The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Blanco disappears right that second as he leans onto another tree to sips his black tea.
Nodding, Rei stood up and walked into her room, pulling out a few clothes that she had gotten from the mens section and tossing them at him. "Put those on." she turned and shut the bathroom door, letting him get changed in peace.
Brett looked at the clothes Reito gave him. They weren't exactly his style.... "Have to make do with what you have, Brett." He told himself before putting the clothes on. He looked in the mirror above the sink. He was a complete mess. Blood, sweat and dirt covered his face and his hair was a mess. A sigh escaped his lips and he washed all the grime off, fixing his hair a bit before opening the door and walking out of the bathroom. "Thanks for your help."
Tiara Kitsune gets out of the den that she has made for her fox form can fit in and hide under to see Brett and Reito fighting. When she heard Brett mention fox she hid underneath the ground wondering if Brett was smelling HER. She watched the fight in awe and wonder for she had never played with a shape shifter or seen a Destrachan. When Reito took Brett to her dorm Tiara slowly followed her to watch. To able to see in such a high dorm Tiara climbed a tree and saw Blanco dissapear from a tree nearby. Watching two scenes she hides in the leaves. Thank goodness I am a silver fox so I am able to hide easily...
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Soul walks into the hallways her fingers tracing the cold stone walls,"Do de dum,"She hums not even noticing all the drama that was happening all around her.She was stuck inside her mind.
Emilio looked around and randomly threw one of his knives in the tree Tiara was in. He then clasped both hands on the string and seemed to be listening to the vibrations. His eyes snapped open and he backed away from the tree. "Show yourself!"
Blanco chuckles lightly, "There's no need to hide." He looks down directly to Tiara at where she's hiding. "Lost?"

(DON'T WORRY SOUL ZERO'S FREE to rp with :D ) Zero walks through the hallway to see Soul again. He blinks.
Tiaras heart starts racing. This is the first time she has ever truly been caught seeing others lives. She slowly gets out of the tree with her head down whimpering with her eyes focused on Emilio. I wonder if he is trustworthy or should I just run away... I have to be cautious. Tiara also looks at Blanco and gets a spark of recognition. There is no way I know him. There is just no way!
"....Blanco...." Emilio looked to where Blanco was then back to Tiara "It would be much more helpful if you just went to I've only got you on three days worth...I'll even cut it down to one if you go...and as for you...well I've got nothing on you...what were you doing?" He asked Tiara politely.
"My name is Blanco Blondo, the student council president, but a student who skips class as well," he gives out his hand for a shake. "And this is Emily...I mean Emilio, a dude who is competing for the chairman of the School Discipline Club. There's nothing wrong with observing other people's lives, you don't have to be afraid of me." He smiles kindly.
Soul freezes when she sees zero.She stares ,her cheeks instantly turning scarlet red.Not knowing what to do she just stood there staring sheepishly at him.Soul intertwines her fingers as if she is trying to to tangle them in knots.
Tiara comes out of the tree and into the room where Emilio is still in fox form. Mind communication with Emilio: I am sorry I wasn't going to do anything I was just curious of what was going on with Brett and Reito and I by mistake saw what was happening with you and Blanco and I really meant no harm!
Soul turns around quickly,so he can only she the back of her.Clenching her fist she starts to walk away,but secretly hoping he would follow and try to talk to her.Stop that Soul he is just a stupid demon you don't even know that much about him.It was true,yet she couldn't help but be drawn to him like a moth to flame.His mysterious darkness that he projected,those sad orange-crimson eyes,"No nothing,"She whispers.
"Is everything alright?" Just a plain question and he places his hand on her shoulder, hoping that as long as he avoids the topic they can still have a conversation, though it may be super awkward.

(I need Justice meow xD )
Tiara puts her snout in Blancos hand since she cant exactly shake hands right now. Mind communication with Blanco: Th-Thank you. Please, this is the first time I have ever been caught and I wasnt really doing anything there was just these two kids fight- playing and it was just nice to watch... Tiara goes around Blanco and Emilio smelling them. I haven't talked to another person in such a long time...
"that's a lie you should be very afraid of him...I'm pretty sure he's a psycho." Emilio said under his breath. Telepathy? Emilio looked at Tiara telepathy isn't part of my usual telekinesis powers but... mind communicating with Tiara: calm down. Though I'm pretty sure there's a rule against that, its not a major have nothing to worry about
A psycho?! Memorys of being a slave strike back into Tiaras thoughts. Tiara growls at Blanco and starts circling him. Tiara hears Emilio telling her to calm down in her head and goes behind Emilio to look at Blanco skeptically. Mind communication with Emilio: I broke a rule?! Tiara looks up at Emilio shocked. I never thought watching people would be breaking a rule! Realized she is watching Emilio and looks down. Tiara sees a chair with a shadow underneath it and hides in the shadow...
Q turned his head toward the direction that all the people were in after he had finished talking with the tree and learned of their ruckus. He used his eight vines to climb around the trees branches like a spider. He slowly got closer to them and they just came into his sight. Q climbed up to the part of the tree where the one leader girl of the student council was standing.

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