The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Tiara dropped to the floor and dusted herself off. She sighs. "So I was stood up by Q, got caught AGAIN lurking in a tree, and Emilio pretty much just ran away from me right now. What is going on with my life..." She sighs again and walks into the woods to go for a run as a fox.
Sighing, she plops down on the bed in front of Emilio. "Too many people. Make them go away." She whines to Blanco.
"I believe they went away already?" Blanco just smiles. "Emily is fun though, you see. I wonder what he will do if he sees us both coming back completely soaked in other people's blood." Just curious. 
Yoi walks into the forest, pleased by the nature's fresh air. She exhales a sigh, happily going round and round, seeing Tiara climbing down a tree and turns into a fox, she chuckles slightly. Walking to a tiny river, Yoi sits besides it, closing her eyes.
She looks up at him frowning, and makes a note to bring a change of clothes for both of them. She crawls forward, putting her head beside his leg and relaxing. "Nap time.." She mumbled, tired of people for the moment.
Emilio started shadow boxing as he made his way into the forest. He decided he needed to improve his hand speed. The way he planned to do that was catching fish, then punching through a waterfall without getting his hands wet, and to wrap it up, stun bees by punching then before they could sting him.
Blanco frowns, looking down at Reito, showing a tired smile. He looks back at the map and decides to figure it out alone. Staring down at the address he tilts his head to one side thinking. This address...Around the bar...Behind the information center...? That's....He blinks, remembering back. Behind the information center it's..........A hotel. Blanco looks back at the deciphered words, "Golden Heaven"....Ah, yes. It's indeed a hotel. "Thanks Reito~" He chuckles slightly, soothing her hair again.
Rei chewed her bottom lip in her sleep, crawling forward and using his leg as a pillow, staying asleep.

(Brb going to the store~)
Emilio saw a girl sitting near the river "hey haven't seen you around he-" Emilio looked back at the school..."this presence...Not again! He's back...the frickin psychopath....Blanco and that girl are probably gone...I don't know where that SDC chairman is....or Zero for that matter..." Emilio ran towards the school
"Right..." She turned and walked back to her locker, going into class. "Hi everyone don't run, don't scream, just sit your butts down and shut up...." She smiled, sitting in a random seat.
Blanco blinks, and chuckles lightly as he continues to sooth her hair then. Looking back at the map he realizes it is the area around the hotel, though it mostly focused on the location inside of the hotel. Examining it while playing with her hair, he can find nothing special about it. Just a map,
Q looked up sadly from his hiding spot when he saw that she didnt even notice his apology. He frowned at the ground when he suddenly felt this dark feeling in his chest. He turned his head suddenly up at the school."Is this what she was telling me about." He ran inside and started looking for that...that thing when he saw Justice. This guy running his fingers along the wall. Q swallowed hard and looked at him "Hey man nice to meet you." he tried being nice.
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(My sister's right beside me giving me huge pressure.)

Yoi frowns and opens her eyes, looks up slightly, "Oh hey mouse-killer, or in another word you are a pervert, like the knife said. Emily, right?" She smiles and blinks, feeling the weird presence. "Hopefully Zero will deal with him......" She sighs.

Zero frowns, seeing Justice and clicks his tongue slightly, "Why don't you just give up?" He scowls. "Q, get away from him."
Emilio didn't have time to waste. He knew that that man was a danger to the school. He knew that if he didn't intervene, something bad might happen.
"Don't intervene, let Zero deal with him," Yoi can see that Emilio wants to run over. She stops him with a light touch on his shoulder.
Emilio looked at Yoi. "while that is probably is not in my nature to ignore a threat...especially when my goal is the continued safety of the school. Even if I should die, as long as the threat is neutralized, then I'll have died happily" he told her not even knowing who she was. "I have no doubt the other half demon Zero can handle him, but if another student gets hurt in the process, I am not even worthy of JOINING the SDC let alone becoming chairman." Emilio politely brushed her hands away and ran towards the school.
"Why should I leave...huh? Is it because you think Im useless that I cant help you well **** it im going to help. I was told that I could be helpful that I could be of use. Now Im here and I want to do something. You back off." He stood his ground
Tiara dashes in and sees Q stepping on front of everyone. She was paying attention on the way over here and trying to put on clothes quickly so she can go over there. Once she turned the corner she yelled "JUST WORK TOGETHER! There is only ONE enemy here!"
(Oh for crying out loud. This is the second time I mess up in this RP thread -.- Sorry guys. I dont know whats wrong with me. Ugh.)
Rei rubbed her eyes, sitting up and looking at Blanco. "Did you find anything out..?" She mumbled, her voice tired and raspy.
Yoi blinks, standing there sighing. "But it's the only chance Zero can get together with Soul......." She then chuckles slightly, "So that's the guy wanting my position, huh."

"This it the map of a hotel, guess there's something there." Blanco smiles down at Reito, "Done with the nap? I guess Justice's coming again."
"I'm sure Zero will deal with him, you know. Probably want to save his love with his own hands~" Thinking about Soul he says, grinning.

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