The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Emilio let out a laugh he couldn't believe Tiara genuinely didn't think watching people was bad. mind communicating with Tiara it could be perceived a creeping, stalking or Spying. Though again its not a major rule so I won't enforce it...why are you hiding? Emilio looked at Blanco. "cmon I'm trying to be reasonable one day of detention instead of three."
Justice wounds start to heal quickly after Lenneth left."idiots,"He mutters,as he starts to pick the locks that shackled him with a paperclip he was able to get out of his pocket.His face hard with concentration.Until after many hours he hears a small click,"Hahahaha,"He cheers with join his shackles falling from his wrist.
Q looked down to see the new guy that was OCD about the detentions. He retracted all his vines back into his back and sat down on the branch letting his feet dangle. He looked down at him and then raised his arm up and caused a group of bananas to grow rapidly right before his eyes. He plucked one off of the pod and took of the peel eating the fruit.
Soul turns around and looks Zero in the eyes,"Yes everything is alright,"She says,but is was a pretty obvious lie.You could tell by the look in her eyes.For a second she looked like a fragile flower,but quickly laughs as if to break the tension.

Justice walks out of the basement squinting his eyes at the sunlight,"God its so freakin bright,"He shields his eyes and goes into the school,"Oh my darling Oh my darling,"He sings sweetly as he enters the long dark halls.

(Ok zero what do you want Justice to do)
Mind communication with Emilio: I- this is what I do... I hide from the world... I just watch as a passerby, not as a real player.... 'Until now...' I-I didn't know that it was seen that way. I cant really stop it. I just know things and pieces and have a curiosity to know more... I know there a mouse in this room a while back but I dont know why... Tiara looks at Blanco and sees his shoe lace. Tiara suddenly has the thought of playing with his shoe lace but stops and looks for a bathroom. She sees a large shirt on the bed and takes it with her teeth to the bathroom. Before closing the door Tiara remembered her manners taught to her by the psych path that had enslaved her To Emilio: ... Excuse me... Tiara changes back to being a human form with some difficulty and puts on the long shirt. Tiara walks out with the new shirt on all the way until her knees. "I thought I might as well change back since it seems to be a little difficult for you, Emilio, to talk to me by telepathy and I cant even get into Blancos mind well enough. He seems to be blocking me" Gives Blanco a stare.
Emilio merely nods. He hadn't ever needed to use telepathy so it completely gave him a headache...he would have to strengthen that weakness
"Are you okay? I am so sorry! I can't exactly talk in fox form..." Tiara holds her great grandmothers necklace and her tail disappears. Tiara also makes sure that her hair is covering her fox ears. She gets a chair for Emilio and sits on the floor herself in a corner.
"I'm fine" Emilio flicked his wrists and the piano wire led the knives back into his pockets. "by the way... There's a difference between looking at sometime and watching someone...and spying on someone."
Looks down shamefully... "But. Okay. I was NOT spying. I was just in my den in the forst when two kids start fighting/playing in different forms and I have never seen that before so I was just CURIOUS! Curious as a fox... Anyways, the shapeshifting wolf had taken the boy to its dorm room it seems and I just wanted to make sure that he was okay and when I was checking you kind of threw a knife at me... If there is anything that I think would be counted as breaking a rule would be someone throwing dangerous objects at someone else" Smirks.
"i threw the knife at the tree. It wasn't until I opened my senses that I noticed You were there. Quite frankly that was your fault...but it doesn't matter." Emilio waved off the topic. "I...didn't catch your name."
Rumbles through Emilio's mind secretly out of curiosity to why he cares about my name and finds nothing out of the sort. "Tiara. Tiara Kitsune." Remembers when Blanco tried to shake her hand and thought it must be what people do when they meet each other so she sticks out her hand so he can shake it and holds her breath to not feel the shock of someone else touching her.

Zero sighs, "Is that so?" His hand lingers on her shoulder unknowingly, his mind going on on something complicated.

