The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Tiara allowed herself to be embraced, and actually embraced back, melting inside. "I had to do something, it was my fault! I brought you out here" She stopped embracing him, her skin feeling tingly but she is ignoring it "and I didnt know what was going on and normally my shocks stop a person and bring them to their knees and and- I dont know it was just all my fault and I couldnt let you kill Q!" Tiara starts to get up and trys to help Emilio up as well. "Im sorry... This is all my fault..." She looks down at him and stares into his eyes. Wow what beautiful eyes... They have the power to make people feel calm it seems. I have never heard of an ability like that before...
Emilio had regained his composure and stood up with out much support from Tiara. His eyes still held a bit of fear but it was fine. "its not your fault...I lost control." Emilio's voice held no fear. He looked her in the eyes and smiled slightly. "its fine... The storm has passed." He patted Tiara on the head gently before stepping back.
Tiara felt weird being patted in the head. She had a flash of a distant memory of someone doing that to her while she was younger... She shook her head and came back to reality. "Come on, you must be beat. Lets take you to your dorm, yes? Room 21B right?"
Q watched as the demon suddenly dispersed and was left in a human body. He watched as she screamed at him but was unmoved. He spoke to the girl mentally 'No you don't understand anything if he had killed me this would never happen to him again.' His branches shook 'and don't ever yell at me again.'
"yeah..." Emilio flicked his wrists and the knives returned to his pockets..except one. The scythe bumped into him. "crap. I seems whatever weapon I grab in that form becomes the default weapon for me. It WAS its this cumbersome thing" he explained
It cant be true. Looks at Emilio after hearing Qs words. "Did you hear what he said?" No life is worth it... right? If I was in his shoes... If I was able to not turn into a fox ever again? The OLD fox? Where I wasnt able to control myself? I wouldnt. I still wouldnt... Would I? I was different back then... Looks back at Emilio. Holds his hand to give him a small pump. "This is up to you. Is another persons life worth not becoming... that form again? This time I wont get in the middle."
"...If it was just killing...I would already be rid of this form." He looked at the ground in shame. "I will NOT eat living flesh of a conscious being in order to be rid of this form. If I could have stopped it from killing I would have...but I have and will continue to stop it from eating the kill. I will not give up what makes me humane..what makes me human."
'I specifically think you are insane...I'm living and breathing to you I'm basically worth the same as a salad.' He looked down at both of them 'Besides ill just regenerate any ways.' On the inside of the tree he started crying not knowing what to do. 'I have tried so many times to die,do you even know how terrible it is to want to die and be unable to. Your forced to live and remember everything and maul it over every day...' He was still crying.
"do I know? Me? An outcast from my tribe? Because I would not eat the raw heart of a freshly killed human. A lowly beast who can only stop himself from devouring but can't stop the kill itself? I know all too well." 
"The priest who sealed it told me one thing. The past can only hurt us if we choose to dwell in it. It can't hurt us if we forgive ourselves, even if others won't."
Tiara stares shocked at Emilios words. Touched. She takes a step back into the shadows and hide, taking in the scenery around all of them, listening to Emilio and Q talk. Deciding to let them work this one out. Thinking of my own past and how it's just that, the past. How my future is this school, these people... 'Emilio' ... Well him too, he IS under people. 'Thank you mind. Now back to watching... I mean stalking?'
Blanco sighs, walking away from the dorm door then, letting Reito has her time with Brett, since Justice is no longer there.

Rei frowns, looking over at the door, then walks over to it, opening it and looking down the hallway. She spotted Blanco just as he was turning the corner. "What're you doing?" She called out to him. Such a stalker. She grinned to herself. When Brett came out and thanked her, she shot a "No problem" over her shoulder.
"Hm~?Nothing, seeing you having a fun time with him huh." Blanco says it quite easily, swallowing the stuff about Justice up. 
(Welcome back~~~How's the surgery?)
(It didn't happen yet xD They decided to postpone it. I have to pay 800dollars if my insurance doesnt help me cover it @_@ )

Rei frowned, waving for him to come back. "Not really. I just gave him clothes." She turned her head to the side, trying to decipher him.
(QAQ A-Alright i-it's about um well basically Justice left so everyone separated but Zero's still wandering in the hallways meow!)

(oh sure xD I'm actually thinking of making a FOURTH character as the SDC chairman lol)

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