The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Tiara was shocked by her actions on the way back to making sure everything was okay with Emilio and the bloodlust aura guy. She had gone a long way today compared to her past. She wasnt sure if this was a good or bad thing but she thought she should role with it and see where it leads because the shadows will always be there to welcome her if anything... She went back to the crime scene to see no Justin but Emilio and Zero talking and by the look on their faces she was not supposed to be there. She hid in the shadows a hallway away, Dont want Emilio to think im stalking again... and took off her grandmothers necklace for now to be able to hear better 
Hearing Emilio call for her she walked slowly back and put her grandmothers necklace back on. "I'm right here Emilio! Sorry I had a weird feeling and went to go follow it. So what happened over here? Is everything okay?" She looks at him already knowing the answer but trying to perform the best she can as an actress to seem like she had no idea. First time actually going up to someone myself. This is so odd...
Zero glances just slightly, "If that's so then do it your way then." His phone rings and he blinks, answering it. "......Blanco?..No...It's over for now...No need to worry...." Hanging off, he sighs again.
Q stayed there as the tree so he could be at peace and have time to think things over. That girl had made some difference in his opinion but he was just to stubborn and prideful to follow it. Finally he got an idea 'Tiara I dont know if you can hear me or not but ive been listening to all the conversations through the plants...and...well I was wrong. I need you to bring Emilio to me if you can please.'
Tiara looks at Emilio and smiles. "I am tired but the night is not over. Can you come with me to meet Q? I dont know if you met him yet but you have made a difference in my life already and I think you can make a difference in his..."
Emilio was taken by surprise. He had never to his knowledge made a difference in anyone's life. "sure why not. I'll give it my best shot."
Tiara grins and winks at him, turns around, and does a quick soul hop before walking normally to where she last saw Q turn into a tree. She looks behind her to make sure Emilio is following her and makes a motion to hurry up. She finally sees Q in his tree formation. "Q, I have not given up on you. And I will not. If I can be changed then so can you! Emilio has helped me and I have a feeling he can help you too okay?" Looks at Emilio and then back at Q and waits for a miracle... I really really hope this works... I feel it in Q. I feel something great in him. I just know that Emilio can bring it out! I believe in him! ... Wow... Such strong words... What is this hot feeling in my chest? Is that my heart?
Stares at Emilio for a couple seconds and starts laughing hysterically. Tiara actually starts crying from laughing so much and has to bend forward to get her stomach to stop hurting. "Oh." Wipes off tear "Oh Emilio." Giggles some more. "You have so much to learn." Smiles at Emilio. I feel... I feel alive! That is the first time I have laughed in over a decade! Decides to take a chance and hugs Emilio really quickly and then looks at Q. "Q, can you please move or transform so Emilio doesn't think IM the psycho one please?" I hugged someone that wasnt my great grandmother... Today is REALLY odd!
(Weeping Willow)

Q wrapped one of his long wispy branches around Emilios head and started planting his thoughts in his head.'I need you to attack me, I need you to get angry...release all your ferocity. You will be fighting this form.' He took his branch back and all the branches started to shake.
Emilio stood there after listening to Q's thoughts. "....." He looked at Tiara, then Q, then back to Tiara before his knives flew out of their pockets. "I'm NOT cutting my hair." He said defiantly.
Looks at the knives with mouth gaping open. "Then whyd you take out the knifes?!" Gets closer to Emilio with hands raised a little. "Is everything okay? You dont have to cut your hair that is fine, that what pretty silly of you to say anyways" Trys to giggle but the knifes pointyness is setting her off.
Q's branches wrap around each other making a larger sturdier arm and he swipes down causing the ground to shake as it came into contact. The branches separated again and started whiping at him all at once 'KILL ME!' he shouted to Emilio. The branches tried wrapping around his limbs so that he couldn't move. This trees bark wasnt normal bark either being much stronger.
"yare yare.....what a day...release my full power huh? Man....this is gonna be really bad." Emilio took off his necklace and tossed it to Tiara. "please don't lose that...I won't be able to go back to this form without i- AAAAAUUGH!" The transformation was always unbearable. Emilio had fought against countless enemies...but fighting against something inside was completely different. Hornssprouted from his head, his claws grew...and worst of all, an exoskeleton started forming over him. 
The transformation was complete. The knives above Emilio had also changed. Weapons of war they had become. Axes,spears,swords. Emilio jumped away from the branches. He reached above him and grabbed a scythe from the mix.
Grabs the necklace and holds it between both hands. "WHAT?! No! Emilio dont KILL HIM! WHAT IS GOING ON! Men! I can never understand them!" Puts on the necklace so she wont lose it and transforms to a fox murmuring to herself how stupid people can be. Once transformed she goes into Emilios head and shocks his mind so he can stop moving. Once she tried that she goes for Qs head. Feeling a little dizzy Tiara falls to the floor and has a difficult time standing back up.
"Grah!" Emilio slashed at the branches in front of him. Had the scythe been normal, it would have shattered. But they were infused with Emilio's essence and cut through the branches like they were wheat.
The branches that he cut started shaking and regrew almost automatically. The braches almost all at once started whipping at the beast. The brain shock was sadly ineffective. Why you might ask...its a tree. The branches again all broke out in flurries of whipping at him.
When Tiara finally gets back up and shakes herself off she looks up to see Emilio slashing his life away at Q. She makes a small cry and runs toward the tree, putting her body right on front of Emilios way and looks into his eyes. To Emilio: STOP!!!
Emilio swung his scythe anyway. The demon within planned to kill its enemy regardless of what stood in its way. The Scythe reigned down and stopped inches from Tiara's neck. The beast stared at Tiara "Grah!" It hissed at her. What little hold on his sanity Emilio had, he used it to stop himself from hurting Tiara.
Tiaras heart is beating quickly, she quickly transforms and puts the necklace back on Emilios neck. Tiara turns around while Emilio is transforming and looks at Q. "You! You mister! I did not expect this! I am very VERY disappointed! I expected- I expected nothing less nothing more... People will be people" Starts to walk slowly away in a daze "People will be people... People will be people... People will be people..."
The necklace worked almost automatically. While Tiara was scolding Q, Emilio fell to the floor slowly regaining control. He reached out and grabbed her arm as she was walking away. It wasn't a tight grip but it was enough to make her stop. Emilio had an extremely bad shudder.
Tiara looked down at this man that tried to kill a tree for no apparent reason. She didnt know the reason and couldnt figure out why he would do it. He is just like everyone else. Another let down. She looks at Emilios face No... No... There is something about him... Tiara finally notices that he is not only touching her arm but that Emilio is shuddering! "Emilio! Emilio are you okay?!" Tiara gets down next to him and holds his hand. "You'll be fine. You'll be fine... Just hold on."
There was fear in Emilio's eyes. Fear of what he would have become had he killed her. There was something about her that made him feel calmer than his usual calm self. If he had lost her...there is no telling what would have happened. Emilio embraced her, still shuddering. "please...don't do that again...if I had..." His voice trailed off. He hadn't planned on killing anyone..but the sudden shock he had received from Tiara had let the beast take control."if i had..."

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