The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Blanco frowns at Soul's words. "Turning you into a rabbit doesn't make me a physco, young girl. Ah, Zero's here." He chuckles, patting Quinn on her back. "Alright then~Have a good time. Zero's kind of hard to deal with," With that, he turns around, and disappears, appears once again in Reito's room. "Good afternoooooon~" He says.

Zero blinks as he sees Soul and a new student, and decides to take care of the new student first. "New?" He asks simply.
Rei only glances up at him, then back down at her papers. "What was up with that?" She pointed to the hallway, then continued reading the map, deciphering the codes on the sides of it.
"Hm~? Seeing you having a fun time with a guy so decided not to disturb. Is there a problem with that?" Blanco sounds quite sarcastically.
"Oh! Well that makes sense." Tiara looks at Emilio polishing his scythe and goes back to holding her books closely with white knuckles. She tries to open her mouth and say something but she was never good at saying things so she shut it again and just looked at Emilio. After a couple seconds she realized she must be "stalking" and looked up at the roof and all around moving from foot to foot being a little uncomfortable.
Raising her eyebrows, she presses her finger on the map in the spot she was just reading, then looks up at him. "Seeing as I was just helping him, with his clothing problem after shifting, because I am, after all, part of the student council, and we do, after all, help other students, I see no reason for you to be mad at me."
Rei raised her eyebrows, grinning a bit then looking down at her paper. "Displeased then, if you will." She mumbled, crawling over to the other side of her bed and pulling out a journal, opening it next to the coded letters and flipping through the pages.
Her grin faded as she began concentrating, still replying to his question. "Remember the night we found out your fathers' location and telephone number? Well the guy also had these maps in his pocket. They're some code on the side of them unlike anything I've ever seen, and trust me, I've seen a lot of codes." She mumbled, pointing to the codes on the side of both maps.
"They look like ciphers, you know, each representing a letter and stuff." Blanco leans a bit closer to see the codes. "Besides that, what is the map on?"
"I don't know yet." She said, flipping through her journal, which held tons and tons of different codes in them, hoping that she'd see the symbol somewhere there. She frowned, then took out the guys phone, looking through the memos. They also had the same codes in them. "What is this?" She mumbled quietly.
"Like I told you, ciphers..." Blanco sighs slightly, taking the ones on the map and lays down onto her bed thinking. "I don't remember my father doing any ciphers though........" He grows slightly more serious as he remembers his past. "He worked alone and didn't like me to interfere...." Staring at the codes he blinks, a bit lost before getting back to what he was thinking. "Anyway....."
Laying down next to him, but not touching him, she continued to scroll through the phone. "Wait.. If he was able to type the ciphers in here, then that must mean that the name of the cipher he used is programed into the phone." She propped herself up on her elbows, clicking through the phone, until she reached the languages. She scrolled down the phone until she found the ciphers, clicking on it and bringing up the name of it.
Blanco frowns again, Why didn't I think of that...He sighs, "Alright, genius. So what did it say?"
Q then looked over at the large academy and each window to each persons room. He sat down on one of the benches and stared at his hands. "I guess I could always start again..." He walked inside the building and walked past groups of people that he refused to look at any of them. He walked to Reito's door and knocked "...I know you dont want to talk to me and thats fine...but i felt really bad about hurting you and then trying to deal selfishly for my self...and sorry. I just wanted to say that and...I really am." he paused at the door for a moment and started walking away again.
Rei twitched her nose, frowning at him. "Don't call me that." She was always teased for being the smartest one when she was hunting with a group of people. They would mock her and it pissed her off. She shook the memory away, and then looked back at the phone. "I have to write down the alphabet in this cipher, then I can decode it." She mumbled, picking up a pencil and flipping to an empty page in the back of the book, beginning to write in perfect copy of the cipher. She stopped short when she heard a knock on the door.

She placed her phone on her bed and got up, walking forward and pausing just before opening it. She heard his apology, and then she heard him walk away. She sighed, then frowned, walking back to her bed and plopping down on it, laying on her stomach and locking her fingers over her head. "Stupid people.. Stupid school.." She mumbled, pressing her face farther into the bed.
"Hey he's apologizing," Blanco smiles, turning to her side to look at her. "Not actually a bad guy huh?" He smirks slightly, off topic.
Frowning, she picks up her head and looks at him, giving him her most stubborn look ever. "Still don't like him. I don't like anyone on that stupid council." She gasped, realizing what she just said, then turning her head, looking back at the maps and frowning. "You're... okay." She mumbled very quietly, but enough that he could hear her.
Blanco frowns and chuckles, "'Okay' only? Hope I'm more than that 'okay' level." He smirks.
She averted her eyes, looking for something to distract him with. She began writing down the rest of the alphabet. "So..." Her mind scrambled through things to talk about, then she soon gave up, settling for the topic at hand. "It depends. What level am I on?"

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