enough." he replies not really asking the question more like confirming it.
She stretching out her arms."Lets get started,"She yells laughing loudly the shadows around her swirling around her.Her eyes filled with glee.The animals run away,she follows knocking down serveal trees as she does.
Zero stands there watching and observing her powers, which is that slightly similar to his, and sighs. "For ruining the innocent trees...Detention afterward."
Soul runs after the beats quickly taking them down trapping them and using shadows to transport them to the nearest.Human hotel.She looks back to Zero sweat beading on her face."The beast are gone,"She says feeling drained.
Soul frowns."Why,"She ask her shoulder slumping."Why more detention,"She says the last word dramatically and flings her hands into the air.
"Because you ruined school properties," he points at the fallen trees as the school bell rings.
She frowns wondering if she should make and run for it again,but decided against it."Fine,"She says then smiles her eyes full of mischief.
"Well..."Zero thinks for a few minutes. "Have bitter melon for dinner...I can see if you eat it or not so don't think you can ignore it...And eat some other foods you like and have a good rest,"he pats Soul's head. "Good job on killing the beasts...At least, I'm thankful about that." Zero smiles a little before turning away. "If you skip the next class you will be dead." He calls back.
Rei groans as the bell for the next class rings, her head drowsy. She takes a moment to let her eyes adjust before standing up and stretching her back, her muscles tightening and pulling until she relaxes. She stuffs her hands in her pockets and walks out of the classroom, pulling out her schedule and looking for her next classroom.
Lucus walks into the school knowing he is late but not caring a 2 cent about it as he walked through the halls to the bathroom "Looking good" he said to himself in the mirror as he walked back out and continued to walk very slowly to class. "Sometimes i just wish school didn't exist" he sighed as he got closer to the classroom door
Rei slid into her next class, again finding a seat at the back of the room, nearest to the window, and slid into it, observing her classmates as they enter and converse with each other. She propped her elbow on the desk, resting her head on her hand and scanned the room.
Soul walks into her new classroom wondering if Zero would really kill her if she escaped again.Nahh maybe just torture,but I dont' think killing me would make him happy.She plants her butt into the seat next to Rie studying the new escape routes.
Rei glanced over at the girl who sat next to her. She studied her for a moment, her eyes flickering over her hair, clothes, and face, before deeming that she wasn't a threat to her and glanced back to the class. She leaned back in her chair and stretched.

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