"First to say, I'm not physco, I'm just a Student Council President," Blanco says, sighing. "Emily and I are just not really friends, you know. That's why he calls me physco when he's the one killing me." He says, coming over to Tiara. "This academy is a little bit different than others. You see, the SDC and the student council never seem to be working but they maintain the school well. The current SDC chairman is a dude, who loves being a mouse, who has balanced well with the help of the student council. Both clubs are highly favored by the students. It is a true pleasure if you can join either one. The problem is, Emily wants to become the new chairman. Just to be safe, student council is a better choice."
"Yes it is so,"She says trying very hard not to slap him.God are you trying to make me hurt.She thinks,grimacing.She puts her hand to her head running her finger through her tangled mess that she calls hair.
"just to be safe? Oh so you DIDN'T chain someone up and tried to force them to join?" Emilio countered. He looked at Tiara's hand before shaking it. "a pleasure to meet you. And no I was not trying to kill him.. Merely trying to get him to go to detention...but yes my goal is to in fact become chairman of the School Disciplinary Committee"
"Oh... Um.. I'm not a big people person... Or better said people might not want me... I seem to be a stalker. Um, and this whole 'psycho' thing is starting to freak me out..." Takes a step back and hits the wall and starts getting frightened and gets defensive on Blanco since he tried to take a step closer to me. Tiara trys to relax or at least look like she is relaxed and trys to make a joke "Well wherever the SDC chairman 'dude' is I think I would like to be. My favorite animal to eat is a mouse. Emily-Emilio-" Gives Blanco a look for my mess up that was his fault "If I get to eat the mouse I would happy if you become the new charman."
"Yes well when someone's very interesting they must join~Plus he harmed my dear Reito," he chuckles. "Merely enough to actually get out his weapons and stuff."

Zero sighs, "Is that so..." He gets this strangest feeling that something's not right. Justice....?
Emilio raised an eyebrow "Tiara....we don't eat other we?" He looked over at Blanco "this is my first day after all."
Blanco nods slightly, "It is your choice then, but no the mouse can turn back into a dude." He turns around, walking away. "And so that means you are eating a person as well. Do enjoy the school~!" He ignores Emilio. Justice is coming. He can sense the danger. Sighing, he goes off to call Reito again.
Soul knits her eyebrow together and tenses,"Justice,"She whispers quietly.His song echoing off the walls.

Justice wonders the hallway coming closer and closer to soul and zero."Well hello there,"He muses seeing the to of them together a flash of anger rising.
"Oi you're still going to Detention. Well...if you need anything I'll keep my mind open so you don't have to speak aloud" Emilio smiled kindly towards Tiara. His smile stopped when he felt a very....dark presence "what the....what is that...this feeling." anger? No more like...bloodlust. "Tiara I want you to stay hidden. I'd tell you not to follow but...I wouldn't even obey that command. If you follow me please stay hidden...I sense danger" Emilio looked at Tiara, his face was serious but soft. He then turned and walked out of the room towards the sensation.
Zero clicks his tongue as he stands in front of Soul, "Uh," he scowls. "Go back to your room Soul," he commands.

Blanco goes up to Reito's room as he knocks on her door, "Reito-chan~I think you have been playing with that guy for way too long..Reito~~~~" He calls out.
"It- It was a-a j-jo-joke..." Tiara is suddenly very cold and shaking. "Bl-Blanco..." She falls on her hands and feet looking down at the floor... She starts to transform unexpectedly. Her powers are being heightened with fear. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" This is when it hurts the most.. When it comes unexpectedly...
Soul for once does what she is told and hightails it down the hallway toward her room.She quickly slams the door open then places about 30 tons of furniture that magically appeared there in front of it.

Tsk tsk tsk,Justice says clicking his tongue,"Why were you with my Soulicy,"He looks at Zero,you could just feel how badly he wanted to tear his body apart limb by limb."I don't think i gave you permission to get near her,"He growls deeply his eyes gleaming with bloodlust.

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