The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Room number d23..." he stared at him blankly after looking at his sheet once more to find which room was suppose to be his "And if you dont mind me asking whats with all the ruckus happening outside?" He sighed "Its really harshing my mellow man."
(Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay XDDD Xynia1998)

"Let's go to the boy's dorm first should we~?" Blanco walks down the dorm hallway lightly, "Follow me...Ah. The ruckus? It's really just some villain attacking the school, no need to worry." He says it easily as he walks toward the boy dorm.
Zerxes started following this guy to his dorm walking slowly behind him. He laced his fingers together and put them behind his head. "Oh so nothing I even have to give a crap for, that's good to know I thought my beginning was going to suck." As he was walking with him he noticed a girl with long light blue hair and he stopped. "Well didnt know they had such lovely wahines such as yourself here." he smiled at her.
(Alright :) )

Yoi blinks slightly, turning around as she sees this dude and Blanco together. "Thank you," she smiles as the dude compliments her and throws a curious looks at Blanco. "Ah, a new student, walking him to the boy's dorm right now." He explains, and she nods, understanding. "Welcome to the academy," she replies to the dude brightly, "What's your name?"
He smiles at her sweetly and looks right into her eyes "My names Zerxes,my friends just call me Z but you can call me what every you want Belle." He looked over to Blanco then back at Yoi "Yeah Im new to this place anyways not exactly my first choice sorry to say but with someone as good looking as you I think Ill be able to manage." He leaned back against the wall.
Yoi chuckles, "Trying to be flirty?" She asks slightly before poking Blanco slightly, telling him not to stop walking. They walk together toward the boy's dorm then. "I will call you Zerxes then, I prefer calling a full name."
"Well I would say I guess that's all in perspective but I dont know if I would say trying as a correct word...and of course someone as intellectual as you would know." he smiled complimenting her and walked just behind Blanco "Thats completely fine...I dont mind." He spoke nonchalantly.
"Heh~" Yoi grins, "You are also a charming man, just saying." She pauses for a moment, "I am the School Discipline Club chairman, you know what that is, right?"
"Uhhh...No I dont know what this chairman of which you speak is all about but I would assume Its a position of high power in a group that deals with the punishments or rewards for a students actions...if I had to guess Im not all too intelligent." He smiled at her and adjusted his bag again. "Also thank you I try but Ive never been big on disciplinarians or rules...sorry nothing against you."
Yoi chuckles, "Is that so? Well, if you break a school rule then it's probably a punishment, varying from detention to a lot of other stuffs..." Her eyes move toward Blanco. "Anyone besides him will be regarded strictly when broken a rule, so beware of your own actions." She smiles.
"Well I dont suppose you'd be the one to carry out these punishments would you because any extra time to look at your pretty face would be great, but I doubt most people will see me a lot anyways." He smiled at her and then looked at Blanco "Even if its not you Ill still be there I just wont be there okay?" he smiled again.
"Hm~The guardians will take care of the punishment," Yoi yawns. "I guess you're not suitable to be in the School Discipline Club then~"
"Oh well your probably right Im useless to the Discipline Club Im sure your clubs balance is all in equilibrium and such...any ways where is your surfing place at any ways?" He was no longer smiling but had an emotionless face "I need to even out wahine the chill in the air has just been crushed." he said with a sad voice
Rei sighed, standing up and shutting the door, walking back to her closet and pulling out some clothes. Tonight, she'd check out that hotel. She wandered into her bathroom, showering and putting on another pair of shorts and a tank top. She slid out from her bathroom and kept her hair in a towel, drying it as fast as she could.
Blanco sighs, "Here's your room~" Opening a door, he smiles impatiently, knowing that he has a hotel to go to.

Yoi grins slightly, "Have fun in the school then." She says.
Rei ran a comb through her hair, then tied it up in the ribbon, making sure it was tight. She looked to her door. I guess I don't need the window this time. She opened the door and began walking down the hall, feeling odd for not using the window, but saying nothing at all about it.
She raised her eyebrows, looking over at him. "Uh, finished showing him around?" She said, curious. I hope he doesn't bring him into the student council like everyone else..
"I just brought him to his dorms, he seems obsessed with the current SDC chairman and I believe did not really remember what I showed...He doesn't seen to suit the Student Council, so I probably won't pull him in," Blanco explains with a light tone. (No offense, just acting this Blanco's personality out)
Reito raised her eyebrows, wondering how he knew what she was thinking. She shook her head and headed out of the dorm, walking down the path to town. "Man, the school's guardians must either be busy or suck because it's way too easy to sneak out." She mumbled.

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