The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

He raised his eyebrows. "No, I'm a guardian." He tilted his head to the side, looking over at Zero. "I'm new here though. Started yesterday, actually."
(hey! Emilio has done no yelling...he's threatened scolded and talked but he hasn't yelled at anyone)

Emilio continued to walk around with Quill. In his mind he was flashing through the different languages and codes he learned throughout his travels.
Zero nods slightly, "My name's Zero."

"Eh~Is that so~You really want to find him huh," Blanco chuckles slightly. "Alright, here you go." He hands in the cipher.
Quill looked at Emilio and tilted his head. "What's wrong Emily?"

Quinn frowned. "A guardian? Is that a certain rank in this school?"
She took the spiral from him and frowned, looking into his eyes. Everything about her got dead serious. "I want to find him and kill him. I want him to suffer more than anything. I want him dead." She stated, then turned her head around, putting the spiral on the bed and continuing to translate the ciphers. Her heart twisted and turned and she felt herself getting angry, depressed, sad, and upset all at once. She frowned, trying not to think about it. 
Lenneth smiled, looking back to Quinn. "Basically, we protect the schools, and we make sure everyone inside them is safe."
"my name is Emilio....and nothings wrong...just remembering languages...its part of my while telekinetic memory and all that. I learn something, and when I need it, it pops up."Emilio looked at Quill "why do you ask"
Lenneth felt like a cornered rat. "Uh... Something like that.." He looked to Zero for help, hoping he could answer her questions.
Quill merely shrugged. "Cause you seem deep in though. Sorry Emilio." He chuckled. "Blanco called you Emily so I assumed...." 
Quinn frowned. There was something off about this guy. Was everyone at this school suspicious?
"Blanco needs to be put in detention and bound to the chair with piano wire." Emilio stated "then again I guess that's a little harsh...duct tape would do the trick...duct tape doused with kerosene."
Lenneth smiled, then relaxed a bit. "Oh, look at the time, gotta patrol now~" He said, squeezing past Zero and patting him on the shoulder. "Good luck~" He said just before rounding the corner.
Quinn frowned before looking back at Zero. "I'm just going to explore the school. Just send the schedule to my dorm. I already got my key in the letter." She bowed before taking off. Looking around she quickly slipped into the library and past a ton of shelves. Making sure she was alone she closed her eyes, feeling her soul leave her body. She looked down at her sleeping body and flew off to find Lenneth. Something wasn't right and she was determined to figure out what. Quinn flew through the hallways, her transparent soul, going through the walls.

Quill chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Gee, you really hate Blanco don't you?" He asked.
Lenneth walked past a few students who were talking about a fight going down in the forest, apparently there was going to be multiple students gathered to watch. He sighed, changing his direction and heading to the forest. "First, there's monsters in the forest, second, there's monsters while students are fighting in the forest, and third, there's students in the forest." He mumbles under his breath.
Blanco frowns as he sees Reito throwing that look and smiles lightly, "I got you," he puts his hand on hers and give it a squeeze. "Alright, done with cipher, what does it say?"

(Oh fug now I need to go to sleep. orz see ya all tomorrow~! Hopefully online Reito ^^)
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She looked at his hand, then up at him, frowning. "Don't do that..." She mumbled, her eyes turning sad for a moment before she looked back. "So far its just an address, probably the place where the map is for." She said, keeping her hand with Blanco's and using her other hand to continue writing.

(D'awww! Okay! Sleep well!)
"now young Quill your tour is done and I must be off...there are a lot of things that mustbe other people. I myself am going to wait outside and help new students find their way around know take some of the responsibilities off those who have to work." Emilio bowed slightly and walked outside the school
LucianGrey7971 said:
Emilio put the scythe back on his back and walked over to Tiara. "something wrong?" Emilio tried to look her in the eyes.
"Ooooohhh nothing" Smiles at Emilio "Same old same old"
Taryn quickly rushed into the school, her face full of shock and a look of fear. She moved her hands into her bag, pulling out a half-eaten cookie. "D*mn residents..." she muttered, and turned around to look at all these people glaring at her. The halls were silent as she walked, and everyone was just dead silent. Some people even made a break for it to the bathrooms, and locked themselves in their lockers. But Taryn, she just qucikly walked up to her locker, and the bell rang. People dashed to their next classes. Taryn sighed, and leaned against the locker.
Tiara heard a message in her head that sounded like Q. She tried to ignore it and keep smiling for Emilio but sighed and gave up. "Emilio, I am being called by Q. Im guessing you still have to take her around the school so I... Can I see you later?" Tiara starts to blush. That was stupid! Whyd you ask that! Just start walking. Just go. Tiara, wide eyed at herself, starts walking to the top floor like Q asked.

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