The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Emilio nodded at Tiara "no problem..." Emilio watched her walk away. If Q so much as hurt a hair on her head he would..he would. Emilio's thoughts were interrupted when he saw Taryn. "what in the name of all that is...." Emilio forced himself to stop staring at her. "ok...just go help her with whatever..." Emilio steeled himself and walked over to Taryn. "excuse me...I am Emilio, future chairman of the SDC. I was wondering if you needed any help" Emilio didn't break contact with her eyes at all.
She looked up, someone was actually brave enough to talk to her. "Uh, hi... I'm okay..." She mumbled, walkign off in a random direction for which it was obvious that she didn't know where she was going.
Tiara reached the top and looked the east. "WHAT!" Tiara screamed, not seeing Q.

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Zero sees Soul again and somehow his first instinct is "detention" cause he forgot to give it to her earlier. "Soul..........." (Soul~Zero's still free~~)(make Justice appear and let him to whatever he wants as long as its with Zero and a miracle will happen. QAQ)

Blanco starts playing with her hand then, "Eh~Pretty nails~" He chuckles. "Anyway, if you got the address we might be able to go tonight~But since it's against the rules I will probably get chased again by Emily though~"
(I would like to point out thatel Emilio has yet to yell at anyone. Just tell him he'll mostly sarcastically berate you but he'll let you go)
(lol Blanco will most likely let his words run with the winds or in from one ear out at another xD )
Rei laced her fingers with Blanco's, then frowned. "Then you don't have to come. I honestly don't care if that Emily guy tries to stop me, I'll just rip him in half." She turned her head to the side, thinking. No one will get in my way.

(He can like super scream at Reito xD It'll just piss her off and super fight scene starts! xD )

Lenneth walked inside the woods, hearing the faint sounds of kicks, punches, and grunts. Sighing, he walked towards the sound until he saw most of the school surrounding the two students, who were going at it pretty steadily. "What's going on?" He called out, making most of the students stop watching and turn to face him instantly.
(oh this is gonna be good)

Emilio leaned against the wall parallel to the room Reito and Blanco were in " were saying?. You know...normally when I get the feeling that someone is going to break the rules...threats don't happen until I give them my ultimatum...this is a first...oh..and its Emilio. If you're going to threaten me, get my name right." Emilio pushed off the wall and stood with his hands in his pockets
Rei frowned, and her peaceful and relaxed mood dissipated into annoyance. "This is my room. Get out, Emilio." She said his name through gritted teeth, her canines starting to extend again. She began to pick up the papers on her bed, the maps, the phone, the journals, everything, and stacked them neatly on the bed behind her. "I don't care who you are, I don't want you in my room, listening to my conversations, and I want you out. Now."
"understandable. But see your mistake was using my name...well the name Blanco gave me but that's neither here nor there... You decided to talk about me behind my back...and threaten my existence...what were those words... Ah yes. I'll rip him in half....there are consequences for threatening someone...especially if they hear you." A feral look wad in his eyes but quickly faded. He turned to walk out but stopped. "oh. And just so you know...I'm not gonna stop you from leaving...we all have things that make us need to break the rules....Ja nee." Emilio gave a small wave and walked out of the room and down the hallway.
Frowning, she shot up from the bed and opened the door, yelling down the hall at him. "I hope you get ripped to shreds!" She snapped, slamming the door behind her and then plopping down on the bed, her face in the blankets. "I don't like him.." She mumbled.
Tiaras ears pick out the name Emilio from the roof of the building. She jumps down to a tree and looks into Rei's room. If anything happens im going to end up breaking this window.  
Tiara holds on to the tree hearing Rei say she doesnt like Emilio. Goddess, I didnt listen to the whole communication, I dont know what Emilio did. I dont think I should go in there and break her face right now... Maybe Emilio did something wrong? Hes done it before. Tiara decides to sit in the tree a little longer to see what Rei is doing.
Frowning, Rei gets a slight scent of someone outside her window. She props her head up and looks straight into her only window, which is from the bathroom. Her eyes connect with Tiara and she gets up, walking to the window and opening it. "What do you want." She states, angrily. She was getting tired of people constantly dropping in on her, all she wanted was to be left alone.
Okay I don't understand. For a whole year Ive been doing this and suddenly people just know where I am?! This doesn't make any sense! "Oh, sorry, just passing through" Tiara pretends to keep climbing down the tree. "I was up in the roof and the door closed on me for whatever reason and I heard you screaming. Everything okay?" Slowly goes down the tree.
"....i hope I do as well"he muttered and kept walking. "....ah Tiara wanted to see me...I don't know how to get ahold of her...and I don't feel like getting a headache." Emilio scratched his head and kept walking.
Tiara looks at her. "Fine, talking loudly? I have sensitive ears sorry so a lot of people just talking normally sounds like they are screaming"
Sighing, she leaned against the window frame. "I have sensitive ears too, seeing as I am a wolf after all." She mumbled, still watching her.
Oooohhh so shes the wolf girl I saw fighting! Damn, shes awesome. "Oh then you understand" Tiara trys to smile "Just to let you know I transform into a fox so if we both are out in the woods do me a favor and DONT eat me okay?" Tiara smirks
(i would like to point out that Reito did in fact yell at Emilio.)

Emilio frowned when he noticed a knife was missing. He walked back to Reito's room. "I know you don't want me in here but I seemed to have misplaced a knife.... Tiara. What a surprise."
Tiaras grip on the tree got loosened and she almost fell but was able to hold on again. "Oh, uh, Hi Emilio. Just passing by!" Tiara starts to climb down the tree again. "Nice meeting you Rae!"
"No I'm coming with you, it seems like we're connected, you know, how the copycat worked under my father and stuff...." Blanco calmly replies. "Oh, Emily? He's interesting......And Tiara as well." He is watching the whole conversation went by and said it as Reito turns back to him. 
Yoi sees that Emilio is not around and jumps off from Tavia's shoulder, turning back into her usual girl form. "It's fine being a mouse isn't it?" She chuckles lightly, patting Tavia on the head as she walks through the hallway. Tired of running away now, gonna face that Emily dude sooner or later.
Emilio picked up his knife and looked at Tiara. "I'll see you in a couple of minutes...i feel as though I'm not welcome here..."

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