The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

She smiled, looking at him. "Then I hope he fails." She grinned. She really didn't like him.
"It's.... Not that I don't like them.." She mumbled, looking away. "I just... can't interact without being like that.. It's.. Much eaiser. She looked up at him at the last second, her walls completely down, and everything about her screamed vunerable.
Zerxes walked in the academy from the main entrance and into the lobby area. He looked around in awe at all the grandeur of the place he walked down the hallways trying to find his room not seeing a person in sight. He heard lots of foot steps and running but ignored most of them finding that they sounded to far away to be bothered with.
Emilio stood up and ran over to Zero. "Tiara, Zero, Q, you guys alright." Emilio stared at Justice, every muscle was tensed, every hair on his neck felt as though it was standing up. He knew this feeling. Fear....many times he had felt it when he was on his own...the suffocating pressure of not knowing whether or not he would get out alive...let alone unscathed. It took all his will to keep from...SMILING. How he had missed this feeling.
"Is that so...?" Blanco sighs slightly. "Alright then. What do you plan to do tonight?"
(did you read the summary?)

Zero frowns as he sees Emilio coming. "Let me fight him," he coldly says. 
(meow gtg ><)
Emilio was starting to lose hold of his calm side. He smiled, his teeth were bared and his eyes were starting to get bloodshot. "how 'bout we fight him together? He threatened a student of this school"
He finally got to a room that he thought was his and he opened up the door and saw a girl and some guy laying on a bed. He smiled awkwardly and looked over at them "Sorry wrong room...I dont suppose you could help me find room d23 could you?" He asked waiting in the door way.
Rei raised her head, looking up at the new person. "You're completely in the wrong dorm. This is the girl's dorm. Your dorm, is on the other side of campus." She said, pointing to the door.
Tiara sensed that Emilio was going haywire. Tiara goes up to him and holds his hand. She looks at him for a second and then goes back to looking at the one that Emilio says has the bloodshot aura. Tiara sends strength and warmness/calmness down her hand to Emilios wonderfully manly hands.

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Zero watches Emilio and Tiara carefully. "I believe," Zero says coolly but quietly. "That his target is me and he aims for only one student," Glancing over at Justice, "And that student is mine to protect...That's why you find me first instead of directly to Soul, isn't it, Justice... " He turns his focus back to Emilio, "How about bring Tiara to a safe place first?"He suggests. 
Blanco laughs at the sight of student opening the wrong door. "New student?" He asks.
While Emilio was in that state, he couldn't ignore logic. Tiara could get hurt if he wasn't careful. "right" Emilio's smile faded and he walked Tiara away from the fight.
Tiara looks at Emilio. "You don't want to fight?" She looks at Emilio closer with worry. "You don't have to worry about me." She stops him from walking. "We can at least hide in the shadows. You would just have to keep in contact with me for you won't be seen." Holds his hand again and tries to head back

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"....if I go back, regardless of the situation...I will jump in that fight. There is a dangerous man threatening people who go to this school...that's all the reason I need to attack....but if I do, there's no telling what would happen with that Zero guy."
Tiara stops and looks at Emilio again. "Alright, lets go. Forest or dorm?" Tiara just keeps walking making sure he is far far away from the fight

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Zerxes looked over at the guy that laughed at him for coming to the wrong room "Yeah im a new guy and I would be very happy if you could show me to my room." he looked inside no longer smiling. He gripped a better hold on his bag and board waiting for a reply.
(Xynia1998 We need Justiceeeeee)

Sighing, Blanco pats Reito's head slightly before standing up. "Alright...Even though Lenneth should be doing this......" He walks over to the door, "What's your room again?" Blanco kindly smiles.

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